Attributes on dungeon armor and weapons

Attributes on dungeon armor and weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


When you look at Item Nomenclature you can see that the distribution of prefixes between dungeons is pretty uneven. You can get Rampager’s prefix from 5 dungeons, while you can’t get Cleric’s from any of them.
There are 8 dungeons with a choice of 3 sets each for a total of 24 sets, and there are 12 equipment prefixes.
Why then not have each prefix represented by armor/weapon sets of exactly two dungeons?

Edit: Actually I think a better option will be to add another set to each dungeon so that at least the missing prefixes (Valkyrie Cleric’s Explorer’s) will be introduced in dungeon gear.

(edited by CaptainOok.1048)

Attributes on dungeon armor and weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


If you poll the community you will likely find that the ratio of the number of people who want ‘Rampager’ gear vs. the number of people who want ‘Cleric’ gear will be greater than 5:1.

While it seems like a bit of an oversight to have none of the dungeons give ‘Cleric’, ‘Valkyrie’ and ‘Explorer’ gear, having those options will not cater to all the whining and whinging glass cannons.

Similarly I wanted ‘Rabid’ gear but I was essentially forced to run dungeons because they’re not craftable. I’ve had to spend all this money transmuting because I don’t like the look of the dungeon gear that I otherwise wouldn’t have spent if I could craft with the stats I wanted.

It’d be nice if they could balance it out but it’ll be a bit of a shame if for example you really liked to run one particular dungeon but it happens to give the 2 groups of stats that you don’t need.

Attributes on dungeon armor and weapons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


I do agree with you (though I think most people prefer berserker over rampager), and I know that the rant will never stop.
However, I do want to have at least one option to get each of the prefixes from dungeon armors.