Beating Sabetha
If your healer is kiting during the other phases he can move to the rest of the party and one of you better ranged players can kite.
Can use a condi druid as an offhealer for that phase.
Try to have high protection uptime during that phase (via guardians, revenants, or druids)
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)
It’s because people are panicking, tell them to stop, and continue the fight as they otherwise would.
simply: don’t go into full panic mode.
the stuff from the ceiling only hits for like 2k…so watch out for the big aoes like cannonstuff and timed bombs, the small ones don’t hurt that much, they only bring you down when you get hit by cannons and / or timed bombs too.
just keep protection up and, as golden truth has already mentioned, let another guy do the flak shots while your healer stays with the team.
you can simply stay at one spot and get the dmg done. or just circle arround sabetha, so you don’t get hit by all the stuff falling down. if you have full life and the healer is within the group, you should not waste a dodge just for a circle if you get hit. its no problem at all.
i saw it many times that ppl panicdodge the small circles, just to land in a cannonaoe and go down from that.
It’s because people are panicking, tell them to stop, and continue the fight as they otherwise would.
It’s usually what goes wrong when karde is alive and Sabetha comes back, people forget to do cannon, run everywhere and die.
It’s because people are panicking, tell them to stop, and continue the fight as they otherwise would.
It’s usually what goes wrong when karde is alive and Sabetha comes back, people forget to do cannon, run everywhere and die.
- Bring your healer in if they are flaking. We usually swap one of our Tempests out.
- Full protection, bring a guardian. Or other source, hammer guardian works well because of the periodic aegis as well and good damage. You could also have them swap to mace and hit 2 every little while for some extra regen. But I am not sure if that would be as beneficial as just staying on hammer.
- Ignore the falling ceiling pieces. If you try and dodge them all, your dps will drop too much. Just do the fight as if those ceiling pieces aren’t there. Keep doing canons. Obviously, if you can move out of the way do it. I also notice people spread out a TON in that phase when they panic. Which means there is no safe spot to drop a time bomb and you will almost always down one or two with it.
- Focus hard on Karde. Though I think if people stop panicking the Karde DPS will go up on its own. Once he is down you should be fine.
An assortment of tips for the last phase of sabetha:
- Don’t panic. It’s important that your party remain stacked and not miss green bombs.
- If you see people that aren’t stacked, be a kitten about it. Tell them to get to the kittening stack.
- Keep protection up. Your rev should keep up only glint elite + might facet. Bring a hammer guardian, it’s super good against sabetha (perma prot, a bit of extra healing, can put up stability or block just before flamewall to stop kicks, has easy CC against knuckles, what a deal)
- Ignore the small dark circles. Their damage is low, with protection you can easily outheal the damage. Don’t move off the stack to dodge them, as this just makes it harder for your druid. Just pretend they aren’t there.
- Have someone besides the healer kite flak. It’s better for grace of the land anyway. Send a necromancer, condi druid, or engineer.
- If there is a turret left, send 1-2 people to kill it asap. Don’t send zero people, don’t send 5 people. Really you should be killing these immediately when they spawn anyway.
- Make sure you have two people designated to take timed bombs. If someone else gets the bomb be sure to tell them to move out, or tell your designated bomb takers to move in. This is a really common way to wipe in the last phase, so don’t be afraid to remind your team multiple times to stand in the right place.
- Once karde is dead the fight goes back to easy mode. Stack at the side of the most recently killed cannon.
- If your party is comfortable dealing with the possibility of flak and timed bombs bugging, two necromancers with epidemic make the end of the sabetha fight pretty easy. Double epidemic ensures that karde goes down fast once sabetha comes back, and by that point the necro minion damage will be ramped up to full power and your team will take sabetha down quickly.
Good luck, hope this helps!
Say this every time; “Big circles hurt more than little circles.”
Tell everyone to heal themselves up as Karde gets close to 25%.
Remind people that they have defensive skills (Mesmer Shield/Distortion, Prot spam).
Put a lot of effort into keeping Karde in the centre of the platform during his phase – not having him on top of Sabetha is a major cause of wipes, even if you all stop DPSing and getting him back to the middle you’ll have a safer transition and better damage in the more crucial stages.
Stay calm and focus on surviving, Sabetha is not a DPS race, you have plenty time and staying alive with Karde positioned correctly is all you’ll need to crack her.
Good luck.
The best tip I have is to (mostly) ignore the Platform Crush. It doesn’t do much damage and the platform health is only relevant if you let heavy bombs go off. It’s pretty much a red herring mechanics that is meant to distract you from focusing on the things that actually kill you: Karde, Karde’s turrets, flame walls and cannon shots.
what is likely going wrong for your team is that you get the platform crush mechanic and it makes tons of little red circles and a lot of people get overwhelmed by them and go into tunnel vision mode to avoid them. unfortunately, tunneling on them makes you miss things like throwing the sapper bomb to the next launch pad, or a timed bomb blowing up the group or standing in Karde’s flamethrower or not paying attention to a Bandit Thug near you who kicks you into the flamewall. if you ignore the platform crush and pretend it didn’t exist you’ll find it isn’t particularly more stressful then the time that Keirnan is down with Sabetha. Once Karde is dead its relatively easy.
This is all great feedback, thank you! I’ll confess that I never really realized that the platform crush did minimal damage, and as the Druid I always just had to go into overdrive because people tunneled on avoiding the little circles and would eat other mechanics. With the knowledge that with effective protection and healing we can just facetank that mechanic and regard everything else as normal, I think we’ll be able to do it. I appreciate the suggestions, everyone.
Here some tips we use.
1) The canon are the bigger source of damage, but during the last phase, they are harder to evade because they are simply harder to see. So we send out players to canon in advance when karde spawn. For exemple, we usually launch to the platform a few second after each 30sec. The canon already started to shoot when we reach them and kill them. But when Karde is there, we go on the canon platform between 5 and 10 second before the canon appear (each 30sec). By doing that we arrive make like 5-6sec before the canon actually start to shoot, so we lose some dps (but only 1 person for 5-6 sec isn’t a lot since we only do that for a few canon at the end), but we also drop the amount of time the canon shoot at our group for 5-6sec.
2) The group move with the canon more. When the south canon is up, we make sure to stay on the north side. That seem obvious, but not everybody do that and it’s especially important in the final phase.
3) Bring 1 or 2 DH Hammer. Protection can do wonder and DH Hammer are easy to play (so people can concentrate on staying alive), do a lot of dps (3rd best at sabetha) and bring protection.
4) Have 1 guy killing the Turret. I’m usually that guy, I do about the same tactic with turret than with ball at Gorseval. I just put lava front under them. That way I don’t lose as much dps as someone else could and turret are dangerous at close range as you get hit by more projectile at once.
5) Try to keep Karde in the middle. Someone you can move it and it make the last 15% hp of karde harder since your melee can’t dpsing him when Sabetha come back. It’s especially deadly if Karde go into the quarter of the arena where the canon are firing.
4) Have 1 guy killing the Turret. I’m usually that guy, I do about the same tactic with turret than with ball at Gorseval. I just put lava front under them. That way I don’t lose as much dps as someone else could and turret are dangerous at close range as you get hit by more projectile at once.
freshair eles can just place themselfes between the turret and karde while doing their overload, without loosing any dmg on the boss (if he stays in the middle all time).
if you got more then 1 freshair ele (wich you usally do i guess), those turrets shouldn’t be any problem, since they go down very fast this way.
It is pretty common for that part to be chaotic. Sebetha can be rather messy at the end.
You should try to talk over the important points people need to pay attention to and then remind everyone once you are getting close 25%. It is a bit surprising how much that can actually help you.
1) Taking down Karde should be your main priority. This includes staying melee mostly to not have him move around.
2) You can decide whether you want to ignore the north (if I remember correctly) cannon which spawns around that time also.
3) Have the ranged players take down turrets or those with big aoe who can hit both turrets and Karde.
4) Call out when Sebetha is about to return so people have time to position themselves
5) Ask everyone to focus their evades on stuff that actually needs to be evaded: Canon stots, flame thrower and of course flamewall. Debri can be ignored with a druid / some tempests and protection uptime.
6) Decide on any substitudes you want to use in the case someone dies at the end (people doing cannons, etc.)
7) There is no need to panic when you find yourself with loads of time left as well as without too much platform damage. You can adjust group or strategy accordingly. You pretty much made it once Karde is dead and you don’t have something like four cannons up and half the party dead.
(edited by Henry.5713)
Karde takes bonus damage from Conditions so have them focus on Karde more during that phase. Make sure the raid has Protection on them the whole time. (Guardian Hammer, Facet of Chaos, Stone Spirit, etc.)
Large orange circles will kill you (Time Bomb, Cannons) but small ones are not that bad if your healer is still alive.
It’s also tempting for groups to ignore cannons and try to burn the boss, but this can usually lead to dealing less damage if done too early. Do this at 10% at the earliest for a first kill.
Hammer guard is pretty amazing for the encounter, especially for the last phase. My group has been able to facetank every falling rock with the perma prot, and by swapping the druid away from circling like it was mentioned before
I just wanted to share that thanks to your all’s advice, my guild group was successful at beating Sabetha for the first time tonight (and we got The Eternal!). Thanks a lot guys.
Excellent – congratulations!
Congrats mate! 15 char