Ascended compared to Exotic Gear.
Ascended trinkets are available for laurels / wvw badges / commendations now as well, only thing still fotm exclusive is the backpiece.
I don’t think theyre going to make a 5k difference in damage, maybe your friend had sigil of strength on his gs or something similar?
Also, it doesn’t sound like – just from your post – that you have a lot of data on this. Your recollection of how much each of you hits seems mostly anecdotal and unless you have sufficient data on this, the numbers you see will not really account for the difference.
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
About 500 Lupicus kills with always same averages of 100b. Should be enough data.
We both are running the 100% exact same setup except his (non infused) 5 ascended trinkets.
Edit: Laurels or 250 Badges of Honor+Laurels. So like more than a month for one piece?
I seriously can’t imagine any reason to not make them available for dungeon tokens, for an average player 1500 Arah tokens must be harder to achieve than 10 level 10 fractal runs.
(edited by Dub.1273)
You’d be surprised. Doing Arah P1, 2 and 3 in a PuG everyday can be much smoother than a single FotM 10 run in a PuG everyday. From my experience, any FotM under level 38 in a PuG is a nightmare. I’m happy with 38~48 PuGs; most of the people in your party can’t have been carried that far and at least know how to dodge out of red circles.
It encourages people to participate in other content. We may not like it, but I’m sure you can at least imagine why they won’t make them available through dungeons. Dailies take like 15 minutes a day, guild missions take like 1 hour a week. I’m sure you want to maximize so if you just put in the work then you will be happy you did. As of now you’re way behind on ascended gear so time to play catch up before weapons and armor are introduced, because when you’re the only dungeon player with full exotic gear and every other player has ascended it’s not gonna put off a good vibe.
It encourages people to participate in other content. We may not like it, but I’m sure you can at least imagine why they won’t make them available through dungeons. Dailies take like 15 minutes a day, guild missions take like 1 hour a week. I’m sure you want to maximize so if you just put in the work then you will be happy you did. As of now you’re way behind on ascended gear so time to play catch up before weapons and armor are introduced, because when you’re the only dungeon player with full exotic gear and every other player has ascended it’s not gonna put off a good vibe.
See, this is a very bad thought process. Although you might be somewhat correct in what you said, it’s still a very bad argument.
I personally hate dailies. I hate them with all my heart. They’re boring, unimaginative and most importantly, I’m almost forced to do them.
I have to do something I don’t enjoy and find mindnumbingly boring, because otherwise I’m gated from doing other content. Anet should give other ways to get ascended trinkets, other than stupid Laurels or Guild Missions (although I really enjoy the missions). They’re ascended trinkets, meant to be infused, which means they’re linked to Fractals, so there should be alternatives to acquire them in Fractals, simple as that.
It goes right in against their stupid manifesto. Dailies are a grind. Doing enough dailies and monthlies to get an ascended amulet, is therefor an even bigger grind. What was that part about them not wanting us to grind?
I’m not opposed to Ascended gear per se, and I understand that is was supposed to be out at release, so I’m not opposed to the gear treadmill. I am however very opposed to the forceful grind of things I hate in order to get the gear.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Why not getting one ascended piece for each solo’ed path. That would much better fit to the name “ascended” anyway. At the moment it should be called “grinded”.
Why not getting one ascended piece for each solo’ed path. That would much better fit to the name “ascended” anyway. At the moment it should be called “grinded”.
Lol, and solo’ing AC p1 in 7 minutes on all your characters every day, huh? That sounds fair :P
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
Well, should be account based so i’d get one piece for AC Path 1, one for Path 3, one for Arah Path 2, one for Arah Path 3, one for Arah Path 4.
For other characters i’d have to stick to other dungeons.
Just to show up how brokens the aqusitions of ascended gear is one example. 35 dailies/10 fractal dailys for one ascended amulet or ring, 2 weeks for an earring. And in all that time earning pretty nuch no gold at all. Full set of exotic trinkets is 40 minutes. So its like two month more playing boring content for a 3% increase in stats.
Dailies and monthlies are not a grind. You can easily do them by PLAYING the game. Things are only a grind because people are impatient and want it now. Ascended does not give you a significant advantage. Maybe it will later in times when gear and weapons are available but not at the moment. The argument that you shouldn’t have to do something to get something because you don’t like to do it is wrong as well.
I don’t think dailies and monthlies are grind either. Have a goal like map completion or finish a dungeon run and just complete other areas of your daily. The rewards are worth it if your friend is in fact doing more damage then you. I did 5 COF runs yesterday and only needed to do some gathering and I was done my daily. PVP dailies are extremely easy as well. 20-30 mins tops and its just as rewarding.
Ascended does not give you a significant advantage.
Good point to come back to my original question: how can the difference between our damage output be 18% instead of 4%?
How can you not survive 10 fractals if you’re that good at dungeons
I make PvP & WvW videos
Ascended does not give you a significant advantage.
Good point to come back to my original question: how can the difference between our damage output be 18% instead of 4%?
You’re comparing stats on the gear rather than the cumulative effect on the character. You’re ignoring diminishing returns and the impact that a small increase has on a large number.
I would like to point out as well that if you put some time into fractals you could also get a ring drop at lvl 10. Saving you time anyway.
It encourages people to participate in other content. We may not like it, but I’m sure you can at least imagine why they won’t make them available through dungeons. Dailies take like 15 minutes a day, guild missions take like 1 hour a week. I’m sure you want to maximize so if you just put in the work then you will be happy you did. As of now you’re way behind on ascended gear so time to play catch up before weapons and armor are introduced, because when you’re the only dungeon player with full exotic gear and every other player has ascended it’s not gonna put off a good vibe.
See, this is a very bad thought process. Although you might be somewhat correct in what you said, it’s still a very bad argument.
I personally hate dailies. I hate them with all my heart. They’re boring, unimaginative and most importantly, I’m almost forced to do them.
I have to do something I don’t enjoy and find mindnumbingly boring, because otherwise I’m gated from doing other content. Anet should give other ways to get ascended trinkets, other than stupid Laurels or Guild Missions (although I really enjoy the missions). They’re ascended trinkets, meant to be infused, which means they’re linked to Fractals, so there should be alternatives to acquire them in Fractals, simple as that.
It goes right in against their stupid manifesto. Dailies are a grind. Doing enough dailies and monthlies to get an ascended amulet, is therefor an even bigger grind. What was that part about them not wanting us to grind?
I’m not opposed to Ascended gear per se, and I understand that is was supposed to be out at release, so I’m not opposed to the gear treadmill. I am however very opposed to the forceful grind of things I hate in order to get the gear.
At no point did i say it was a good system and that I’d rather it be that way, I only said it doesn’t make sense for anet to think that way. They want people to participate in every piece of content so of course they are going to make sure you do so by forcing your hand. Regardless of what we want it’s just the way it is, and as far as being forced to do something boring, it’s pretty easy and quick to do, and the rewards are well worth it for the time spent. I for one hate the idea of ascended gear altogether but it doesn’t mean I’m not gonna spend the very little time it requires to get them out of principle.
How can you not survive 10 fractals if you’re that good at dungeons
Fractals are just boring as kitten.
Dailies complete themselves, guild missions are fun, it’s all available in wvw too.
Dailies complete themselves
Not when you primarily run Arah and occasionally Fractals. And even if I get 3/5, I still have to go get 20 gatherings and some dumb events. It might only take 10 minutes to do so, but I’m still semi-forced to go do them.
guild missions are fun
it’s all available in wvw too.
Screw WvW. If there’s anything I hate more than dailies, it’s WvW.
To be honest, they made it so that people that run open world stuff and WvW can get their dailies just by playing the game. They should add 1 or 2 extra dungeon requirements per daily, so I can truly get them by just playing. I shouldn’t feel forced to go stuff that I don’t like, which is how it is right now.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind having to spend time to get the ascended amulets. I honestly don’t. I just don’t want to spend that time doing stuff I hate. Have a requirement where you run 3 different dungeon paths. Or a full dungeon run of any dungeon. Or have us complete 2/3 paths in a specific dungeon, so I could get people in the guild interested in doing CM/TA/SE, dungeons that I like but everyone hates (I hope HotW isn’t on there too often though..). I know you already have the Fractal and Dungeon path daily requirement, but that only comes along every so often, whereas WvW stuff and open world stuff is ALWAYS on it.
Being forced to do boring stuff because otherwise I’m gated from other content =/= fun.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
They should add 1 or 2 extra dungeon requirements per daily, so I can truly get them by just playing. I shouldn’t feel forced to go stuff that I don’t like, which is how it is right now.
Yes! Funny thing is that im right now completing my monthly before my first daily this month.