Ascended boxes in fractals
you realy want ascended boxes from bug abusing and afk-autoattack play style?
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)
You can get ascended boxes from lower dailies, chance is just extremely low.
We had a bunch of box drops in our guild since the patch; they don’t seem to be extremely high, but they’re not completely horrible either.
you realy want ascended boxes from bug abusing and afk-autoattack play style?
I don’t think you actually know what a bug is. You can still be hit on that pillar, and if it is an unintended thing by anet, they should/would have said something by now. And not really sure what your comment has to do with the OP either.
You can get ascended boxes from lower dailies, chance is just extremely low.
We had a bunch of box drops in our guild since the patch; they don’t seem to be extremely high, but they’re not completely horrible either.
Hmmm okay. I’ve been out of the loop on the gw2 subreddit and the forums recently so not sure if there has been a spreadsheet done about drop rates after the patch.
Overall combined drop rate for weapon/armor ascended chests from 51+ daily is ~15% or so from my understanding. Obviously you’re not going to see one daily, but you should expect one every week or so that you finish the daily. I know that lines up with my experiences.
Overall combined drop rate for weapon/armor ascended chests from 51+ daily is ~15% or so from my understanding. Obviously you’re not going to see one daily, but you should expect one every week or so that you finish the daily. I know that lines up with my experiences.
Hmm… I’ve gotten 1 since the fractal update. Been getting rings here and there, but that’s it. Maybe just having some bad luck I guess.
I’ve gotten 0 since the last update and I’ve made them daily. It’s just fxxxing RNG.
I’ve gotten 0 since the last update and I’ve made them daily. It’s just fxxxing RNG.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is there someone actually out there who has worse RNG than I do?
Also, I guess that explains it, you have a 62% chance to get nothing at all even from doing the Champion daily, sigh…
(edited by Eight Samurai.6840)
I’ve gotten 0 since the last update and I’ve made them daily. It’s just fxxxing RNG.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is there someone actually out there who has worse RNG than I do?
Dunno. Pre-HoT it worked fine for me with ascended boxes in fractals.
I’ve gotten 0 since the last update and I’ve made them daily. It’s just fxxxing RNG.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is there someone actually out there who has worse RNG than I do?
Pre-HoT it worked fine for me with ascended boxes in fractals.
Yeah Pre-HoT I was getting about 1 a week, often times 2, and towards the very end I was getting 3 a week (but that was very rare).
I don’t think you actually know what a bug is. You can still be hit on that pillar, and if it is an unintended thing by anet, they should/would have said something by now.
You can’t be hit by everything on the pillar. One of the mechanics of the boss is to spawn adds, and the adds are incapable of touching you up there, even when the boss can.
Of course, this sort of thing has existed in dungeons forever and generally goes unfixed.
Attacking Mossman from the pillar is a blatant exploit and will be addressed. When it gets addressed, I would be surprised if they announced it in patch notes; they never call out exploits like that.
RNG is a cruel mistress. I had seven armour boxes drop from Veteran and Champion level fractal dailies (192% Base MF). Haven’t even used any of ’em, still waiting on a full set before I do.
If you want weapon boxes these seem to drop more frequently from PvP reward tracks. Got two of those since the Wintersday launch, playing only a few unranked matches a week.
Attacking Mossman from the pillar is a blatant exploit and will be addressed. When it gets addressed, I would be surprised if they announced it in patch notes; they never call out exploits like that.
Never you say ?
Granted a vast majority of that went untouched….but pretty sure we have different uses of the word never.
Granted a vast majority of that went untouched….but pretty sure we have different uses of the word never.
It looks like you’re correct, they did call out one exploit in patch notes out of the hundreds they’ve fixed since the game came out. Maybe this means we’ll see more of it… or maybe not.
It’s RNG man. Sucks. A guy in my guild got a precursor and an ascended leg box in the same run last week.
Uhh, does MF actually affect anything there?
I played for 3-4 months a long time ago , and got nothing. I recently returned to the game on a new account and I’ve received 3 ascended boxes just in the past week from the dailies. (Helm/shoulders/gloves) It’s def RNG.
Ok, I looked over the spreadsheets and I’m going to have to call questionable methodology at the very least.
Pre-HoT, I would run L50 fractals about 4-5 times a week, with a some combination of guildies from a group of 8-10. The typical count at the end was 1-2 ascended chests between us (3 happen often enough to not be considered rare). This is PER DAILY RUN. So for months I was averaging 1-2 chests a week if I was consistently running them. And rarely did I not get at the very least a ring. I, like many people, was swimming in rings when HoT was released, just waiting to be able to salvage them.
Now, I complete all the fractal dailies, every day, and have since the loot tables were “adjusted” a month or so ago (and about 3-4 times a week prior to the adjustment) and I have received 1 ascended chest. That is 1 in entire time since HoT has been released. And rings? I get maybe 1 ring a week, and often its not even worth salvaging since it is rarely infused.
My understanding was that the drop rates were intended to be higher than before HoT because there was going to be a greater need for ascended level gear and this was going to help accelerate the process. But clearly it hasnt been working.
Now, you can say, “ya, but your RNG just sucks” and that would be true. My RNG does and has always sucked. However in Fractals, it didnt suck nearly as bad. Of the general pool of 8-10 guildies there is only 1 that has had anything resembling a steady drop rate having gotten 3 in the last 2 weeks. I cant say what his drop rate used to be like as he only recently started doing fractals daily with us.
Some people might be getting higher drop rates than before, and that great for them, but you should have to be 1 of the lucky few blessed by the RNGing Gods to get something that we used to get fairly regularly before. Certainly not when it was stated that the drop rates had been increased. Also, I wouldnt used a small population of people who have been getting higher than average chest drops, thereby skewing the numbers, as evidence of an overall increased drop rate. I have 2 guildmates that get precursor drops more often than I get ascended rings. 1 of them at a rate of 2-3 a month if she is playing regularly. I wouldnt use her droprate as proof to suggest that the average person is getting 1-2 precursors a month.
Well, a quick look at HoT, based on my non-scientific observation is that every aspect of the rewards systems got a major tweak down, and some serious gold sinks were added and other gold sinks like Ascended crafting were made more expensive. Form your own conclusions…
Not that it should matter all that much as the RNG in this game is so low that reducing the drop rate of things by 10 probably has no real observable difference to the individual player. My opinion is that there was a high level decision to pivot towards lower rewards throughout the entire game with the advent of HoT. It certainly feels that way to me, but then my RNG has always sucked… Oh Precursor!! why hath thee forsaken me!!!….
My understanding was that the drop rates were intended to be higher than before HoT because there was going to be a greater need for ascended level gear and this was going to help accelerate the process. But clearly it hasnt been working.
I don’t know that they ever promised more frequent Ascended drops. What they did promise was increased liquid rewards from Fractals. It took them the extra month to get there, but Fractals are now a much better source of gold income than they were before, helping to fill the void left by the old dungeon runs.
I’ve had I think 6 or 7 ascended chests since the drop rate change and have been running all the dailies most days, missed one or two. The drop rate for me is waaaayyy better than it was pre hot but it’s all RNG.
Have a (more like 2) guy I regularly play with who has had dozens of precursor drops, tea hordes, wurm armour etc but not a single ascended chest since the revamp. All just RNG, some get lucky, some do not.
Ok, I looked over the spreadsheets and I’m going to have to call questionable methodology at the very least.
Pre-HoT, I would run L50 fractals about 4-5 times a week, with a some combination of guildies from a group of 8-10. The typical count at the end was 1-2 ascended chests between us (3 happen often enough to not be considered rare). This is PER DAILY RUN. So for months I was averaging 1-2 chests a week if I was consistently running them. And rarely did I not get at the very least a ring. I, like many people, was swimming in rings when HoT was released, just waiting to be able to salvage them.
Now, I complete all the fractal dailies, every day, and have since the loot tables were “adjusted” a month or so ago (and about 3-4 times a week prior to the adjustment) and I have received 1 ascended chest. That is 1 in entire time since HoT has been released. And rings? I get maybe 1 ring a week, and often its not even worth salvaging since it is rarely infused.
My understanding was that the drop rates were intended to be higher than before HoT because there was going to be a greater need for ascended level gear and this was going to help accelerate the process. But clearly it hasnt been working.
Now, you can say, “ya, but your RNG just sucks” and that would be true. My RNG does and has always sucked. However in Fractals, it didnt suck nearly as bad. Of the general pool of 8-10 guildies there is only 1 that has had anything resembling a steady drop rate having gotten 3 in the last 2 weeks. I cant say what his drop rate used to be like as he only recently started doing fractals daily with us.
Some people might be getting higher drop rates than before, and that great for them, but you should have to be 1 of the lucky few blessed by the RNGing Gods to get something that we used to get fairly regularly before. Certainly not when it was stated that the drop rates had been increased. Also, I wouldnt used a small population of people who have been getting higher than average chest drops, thereby skewing the numbers, as evidence of an overall increased drop rate. I have 2 guildmates that get precursor drops more often than I get ascended rings. 1 of them at a rate of 2-3 a month if she is playing regularly. I wouldnt use her droprate as proof to suggest that the average person is getting 1-2 precursors a month.
Hi sorry to go off topic but is it possible to back up the statement about the precursor drop rate from your guildie? Recently i tried adressing my doubts about every account having the same base droprate, stating exactly what you said about precursors. But apparently those are lies according to the other forum posters, i hope you could back up you statements with facts so we have some proof to call reasonable doubt about the drop rate.
Or does your guildie work the mystic forge that frequency of drops?
Thx in advance!
My ability to prove it is limited to giving their names. I dont think either would like me doing that. But it is well known within our guild that they get them. 1 has regularly given pre’s to other guildmates, either for free, or at greatly reduced prices. I myself was given a Bard months ago by her. She has also provided pre’s as rewards for in guild PvP tournies a number of times. And in the last month has sold 3 or 4 pre’s in order to pay her way to 400 scribing.
As to your doubts about every account having the same base droprate another guildmate a year or so ago together with a dozen or other players ran an experiment. Everyone got to collected something like 250 of I think it was mithril earrings of some kind, and preceded to salvage them. The goal was to see how many times each person was able to salvage the rare material (in this case the gemstone). And they repeated this process a number of times. What they discovered was a small number of people consistently salvaged 40-50% more rare mats every time than everyone else. And it was not that they had a bell curve. It was everyone else was getting within 10% of each other, and then a small group had a huge number more every single time. And note, MF does not impact salvage rates, or so they say…
My ability to prove it is limited to giving their names. I dont think either would like me doing that. But it is well known within our guild that they get them. 1 has regularly given pre’s to other guildmates, either for free, or at greatly reduced prices. I myself was given a Bard months ago by her. She has also provided pre’s as rewards for in guild PvP tournies a number of times. And in the last month has sold 3 or 4 pre’s in order to pay her way to 400 scribing.
As to your doubts about every account having the same base droprate another guildmate a year or so ago together with a dozen or other players ran an experiment. Everyone got to collected something like 250 of I think it was mithril earrings of some kind, and preceded to salvage them. The goal was to see how many times each person was able to salvage the rare material (in this case the gemstone). And they repeated this process a number of times. What they discovered was a small number of people consistently salvaged 40-50% more rare mats every time than everyone else. And it was not that they had a bell curve. It was everyone else was getting within 10% of each other, and then a small group had a huge number more every single time. And note, MF does not impact salvage rates, or so they say…
Just curious, could we start gathering numbers and then show em to anet? Cause i rly don’t believe the droprate is the same for everyone and ot is not bellcurved if what you state is true. I don’t mind this i just want clarity on what makes the difference and every time i try to adress this i get white knighted with bellcurves and that i can’t back up my story so I’m looking for those people who can to do so.
I can start marking on a calendar every time 1 of my 2 guildmates gets a pre and see if my other guildmate that was part of the test over a year ago has the data saved somewhere. I can even start marking how many guildes do their daily fractals each day and how many chests dropped, but honestly, I think ANET already knows what the actual fractal drop rates are like (working as intended or not by their standard I cant say. As for the insanely high drop rate for things like pres for some people and other that have never gotten 1? I suspect they know that happens too but have no idea how to fix it and would never acknowledge it. But sure. why not… not like Im not doing fractals anyway…
kitten , those conspiracy theories…
It’s RNG man. Sucks. A guy in my guild got a precursor and an ascended leg box in the same run last week.
Can you tell your friend that even though I probably don’t know them, that I also don’t like them very much? :P
Same here Been doing Daily 51+ achievements everyday and only got 1 asc boot box
Mate got a glove box from the Bloomhunger chest when we did a level 2 swamp yesterday. RNG is RNG
It happened! I got a Leg box out of the 50+ daily.
It has been about 9 days now since I got a armor chest I thought the drops were all to be higher on the higher levels boxes but 9 days of doing them and nothing plus nothing but junk from the encryption boxes.
You want ppl to play the higher levels from 75-100 make it that you will get a chest for every 5 you complete so from
75-79 80-85 86-91 92-97
98 a fractal weapon box
99 you get a gold fractal weapon box
100 you get a ascended weapon box
this will get ppl doing the higher levels and give them the chance of getting the stuff they are looking for
and when I say you get a chest from doing 5 that means 75 76 77 78 79 you can do these twice a week
Why people drop armor boxes when I only drop weapon boxes that I don’t really care? :‘(
In fact, it’s nice I will probably need them later, but I still need these armor boxes…
(edited by Khyan.7039)
It has been about 9 days now since I got a armor chest I thought the drops were all to be higher on the higher levels boxes but 9 days of doing them and nothing plus nothing but junk from the encryption boxes.
You want ppl to play the higher levels from 75-100 make it that you will get a chest for every 5 you complete so from
75-79 80-85 86-91 92-97
98 a fractal weapon box
99 you get a gold fractal weapon box
100 you get a ascended weapon boxthis will get ppl doing the higher levels and give them the chance of getting the stuff they are looking for
and when I say you get a chest from doing 5 that means 75 76 77 78 79 you can do these twice a week
Fractals are too easy to give away asc boxes like you are proposing. Maybe they could do so but then you have to delete all the gold loot from fractals to adjust the rewards properly.
The fact that they said they increased the drop rate and it has now been 10 days since I have anything good come out is crazy I know ppl that were getting boxes every day and now no one is getting anything. it is bull crap if they increased the drop rat then fine but in 10 days you would think I would have gotten something
Yeah, I feel like there’s been a stealth nerf to the drop rate. I averaged two boxes a week. Haven’t gotten a single one in over a week. Pfffft.
The fact that they said they increased the drop rate and it has now been 10 days since I have anything good come out is crazy I know ppl that were getting boxes every day and now no one is getting anything. it is bull crap if they increased the drop rat then fine but in 10 days you would think I would have gotten something
We all know that probability is an a_shole.
But drop rates are fine compared to pre-HoT:
I’ve gotten 3 boxes since the change in december and I am fine with it. On the other side I have made several hundred gold out of fractals and it would be no big deal to buy stuff for almost an entire armor.
You do know that the only drop rate they increased was the sell loot from encryption boxes right? hence why you only get 1 key instead of 2 for each stabilitizing matrix now.
The fact that they said they increased the drop rate and it has now been 10 days since I have anything good come out is crazy I know ppl that were getting boxes every day and now no one is getting anything. it is bull crap if they increased the drop rat then fine but in 10 days you would think I would have gotten something
RNG is RNG, the drops aren’t equally spread. You can’t expect to have a drop every 10 or x boxes. You may have nothing or multiple drops that’s the way how it works. Sometimes you have luck, sometimes not.
I had one infused ring out of my last twelve “Champion Chest of the Mists”, that’s just bad luck. Hopefully the next dozen gives me multiple ascended chests.
I did fractals nearly daily the past 1-2 moths and got about 6 ascended boxes, 2 weapon boxes, one precursor, one golden fractal skin 3-4 fractal skins and a lot of ascended rings, infused and non infused. Additionally, i make routhly 20-25g for all 3 tiers of fractals.
This is very rewarding. Besides: others I play with had similar drops.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
You do know that the only drop rate they increased was the sell loot from encryption boxes right? hence why you only get 1 key instead of 2 for each stabilitizing matrix now.
Nope, they also adjusted the ascended drop rate with the december patch because the drops had fallen to almost 0.
The droprate for Champion is about the same at pre HoT level 50, witch is around 11-12%. Of course, with the sample size we have the information isn’t perfect.
With 771 Champion chest and a confidence level of 95%, we still have a confidence interval of about 3.5%. Meaning that the actual droprate for champion can be anywhere between 7.9 and 14.9%. So ya, Champion fractal could have a smaller droprate than pre-HoT. The numbers we have for pre-hot level 50 drop is a sample size of 2918 chest so for a condidence level of 95% we have a interval of 1.8%. Meaning the the old drop rate was between 10.1 and 13.7%.
So ya, the droprate for Champion could be a little smaller than it used to be at level 50, but not by much. We’ll have to wait about 3 more months to have more precise information of that droprate.
That said, what is clear is the droprate of veteran and adept. So far we have a droprate of 1.2% in Veteran and 0% in Adept (I know we can drop armor chest in adept, but the actual % might be very low).
Compare that to the drop rate pre-hot of level 40 = 6.9%, 30 = 4.2% and 20=3.7%
Someone that was doing all 4 daily pre-hot could on average get about 1 armor chest per 4 days. Now, someone doing champion, veteran and adept will on average get only 1 chest per 8 days.
Of course those are just RNG numbers with too low sample size, but it give you a clear picture. Champion might have a smaller chance than pre-hot level 50 or not, but the lower level where affected much much more.
^ I agree with what the guy before said. Pretty much 1 chest for me every 2 weeks so far. Skin drop rate tho, has been nonexistant for me for more than a month now :|
Are you all on reward level 50+? Had you read my post? I told you my drops, and my friends and friend’s friends. But it really kicked in after hitting reward level 50+. Before that I had nearly nothing.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
dude I am telling you they changed the drop rates again
I did fractals nearly daily the past 1-2 moths and got about 6 ascended boxes, 2 weapon boxes, one precursor, one golden fractal skin 3-4 fractal skins and a lot of ascended rings, infused and non infused. Additionally, i make routhly 20-25g for all 3 tiers of fractals.
This is very rewarding. Besides: others I play with had similar drops.
That’s nice.
You want to hear my experience with fractals.
Pre-HoT i was getting a box/skin every other day. Rings Daily
Post HoT i’m lucky to get a box/skin once every 2 weeks. Rings are roughly every other day.
Anectdotal evidence that is contradictory leads me to believe RNG is RNG. Before you ask if my pLvl is above 50….it’s well above 50 and has been since HoT shipped as fractals and masteries where pretty much all i did.
My P level is 78 right now and just opened my boxes and I got a crappy ring and that was it up until recently I did ok I had 4 armor boxes and 1 weapon box now nothing it is now the 12th day with nothing and on 4 of those days I got nothing at all not even a ring. On top of that the encryption boxes are garbage you get sellable junk woopy I have not gotten a sellable skin from them since they changed them over and after opening thousands of them after the change and pulling only 1 gold fractal skin just take the kitten things out and up the amount of chance to get a box to the following
Grand champion box ( new box for doing ( 3 levels of fractals 81-100) 75 %
Champion box 50%
Vet box 25%
Adept box 5%
this will open up the levels higher to ppl who want to go there and give them a reason to go.
right now I think I may just stop fractals all together and just might stop playing as it is not becoming any fun to get nothing all the tume
Past 3 days I’ve gotten a weapon chest, gold staff, and armor chest. This was after 2/3 weeks of nothing. RNG is RNG
You get ascended boxes from low levels too. My girlfriend never did fractals 50+ and she already got 3 boxes. Pants, gloves, shoulders (if I remember correctly)