Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


I recently ran TA ex mode with a player who farms the dungeons and he invites me all the time. I had a friend who just hit 80 on his guardian and asked if he could join. I do the dungeons for fun and not to farm.

Well my friend was in masterwork gear and died some so they kicked him from the group. I left the group and went to LA and bought my friend all rare gear and told the guy I would never run a dungeon with him again when he asked me why I left.

Please treat other players on your servers with kindness because you only hurt yourselves and your own ability to run the content when you are rude or cruel.

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Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

It’s an interesting tip, and I can relate to it from most of the MMOs I’ve played.

I do know that I’m usually somewhat cautious if I’m inviting two or more people from the same guild, especially if it’s a guild I have no experience with. Often times, if I end up booting one of them, it’s almost equivalent to booting all of them. Heard of those “My Buddy” and “Kid Sister” commercials back in the day? It sort of works like that in which if I boot someone, their buddy will just simply leave.

The same thing could apply if one of my own guild mates get booted for some odd reason or another from the same party I’m participating in …

It’s just the way how the “Buddy System” works.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761


This happens quite a lot… Personally if theres 1 guy bringing the group down, i won’t boot him, just that i won’t invite him next time, it certainly doesn’t warrant a kick.

They should allow character equipment viewing, so parties can decide if they want to take the guy or not. I rather they not take the guy before starting the dungeon than taking the guy, bring down the whole group and boot him…

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arq.8026


I am not a lvl 80 yet , i have only done AC paths and CM paths. But if what my little experience counts, its never a gear problem. Most of the time those people doesnt know what they should be doing.

Instead of kicking or being rude, you shold just detect whats going wrong when you wipe and help them by telling their mistakes.

They usually adapt and by just spending 5mins to explain whats going on you save yourselfs 30mins or more unnesseary wipes. I dont kick people and i only leave if a dungoen is taking more then 1,5 hours since i dont have much free time to play games, i’d like to make most of it when i do.

Kicking is not an option unless the person you kick is rude, have bad attitude etc..

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


It always is people not knowing what they’re supposed to be doing. I’ve done AC exp runs on my 80 with people in 30s 40s. I told them what was happening before each encounter (only takes a minute) and then we procceded to make it. Easy. If I kicked every person on the team who died multiple times, my party would be empty. I didn’t, and we finished in about an hour (imo pretty standart time with party of low levels)

That said, I see OP’s mistake in bringing fresh 80 into farm run. While I hate elitists that kick people from the party in the middle of the dungeon because they just weren’t “pro” enough, I respect when the maker of the party clearly states it’s a farm run before hand. It usually means everyone knows what they’re doing, they bring the weapon sets / skills that work well in that dungeon etc. Definitely not a place for a freshman to learn the ropes.

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aleiro.8521


The option should be to view the BUILD of your group mates, since gear plays a little role in comparison…

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soban.3754


I’m not a fan of people sponging off dungeon runs either. Tip for new 80s: buy 76-78 exotics, usually less than half a gold a pop and nearly as good as 80. No excuse to try to go from blues and greens to piece by piece dungeon exotics.

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


Yea, I have similar experience to this. My friend and I joined up with a group of people and she get kicked halfway cause she wasn’t good enough in there eyes. While we did several runs after without a single issue. I think in the end it comes down to what sort of people you go with which is hard to tell when you join up first time with them.

Like Nemeth lately I have had several new guildies that came over from a different mmo and I shortly explain every encounter to these newbs and instead of running around like headless chickens they are in the first fight they know mostly what to do and finishing things up flawlessly. I do the same with pugs, i ask them beforehand if they have xperience on any of the paths, if not i’ll explain them shortly on how the encounter will works out and in we go!

Thought i have to disagree on your second part of being undergeared a fresh 80 with 80 greens and perhaps some rare weaponry can be just as effective as any other player with half a brain . Ofcourse some encounters might last a bit longer but nonetheless i haven’t suffered more deaths cause we had a few “undergeared” people around as you could call it. I like to state that the only way to learn the ropes is by actually doing it and having a nice crew on your first run can make the difference between a good start or a long butthurt run that nobody actually wanted.

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fony.5102


i kick people left and right all the time if i have to pick up a pug or 2. of course, i only kick them for suggesting we do the “tricks”.

as far a gear goes, lmao. i’ve ran AC exp all 3 paths with a dude who was lvl 32 when we picked him up and 34 when we left. i’ve done CM with a lvl 43, etc. i don’t care about that stuff, as being an idiot is far more detrimental to your party. turns out that alot of the full exotic guys that worry about what everyone else has on aren’t that good at the game

(edited by Moderator)