Ascended Salvaging

Ascended Salvaging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GreenGuildKnight.7016


After much anticipation we have ascended salvaging! As I’m sure many of you have done, such as myself, you have saved many rings over the last few months. Please let it be noted that ascended salvaging, at the moment, at least for rings, is worthless. I’m sure this has been discussed somewhere but here i go anyway. I bought a 20 ascended salvage tool for 20g and 40 relics. The return, you ask? 93 Stabilizing Matrices. Of little use to me at the moment i noticed you could sell them on the TP. The price you ask? just over 16g, not including fees. So after much wait and hope for ascended salvaging we have been given this. While i understand drop rates vary, etc. There is no actual benefit from salvaging rings at the moment. If you want these Stabilizing Matrices to get encryption keys or other reasons you can just buy them from the TP for cheaper than salvaging them yourself. My person note, I implore you to either wait until they are worth salvaging for marginal profit or sell them for to 4.95 silver like before.

Ascended Salvaging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Albatros.1274


I understand your anger. But I salvage ascended rings to get “Ball of Dark Energy” for my ascended back. I think ascended armor has a high value and should therefore cost an significant amount. In my guild people used currently 7-40 rings to get the ball. Accordingly, it would be a drop rate between 2.5 and about 15 percent. I think thats ok. Four gold loss is not so much, considering what we sometimes throw in the forge. And don’t forget you build an ascended armor piece.

Ascended Salvaging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MadCat.9172


What ? So salvage ascended ring can also drop Ball of Dark Energy ? not just Stabilizing Matrices ? I brought a neck for laurel and salvage it, no Ball, just 7 +1 infuse. Lame me.