(edited by Hawke.1094)
Ascended and raid.
*Ascended gear arent that hard to get. I got my full ascended gear (minus amulet cuz no laurel) in just over a month as a f2p player by just doing normal gameplay. I dont flip AH, I dont use gem, I dont specifically farm gold, all I did was running around doin events.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
(edited by Solid Gold.9310)
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
Well now you are just bad then. You don’t have 20 laurel for an Amulets?
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
Well now you are just bad then. You don’t have 20 laurel for an Amulets?
Yes I have a fair few laurels.
*Ascended gear arent that hard to get. I got my full ascended gear (minus amulet cuz no laurel) in just over a month as a f2p player by just doing normal gameplay. I dont flip AH, I dont use gem, I dont specifically farm gold, all I did was running around doin events.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
You never wanted to get ascended gear then.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of?
Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
I wouldn’t either worry about it or bother to complain, OP. That little tidbit about Asc. and raids a little before HoT lunch was either an ill-considered slip by Anet or a deliberate tactic. Either way, ANet had to know that players would establish that criteria with or without them. This was guaranteed when they introduced the idea there would be harder content with exclusive rewards behind it. ANet is unlikely to step in and reverse course, not if raids are going well, anyway.
- And the main point is: Most people ask for ascended isnt mainly because of the stats. Ascended gear is more like a status thing. Realistically speaking, a person in full ascended are more likely to know their kitten better than a person in full exotic. Just because a person says that they’re good with their rotation doesnt mean that they actually are. You can’t just believe in everything ppl say on the internet. Thus, asking for ascended is technically the safest bet.
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
No he mean that usually good players tend to have good gear. Because good player know that game, play more often and want to get the best gear.
Going after ascended don’t make you a better players. But good players usually have ascended gear.
- And the main point is: Most people ask for ascended isnt mainly because of the stats. Ascended gear is more like a status thing. Realistically speaking, a person in full ascended are more likely to know their kitten better than a person in full exotic. Just because a person says that they’re good with their rotation doesnt mean that they actually are. You can’t just believe in everything ppl say on the internet. Thus, asking for ascended is technically the safest bet.
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
No, it doesn’t make you a better player. it does make you a better prepared player though.
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
No he mean that usually good players tend to have good gear. Because good player know that game, play more often and want to get the best gear.
Going after ascended don’t make you a better players. But good players usually have ascended gear.
Can’t agree to this too. I do believe players who have full ascended might have spent more time on the game or valued different goals over someone who doesn’t have full ascended. I wouldn’t say they are better necessary.
I will add though, and I stated this pre HoT multiple times (go ahead, check my posting history), it’s human nature to try to maximize your chance of success. If asking for full ascended does this, then yes, people will ask for full ascended. Would I take someone I know to be a good player in an ascended/exotic mix over a random full ascended player? Sure.
But as long as I can’t judge a persons skill, I’ll try to maximise to the best stats I can. Which also counts for buff food. Expect raids to demand full buff food for every try until stuff is on farm.
So OP considers a good player to be someone who buys a few thousands gems on the gemstore. There’s no other way to get the gold needed for the mats to craft Ascended armor & weapons. There used to be – but that just meant someone who farmed CoF and did little else.
I do have some Ascended items – trinkets, amulets, and a weapon. The weapon… that was 200g worth of mats that I got from buying gems… Half of it used to level up the right craft, and half once at 500.
I do consider myself a decent player – but because I’ve been around, done all sorts of varied content in here (I took off from midway through Season 1 of living story until just a few months before HoT, so my experience has a middle gap). That I have any Ascended gear reflects not at all on how good I am at playing the game.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
So OP considers a good player to be someone who buys a few thousands gems on the gemstore. There’s no other way to get the gold needed for the mats to craft Ascended armor & weapons.
Wow, this is so wrong. There is only “no other way” if you have to have everything now. My new mantra for such claims is, “MMO’s are a marathon, not a sprint.”
Honestly, the best players I’ve come across have both been curious PvP’ers.
If Fractals and Gold Grinding were adequately challenging enough activities to encourage folks to climb the Skill Curve, we would’ve never gotten Raids.
That’s kind of the crux of the entire years-long campaign for more challenging content; that existing content did not suffice. So why would having those rewards indicate anything meaningful?
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
I got my full ascended gear (minus amulet cuz no laurel) in just over a month as a f2p player by just doing normal gameplay.
I’m confused. F2p players get no login rewards, meaning no laurels (as you said). Purchasing the recipes to craft ascended gear requires laurels for each individual recipe. Given that ascended gear drops are exceedingly rare and getting even one in that span of time would be cause for tremendous celebration, how exactly did you acquire ascended gear?
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
No, it doesn’t make you a better player. it does make you a better prepared player though.
So OP considers a good player to be someone who buys a few thousands gems on the gemstore.
Gosh, do you guys have trouble understanding English? >.>
I didnt say ascended make you a better player. What I said was a person in full ascended are MORE LIKELY to know the game better than a person in full exotic. More likely. It’s like a percentage thing.
For example, 7 out of 10 ascended geared ppl know the game inside out, but only 5 out of 10 for exotic.
So by asking for ppl with ascended, you’re 20% more likely to get a good player. Which is why ppl do it.
Got it? Cool
No he mean that usually good players tend to have good gear. Because good player know that game, play more often and want to get the best gear.
Going after ascended don’t make you a better players. But good players usually have ascended gear.
^^^^ He got that right
I’m confused. F2p players get no login rewards, meaning no laurels (as you said). Purchasing the recipes to craft ascended gear requires laurels for each individual recipe. Given that ascended gear drops are exceedingly rare and getting even one in that span of time would be cause for tremendous celebration, how exactly did you acquire ascended gear?
It’s pretty simple, just getting to 3k AP give you more than enough laurel for 2 recipes, which I used to buy the weapon and the chest piece.
The rings from fractals, crafted the back from MF, got 2 trinkets from guild missions.
For the rest, I ask one of my friends, and guildies, for some favor and bought the cheapest ascended armor recipes on TP , which is pretty cheap, then I change the stats using the toilet after I crafted the pieces. Which make amulet the only piece I couldnt get when I was f2p, as there are no other way to obtain it without spending 20 laurels.
None of my ascended armors/weapons are from random drop since I’m unlucky af
(edited by Hawke.1094)
Honestly, the best players I’ve come across have both been curious PvP’ers.
If Fractals and Gold Grinding were adequately challenging enough activities to encourage folks to climb the Skill Curve, we would’ve never gotten Raids.
That’s kind of the crux of the entire years-long campaign for more challenging content; that existing content did not suffice. So why would having those rewards indicate anything meaningful?
I play since release and must have missed that glorious campaign you mention for SuperMarioWars2, ReflextestWars2 or Raidwars2.
My fun with GW2 began to decline with ls2, that was garbage in so many ways that the waste department probably thought of ways to dispose it. My login time sunk rapidly with HoT, and the few times I was in a raid I felt that I utterly wasted my time.
It may be that there was some lobbying for it, but I am pretty sure many people would rather like to have a beautiful story, engaging game mechanics that keeps the game awesome without turning it into a slaughterhouse for the less skilled players, progressive world and new creatures/races to explore instead of a jump heavy, multilayered nightmare of a map which hides the good stuff behind chain events you have to babysit for hours and from different locations if you want to understand what is going on in them lorewise.
Of course you could argue that we got some of that with HoT and to an extend, it is true. If you like a story or not depends on your preferences, your engaging experience is my grinding experience, and your jumping preference is my kick in the balls. I have to weather HoT out if I want to stay with GW2 and have to hope that if falls flat on the face in a timespan where I still want to play GW2.
So please don´t try to sell the impression that there was massive lobbying for raids and engaging open world, support for raids was medium at best with many people speaking out against it, at least in this forum.
Before you read on, I’ve played this game for exactly 2 months, and more than half of that time as a f2p player.
Why are people complaining about people asking for ascended only in raid? It is perfectly ok, and reasonable to want ppl in your raid to have ascended gear. Why?
Ascended gear arent that hard to get. I got my full ascended gear (minus amulet cuz no laurel) in just over a month as a f2p player by just doing normal gameplay. I dont flip AH, I dont use gem, I dont specifically farm gold, all I did was running around doin events.
- Raid isnt normal dungeons or fractal. It is the hardest content in the game, is it too much to ask for people to put in more effort to get in? You cant just sit in LA all day in your exotic doing nothing, then jump into a raid, holding people down, just cuz you like it. People worked for their ascended, why cant you?
- And no, just because you paid for the xpac doesnt mean other people have to let you into their raid.
- Sure, the stats improvement arent that much, but it’s better than nothing. Yes, you can do more DPS if you’re good with your rotation, but it’s not something that can be shown on the chat. Doing raid in exotic is like doing fractal at level 79. You can do it easily, as the stat different are under 10%, but are people gonna welcome you? Probably not. If I get to pick between 2 people, equally skilled, but one is in exotic and the other is in ascended, I’d probably pick the latter.
- And the main point is: Most people ask for ascended isnt mainly because of the stats. Ascended gear is more like a status thing. Realistically speaking, a person in full ascended are more likely to know their kitten better than a person in full exotic. Just because a person says that they’re good with their rotation doesnt mean that they actually are. You can’t just believe in everything ppl say on the internet. Thus, asking for ascended is technically the safest bet.
So, again, it’s ok for people to ask for ascended gear in raid, stop complain about it. If you dont like it, make another party with no requirement.
Calling bull kitten. Full ascended means armor weapons and trinkets. 1 month won’t get you enough laurels to get trinkets but I’ll let that one slide.
No way did you level crafting to 500 on at least 3 crafting professions and craft enough ascended mats to make a full ascended character unless you went gem to gold, or got 2 Dusk drops. Each ascended recipe also requires laurels which means you couldn’t have used those for trikets.
I have 2 Full ascended characters I don’t think you know what that means.
Free to Play…..
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
(edited by Aidenwolf.5964)
Calling bull kitten. Full ascended means armor weapons and trinkets. 1 month won’t get you enough laurels to get trinkets but I’ll let that one slide.
No way did you level crafting to 500 on at least 3 crafting professions and craft enough ascended mats to make a full ascended character unless you went gem to gold, or got 2 Dusk drops. Each ascended recipe also requires laurels which means you couldn’t have used those for trikets.
I have 2 Full ascended characters I don’t think you know what that means.
Free to Play…..
The f? Did you not read my previous reply to the other guy?
First of all, you only need 2 crafting. I’m 500 on weaponsmith and armorsmith. Do you really have 2 char with ascended armor? Or is it just bluffing? lol
Oh, and there’s this thing called “gathering”. I spent 20g to level my first profession and 60g for the second with the mats I already have in hand.
And for the armor recipes
It’s pretty simple, just getting to 3k AP give you more than enough laurel for 2 recipes, which I used to buy the weapon and the chest piece.
The rings from fractals, crafted the back from MF, got 2 trinkets from guild missions.For the rest, I ask one of my friends, and guildies, for some favor and bought the cheapest ascended armor recipes on TP , which is pretty cheap, then I change the stats using the toilet after I crafted the pieces. Which make amulet the only piece I couldnt get when I was f2p, as there are no other way to obtain it without spending 20 laurels.
None of my ascended armors/weapons are from random drop since I’m unlucky af
Dude, read. It’s not that hard and it’s useful to know how.
P/s: you double-posted btw
(edited by Hawke.1094)
The issue with the raid is that it requires the exact same gear that it rewards – considering that raids are together with crafting the most significant option to get ascended items this is a problem no matter if or how many characters you have in all pinks.
The f? Did you not read my previous reply to the other guy?
First of all, you only need 2 crafting. I’m 500 on weaponsmith and armorsmith. Do you really have 2 char with ascended armor? Or is it just bluffing? lol
That really depends on your class and how much you ignore alternate weapon sets. For a most classes you need 2 professions although the missing offhand or what not can be obtained by those rare Teq chests.
What intrests me more is your opening line in this thread and the one in your very first post ever (which was 23 days ago):
I’ve only played warrior for 2 months, idk much about what’s good and what’s bad about the traits yet.
Either way if you got full ascended gear on one character (Warrior I guess but no bow?) within a month it was not done via normal play – and unsurprisingly not a condition class.
There are three ways to do it though, gems, gaming the TP for hours or living in Tyria. Considering you already said that you didn’t use option 1 + 2 I guess you had a lot of time on your hands.
Calling bull kitten. Full ascended means armor weapons and trinkets. 1 month won’t get you enough laurels to get trinkets but I’ll let that one slide.
No way did you level crafting to 500 on at least 3 crafting professions and craft enough ascended mats to make a full ascended character unless you went gem to gold, or got 2 Dusk drops. Each ascended recipe also requires laurels which means you couldn’t have used those for trikets.
I have 2 Full ascended characters I don’t think you know what that means.
Free to Play…..
The f? Did you not read my previous reply to the other guy?
First of all, you only need 2 crafting. I’m 500 on weaponsmith and armorsmith. Do you really have 2 char with ascended armor? Or is it just bluffing? lolOh, and there’s this thing called “gathering”. I spent 20g to level my first profession and 60g for the second with the mats I already have in hand.
And for the armor recipes
It’s pretty simple, just getting to 3k AP give you more than enough laurel for 2 recipes, which I used to buy the weapon and the chest piece.
The rings from fractals, crafted the back from MF, got 2 trinkets from guild missions.For the rest, I ask one of my friends, and guildies, for some favor and bought the cheapest ascended armor recipes on TP , which is pretty cheap, then I change the stats using the toilet after I crafted the pieces. Which make amulet the only piece I couldnt get when I was f2p, as there are no other way to obtain it without spending 20 laurels.
None of my ascended armors/weapons are from random drop since I’m unlucky af
Dude, read. It’s not that hard and it’s useful to know how.
P/s: you double-posted btw
I’m Full ascended light and medium armor
Full ascended and legendary weapon (Quip)
I’ve got more trinkets than you’ve got days played sitting in my bank unused as they’re surplus and ascended salvaging isn’t rewarding enough yet.
You can’t have a full ascended character in a month without massive luck or breaking out the plastic.
If you want screenshots I’ll oblige.
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work. Even if you bought the recipes your materials are gated. After leveling crafting with materials in hand as you claim, your mats would be been depleted to zero. I’ve done this as have many many others and I smell BS
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
(edited by Aidenwolf.5964)
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work.
Well no, not necessarily.
There are quite a few ascended recepies on the TP that do not require laurels.
Same goes for trinkets. Actually laurels here are the less desired method of aquisition (except for amulet).
Rings – better to get via pristine relics. 2 rings take 2-5 days now per ring
Accessoires – guild commendations all the way. 2 weeks per 1 item
Backpiece – can be crafted via the mf (with the current nerf to fractal relic rewards, this might be better than crafting the fractal backpiece)
Amulet – the only slot where laurels excel, but even here there are achievements that can cover you.
That’s not even getting into Living Story season 2, which provides a nearly full set of ascended sinister trinkets and a ascended armor piece of players choice while at the same time providing around 200 gold. If a person devotes time to completing the Bioluminescent collection. Easily doable in 1 month.
(edited by Cyninja.2954)
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work.
Well no, not necessarily.
There are quite a few ascended recepies on the TP that do not require laurels.
Same goes for trinkets. Actually laurels here are the less desired method of aquisition (except for amulet).
Rings – better to get via pristine relics. 2 rings take 2-5 days now per ring
Accessoires – guild commendations all the way. 2 weeks per 1 item
Backpiece – can be crafted via the mf (with the current nerf to fractal relic rewards, this might be better than crafting the fractal backpiece)
Amulet – the only slot where laurels excel, but even here there are achievements that can cover you.That’s not even getting into Living Story season 2, which provides a nearly full set of ascended sinister trinkets and a ascended armor piece of players choice while at the same time providing around 200 gold. If a person devotes time to completing the Bioluminescent collection. Easily doable in 1 month.
1 month of playtime total is what the OP claims. Even if LS S2 was bought I’m not buying the story.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I’m Full ascended light and medium armor
Full ascended and legendary weapon (Quip)
I’ve got more trinkets than you’ve got days played sitting in my bank unused as they’re surplus and ascended salvaging isn’t rewarding enough yet.You can’t have a full ascended character in a month without massive luck or breaking out the plastic.
If you want screenshots I’ll oblige.
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work. Even if you bought the recipes your materials are gated. After leveling crafting with materials in hand as you claim, your mats would be been depleted to zero. I’ve done this as have many many others and I smell BS
Umm…okay? Why are you bragging about your plastic toy pistol and trinkets? Last time I check, I dont really care lol
You say that recipes require laurel? How about you check the TP post first? Not gonna spoil it, but you may or may not see a bunch of ascended recipes up there.
You’re saying the mats are time gated and the math doesnt work? Did you even try doing the math? To make a full set of ascended armor and weapon, you need 6 asc wood, 21 cloth 18 leather and 25 ingots. I’m pretty sure there’s 31 days in a month, am I right or am I right?
You didnt even bother doing the math and you said it doesnt work….RIP math.
I’m Full ascended light and medium armor
Full ascended and legendary weapon (Quip)
I’ve got more trinkets than you’ve got days played sitting in my bank unused as they’re surplus and ascended salvaging isn’t rewarding enough yet.You can’t have a full ascended character in a month without massive luck or breaking out the plastic.
If you want screenshots I’ll oblige.
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work. Even if you bought the recipes your materials are gated. After leveling crafting with materials in hand as you claim, your mats would be been depleted to zero. I’ve done this as have many many others and I smell BS
Umm…okay? Why are you bragging about your plastic toy pistol and trinkets? Last time I check, I dont really care lol
You say that recipes require laurel? How about you check the TP post first? Not gonna spoil it, but you may or may not see a bunch of ascended recipes up there
You’re saying the mats are time gated and the math doesnt work? Did you even try doing the math? To make a full set of ascended armor and weapon, you need 6 asc wood, 21 cloth 18 leather and 25 ingots. I’m pretty sure there’s 31 days in a month, am I right or am I right?
You didnt even bother doing the math and you said it doesnt work….RIP math.
You claim a month of playtime to full ascended meaning you had to churn out 25 Dams beginning 5 days after starting the game. 5 days after starting you were a 500 armorsmith and farmed like a demon for a month to get it done, that’s what I doubt.
Mocking my legendary reeks of jealosy
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
You claim a month of playtime to full ascended meaning you had to churn out 25 Dams beginning 5 days after starting the game. 5 days after starting you were a 500 armorsmith and farmed like a demon for a month to get it done, that’s what I doubt.
Mocking my legendary reeks of jealosy
I said, and I quote
I got my full ascended gear (minus amulet cuz no laurel) in just over a month as a f2p player
By that, I mean from when I’m a fresh 80 with 0 crafting till I have full ascended stuff. Not from when I’m level 1…
Now lets do the math, shall we? I’ve played for a total of 67 days on my account.
As you can see here,
I started saving the master fractal chests after I heard about the upcoming fractal changes. And I saved up 16 of them, so far, and I opened over 10 of them before, that mean I started doing master scale (50+) over 26 days ago. And you’ll need almost a full set of ascended armor to do scale 50+. Meaning I’ve had most of my ascended stuff (not full, cuz I started doing scale 50 couple days before I’m full ascended) over 26 days ago.
And I got the games 26 days ago. Leaving me being a f2p for 41 days. Lets say it took me 10 days to get to 80. So from fresh 80 till full ascended armor, it took me 31 days. That’s 1 month, right? Am I missing anything?
http://puu.sh/lJY6K.jpg <— lt’s full ascended, yes?
Just because you cant do something doesnt mean it’s impossible for other players too. Getting ascended stuff is easier than you think lol
Oh and I’m not mocking your legendary cuz I’m jealous. I’m mocking it cuz….well, honestly, it’s one of the ugliest legendary in the game. Like really, a toy pistol? >.>
The new pistol are much more awesome, and I’d be jealous if you have the newer one.
(edited by Hawke.1094)
Ascended recipes require laurels as do trinkets, materials are gated, the math doesn’t work.
Well no, not necessarily.
There are quite a few ascended recepies on the TP that do not require laurels.
Same goes for trinkets. Actually laurels here are the less desired method of aquisition (except for amulet).
Rings – better to get via pristine relics. 2 rings take 2-5 days now per ring
Accessoires – guild commendations all the way. 2 weeks per 1 item
Backpiece – can be crafted via the mf (with the current nerf to fractal relic rewards, this might be better than crafting the fractal backpiece)
Amulet – the only slot where laurels excel, but even here there are achievements that can cover you.That’s not even getting into Living Story season 2, which provides a nearly full set of ascended sinister trinkets and a ascended armor piece of players choice while at the same time providing around 200 gold. If a person devotes time to completing the Bioluminescent collection. Easily doable in 1 month.
1 month of playtime total is what the OP claims. Even if LS S2 was bought I’m not buying the story.
You not believeing him has nothing to do with the fact that it’s possible.
It was never claimed this had to be done casually. We are talking MAX gear within 1 month, from scratch, on a f2p account. Payed accounts would have had an easier time thanks to laurel rewards.
(edited by Cyninja.2954)
- And the main point is: Most people ask for ascended isnt mainly because of the stats. Ascended gear is more like a status thing. Realistically speaking, a person in full ascended are more likely to know their kitten better than a person in full exotic. Just because a person says that they’re good with their rotation doesnt mean that they actually are. You can’t just believe in everything ppl say on the internet. Thus, asking for ascended is technically the safest bet.
So you’re saying working on Ascended Gear rather than playing game is making you a better player ? Yeah sure
At least its not making him a lazy player and a nuisance to his fellow players.. if everyone shared ur mindset all 10 would be in full exotics, each dealing 11% less stat damage.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of?
Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
“umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of? " Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.
“Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it. " Still trying to decode that one.
“Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards” No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.
“Raids are for those who want to face the challenges” I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.
846 hours over 68 days. That’s 13 h/day, for over two months.
Your last two months were nothing but playing gw2 and sleeping, and now you can play ONE role of ONE class. Now your raid group says they already have 2 P’Warrs, thank you very much, do you know someone who can play condi?
How can you defend this?
I have my full ascended armor only over half complete now, and let me tell you, it took some kittening time. Why? Because I don’t enjoy braindead content. I’ve explored the world of Tyria, witnessed all the big events, tried dungeons and fractals. And then I grew bored. Some people just don’t like running dungeons or doin silverwastes events to farm gold. Unlike raids, its just not challenging. What makes you think someone who spend more time in the silverwastes pressing F will be better at raids then say a PvP player thats actually experienced in combat?
+1, Molch. A very nice of way of stating the obvious message on the basement wall.^^
I don´t know if that is humanly possible for over two months, but maybe he subsided himself with coffein, nicotine and medication to shortcut eating and sleeping breaks or works in an industry where you have to stay awake but not necessarily be working in the purest of senses like night shift guards or a machine technician.
Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.
Still trying to decode that one.
No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.
I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.
“Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.” Is there even a point to this sentence?
“Still trying to decode that one.” no coding, just English, if you dont understand, well, too bad
“No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.” You’re mistaken. I didnt use the word “made for”, I used “designed for”. Raid is made for everyone, but it’s not designed for everyone. There’s a different.
“I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.” by challenges, I mean things that make you improve yourself to complete
846 hours over 68 days. That’s 13 h/day, for over two months.
Your last two months were nothing but playing gw2 and sleeping, and now you can play ONE role of ONE class. Now your raid group says they already have 2 P’Warrs, thank you very much, do you know someone who can play condi?
How can you defend this?
Defend what? Am I not allowed to let the game run in background while I work? Is that a new thing in ToS or something? News flash: AFK is okay.
And if the group already have 2 PWars, then I’ll find another. OR I can get my guard and put of the armor.
What about it? Idk where should I defend myself lol…. Isnt this whole post is about ascended armor? Why is there a class issue here? I’m so lost >.>
@Hawke what they’re trying to explain to you is that raid comps need class X or style Y and if you’re geared heavy Zerk but not Condi you’re not getting selected for the raid. It happens which is why I have light and medium ready to go.
If the raid needs Condi when you’re Zerk or bar breaking you can’t provide (for example) then you being full ascended is irrelevant to the raid as it’s the wrong style or you’re the wrong class.
I’m very much in favor of ascended raid comps but we’ve made exceptions based on need. We’ve taken a half ascended half exo geared guildy for bar breaking over a full ascended.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
(edited by Aidenwolf.5964)
@Hawke what they’re trying to explain to you is that raid comps need class X or style Y and if you’re geared heavy Zerk but not Condi you’re not getting selected for the raid. It happens which is why I have light and medium ready to go.
You’re new here try to listen.
No kitten Sherlock. I’m trying to say that that is completely irrelevant to this thread. Is that really hard to understand? We’re talking about purely gear only here. As in, same class, but ascended vs exotic. So please, dont bring classes and team comps into the discussion.
I know you’re not new here, but please, do try to read. :P
I really dont want to have to quote myself over and over again, but here:
Isnt this whole post is about ascended armor? Why is there a class issue here? I’m so lost
here, in case you wanna talk about team comps.
(edited by Hawke.1094)
I explained something noob watch your tone
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I explained something noob watch your tone
Yes, you explained something I already understood and are completely irrelevant. Do you want me to say thank you while clapping to celebrate the necessity of your intervention?
And just because you tell me to watch my tone, I will totally do so. It’s a really good idea to listen to random strangers on the internet.
(edited by Hawke.1094)
I explained something noob watch your tone
Yes, you explained something I already understood and are completely irrelevant. Do you want me to say thank you while clapping?
You asked why what he/she said was relevant which it was to the discussion of ascended. A month ago you didn’t know kitten all about signets now with your vast month of knowledge you’re trying to tell players how easy it is to aquire (because let’s be clear you got drops) ascended. Armor and weapons to fully gear a character cost around 1000g you should write a guide hell you are maybe the greatest gold farmer…. Ever.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I explained something noob watch your tone
Yes, you explained something I already understood and are completely irrelevant. Do you want me to say thank you while clapping?
You asked why what he/she said was relevant which it was to the discussion of ascended. A month ago you didn’t know kitten all about signets now with your vast month of knowledge you’re trying to tell players how easy it is to aquire (because let’s be clear you got drops) ascended. Armor and weapons to fully gear a character cost around 1000g you should write a guide hell you are maybe the greatest gold farmer…. Ever.
No, it wasnt relevant. Ascended vs exotic and class vs class are 2 completely unrelated topics, and should not be discussed in the same thread.
Oh wow, now you’re digging through my old posts to have something to say to me? Really tho, it’s not even related lol. How about we stay in 1 thread without digging up unrelated stuff? I never even claimed to have vast knowledge anyways. But at least I do know how to craft ascended armor?
Oh haha, I got drops? Right, I totally got ascended weapons and 6 pieces of ascended armors from RNG drops in 1 month. Totally. Kappa.
Oh and you want to know the secret to making gold without farming? It’s called “never tell anyone about it”.
I explained something noob watch your tone
Yes, you explained something I already understood and are completely irrelevant. Do you want me to say thank you while clapping?
You asked why what he/she said was relevant which it was to the discussion of ascended. A month ago you didn’t know kitten all about signets now with your vast month of knowledge you’re trying to tell players how easy it is to aquire (because let’s be clear you got drops) ascended. Armor and weapons to fully gear a character cost around 1000g you should write a guide hell you are maybe the greatest gold farmer…. Ever.
No, it wasnt relevant. Ascended vs exotic and class vs class are 2 completely unrelated topics, and should not be discussed in the same thread.
Oh wow, now you’re digging through my old posts to have something to say to me? Really tho, it’s not even related lol. How about we stay in 1 thread without digging up unrelated stuff? I never even claimed to have vast knowledge anyways. But at least I do know how to craft ascended armor?
Oh haha, I got drops? Right, I totally got ascended weapons and 6 pieces of ascended armors from RNG drops in 1 month. Totally. Kappa.
Oh and you want to know the secret to making gold without farming? It’s called “never tell anyone about it”.
Haha you know nothing about this game I don’t. I take that back you mastered the art of forum troll in record time.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Haha you know nothing about this game I don’t. I take that back you mastered the art of forum troll in record time.
Ok, at this point I’ll take it that you dont have anything else constructive to the topic, so lets just end it here and wait for other ppl who actually have counter arguments to the topic
846 hours over 68 days. That’s 13 h/day, for over two months.
Your last two months were nothing but playing gw2 and sleeping, and now you can play ONE role of ONE class. Now your raid group says they already have 2 P’Warrs, thank you very much, do you know someone who can play condi?
How can you defend this?
True, except for:
- ascended being account boud. So technically he has ascended for 3 out of 9 classes now.
- full ascended armor is still not needed and the major ascended stats come from trinkets, which are EASILY gained over the course of 1 month with a fraction of the played time
- ascended armor and weapons can have their stats changed which significantly reduces cost of changing to a different set after collecting your first
- the cost for getting a crafting skill to 500 falls away once you have it on one character unless you are OCD about having crafting on every character
No one said it was for free. That’s what exotics are for. The point is, it’s doable and by far not as bad as people make it out to be if you actually work towards this goal.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of?
Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
“umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of? " Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.
“Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it. " Still trying to decode that one.
“Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards” No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.
“Raids are for those who want to face the challenges” I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.
I agree that we all payed the same price.
But honestly, how do you expect arenanet to develope challenging content for players who have not even tried to prepare for said content in 3 years?
What about the months of pre-HoT news and previews did not sufficiently prepare you to get ready, especially on a 3 year old account?
Ideally though, yes more events like the Queens gauntletwould be nice. Pure solo challenging content which was fun.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of?
Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
“umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of? " Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.
“Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it. " Still trying to decode that one.
“Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards” No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.
“Raids are for those who want to face the challenges” I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.
I agree that we all payed the same price.
But honestly, how do you expect arenanet to develope challenging content for players who have not even tried to prepare for said content in 3 years?
What about the months of pre-HoT news and previews did not sufficiently prepare you to get ready, especially on a 3 year old account?
Ideally though, yes more events like the Queens gauntletwould be nice. Pure solo challenging content which was fun.
Not everyone has been playing the game since launch.
There are lots of new players that are locked out of raids because they don´t have fully ascended gear.
Funny that because I’ve been running around on my toon for 2,300 hours, and I only have one (1) ascended weapon, no ascended armour, no ascended trinkets or anything else ascended.
That’s since the head start a couple of days before August 28, 2012
umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of?
Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
“umm…okay? Is that something to be proud of? " Dunno, yes no, not particularly/maybe.
“Just because you’re not working for something doesn’t mean they’re hard to get. It just mean that you didn’t work for it. " Still trying to decode that one.
“Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards” No I think we should all be able to experience raids whatever our abilities, as I have said before, there should be difficulty levels and we all paid full price for the game, we didn’t pay full price to be excluded from part of it.
“Raids are for those who want to face the challenges” I think we all like a challenge, isn’t that why we’re here.
I agree that we all payed the same price.
But honestly, how do you expect arenanet to develope challenging content for players who have not even tried to prepare for said content in 3 years?
What about the months of pre-HoT news and previews did not sufficiently prepare you to get ready, especially on a 3 year old account?
Ideally though, yes more events like the Queens gauntletwould be nice. Pure solo challenging content which was fun.
Not everyone has been playing the game since launch.
There are lots of new players that are locked out of raids because they don´t have fully ascended gear.
They are not locked out because, according to the devs, VG is tuned to full exotic gear and you can do Gors and Sabetha in pure exo too; trinkets aren’t difficult to get, so that can be expected before you go raids. Crafting weapons isn’t that bad either.
If there’s people who require full asc in their pugs, don’t join, create you own or even better, go find a godkitten guild and raid properly.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
Agreed, raids need to be a challenge. I just don’t see why getting gear for raids should also be a challenge.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
Agreed, raids need to be a challenge. I just don’t see why getting gear for raids should also be a challenge.
Actually, getting gear for raid is not a challenge. Yes, if you look at it, making ascended is really complicated, but once you start working toward it bit by bit, it’s simple.
There are 2 things that make crafting ascended stuff seems complicated.
- The crafting system in this game looks confusing. Instead of getting the mats and craft the armor straight up, you have to get the mats, craft it into other mats, which is used to craft another component for the armor. So while it looks confusing, it’s actually not if you just see what material are needed and write them down somewhere.
- The people who look at it and thought it’s complicated then go and tell others how complicated it is. After that, the idea just spread like wild fire.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
Agreed, raids need to be a challenge. I just don’t see why getting gear for raids should also be a challenge.
Actually, getting gear for raid is not a challenge. Yes, if you look at it, making ascended is really complicated, but once you start working toward it bit by bit, it’s simple.
There are 2 things that make crafting ascended stuff seems complicated.
- The crafting system in this game looks confusing. Instead of getting the mats and craft the armor straight up, you have to get the mats, craft it into other mats, which is used to craft another component for the armor. So while it looks confusing, it’s actually not if you just see what material are needed and write them down somewhere.
- The people who look at it and thought it’s complicated then go and tell others how complicated it is. After that, the idea just spread like wild fire.
Who has ever said the confusing crafting system is the problem? The ridiculous amount of mats needed is.
Raids aren’t designed for people who’re satisfied with the normal standards. Raids are for those who want to face the challenges. And those are the people who actually work to improve themselves, and their gears.
Agreed, raids need to be a challenge. I just don’t see why getting gear for raids should also be a challenge.
Actually, getting gear for raid is not a challenge. Yes, if you look at it, making ascended is really complicated, but once you start working toward it bit by bit, it’s simple.
There are 2 things that make crafting ascended stuff seems complicated.
- The crafting system in this game looks confusing. Instead of getting the mats and craft the armor straight up, you have to get the mats, craft it into other mats, which is used to craft another component for the armor. So while it looks confusing, it’s actually not if you just see what material are needed and write them down somewhere.
- The people who look at it and thought it’s complicated then go and tell others how complicated it is. After that, the idea just spread like wild fire.
Who has ever said the confusing crafting system is the problem? The ridiculous amount of mats needed is.
I wouldn’t even say the amount of mats is the problem. The actual problem is that ANet decided to use those mats for basically everything in HoT, creating huge demand while taking so many gold sources out of the game. Now we’re looking at prices so much higher than before while overall earning less gold.
My tip: Get asc trinkets, craft asc weapons, exo armor, do raids and hope for drops/buy with shards. If you have trinkets and weapons you’re set, armor is a rather small increase in damage and the timers are lax enough if your squad doesn’t play “roll my face on keyboard”-style.
We all know that the measurement for distinguishing good players from average/bad players were fractals before HoT. A group with good players were able to breeze through 50 within 15~35 minutes without dying. And in order to do that, ascended gear, at least armor was a must in order to get through the agony. Some people could have opted for backpiece and trinkets only, but I don’t know anyone who did that on my friendlist or guildies.
Basically, if you were able to do fractal 50 in organized settings with all the strategies ironed out, with occasional hiccups, you were considered a good player. Now I agree that having ascended gear is not a good measurement for reflecting one’s skill, however one can definitely argue that at least ones with fully ascended armor before HoT patch with fractal personal level 50 have experienced encounters that makes you think about group and individual encounters(dodging, mitigating damage, blinding, reflecting, etc) and may be more knowledgeable about classes in general.
If anyone wants to attempt raids with exotic gear, make your own group and attempt. Do not apply to raid guilds and demand that they accept you, or do not force your way into people trying to organize for raid. Either meet the requirements, or make the squad with requirements of your own. Now in my opinion Gorseval was pretty heavy dps check, but there are groups who finished it with 1~2min spared. So if you think you can do it in exotic gear, clear the raids, post the videos, and tell us about the experience.
If anyone wants to attempt raids with exotic gear, make your own group and attempt. Do not apply to raid guilds and demand that they accept you, or do not force your way into people trying to organize for raid. Either meet the requirements, or make the squad with requirements of your own. Now in my opinion Gorseval was pretty heavy dps check, but there are groups who finished it with 1~2min spared. So if you think you can do it in exotic gear, clear the raids, post the videos, and tell us about the experience.
This. Couldnt have said it better.