Best class for PUGs runs
Warrior or guardian probably. Only if you are a competent guardian though.
(edited by spoj.9672)
I’d say warrior for anything not extremely projectile heavy, guardian for the remaining parts.
Guardian. For some dungeons like TA a guardian can provide a much smoother run, specially if the group has a lot of inexperienced players to the dungeon.
But don’t make a defensive guardian with high healing power, make a high dps one. Healing power in this game is a subpar stats.
Guardian is great for pugging, a good guard can pull even the worst pugs through most dungeons. I pug a lot of Arah and find that if I take my warrior but end up with a bad pug, there is little I can do to help them, especially for trash runs.
Good DPS, nice support options and whats not to like of a big brown grizzly bear fighting along side you.
(To prevent stupid comments, no this is no Troll – The Ranger is actually a versatile and interesting class that can enhance any dungeon runs if the player knows what he is doing with his class – The main issue I think stems with bad Ranger players)
>Brown Bear
>Good DPS
You had me until that part. This is some of the worst advice you can give to someone that wants to pug.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
If your new to the game, warrior class is the easiest and one of highest classes in demand for dungeons.
Good DPS, nice support options and whats not to like of a big brown grizzly bear fighting along side you.
(To prevent stupid comments, no this is no Troll – The Ranger is actually a versatile and interesting class that can enhance any dungeon runs if the player knows what he is doing with his class – The main issue I think stems with bad Ranger players)
This is why I named my ranger Double Bear Longbow
Good DPS, nice support options and whats not to like of a big brown grizzly bear fighting along side you.
(To prevent stupid comments, no this is no Troll – The Ranger is actually a versatile and interesting class that can enhance any dungeon runs if the player knows what he is doing with his class – The main issue I think stems with bad Ranger players)
This is why I named my ranger Double Bear Longbow
Mine is called Bear Op.
Name is self-explanatory since it’s the truth.
My only gripe with guardians is they keep spamming their symbols, which is a light field, and it keeps overriding my fire field. So instead of stacking area might, I end up giving area retaliation -_-
Good DPS, nice support options and whats not to like of a big brown grizzly bear fighting along side you.
(To prevent stupid comments, no this is no Troll – The Ranger is actually a versatile and interesting class that can enhance any dungeon runs if the player knows what he is doing with his class – The main issue I think stems with bad Ranger players)
This is why I named my ranger Double Bear Longbow
Mine is called Bear Op.
Name is self-explanatory since it’s the truth.
“Best for PUGs” is actually kinda general, which may be why you are getting a lot of mixed answers here. Perhaps you could help us by being more specific with what you’d like? Do you want to be able to carry PUGs? If so, then Guardian (DPS spec, please). Do you want to be in high demand? Possibly warrior or mesmer. Do you want to be able to outlast everyone else in your party so you can tell yourself how noobish they are when they wipe because they’re carrying you? BowBearRanger@1500.
Do you want to be able to outlast everyone else in your party so you can tell yourself how noobish they are when they wipe because they’re carrying you? BowBearRanger@1500.
*1800 range in full pvt
My only gripe with guardians is they keep spamming their symbols, which is a light field, and it keeps overriding my fire field. So instead of stacking area might, I end up giving area retaliation -_-
Yeah. I often run Hallowed Ground (fire field) in pugs and drop it before anyone else gets a field down so we can at least gets few might combos in, although it’s often only myself comboing in it.
Warrior or guard. Mesmer is a good choice but more complicated/situational to use.
Definitely not ranger. Even though he said he wasn’t a troll… he pretty much was.
light field shouldn’t be a problem. A guardian can either 1) not use a hammer, or 2) use the hammer after the firefield goes down.
To answer OP’s question, I only pug with my guardian but I don’t think anyone can solo carry a bad team without suffering from extreme back pain.
To answer OP’s question, I only pug with my guardian but I don’t think anyone can solo carry a bad team without suffering from extreme back pain.
After experiencing things such as:
- being the only party member alive after a TA skipping part and going back 1-3 times per person to help them running, with approximately 15-25 minutes wasted (and I might add they kept on trying to skip because we were unable to fight the nightmare knights without a wipe);
- being the only idiot alive at alpha, so I had to solo it dancing around like a clown for… 10-15 mins? I don’t remember why it took so long;
- soloing the acolyte part in cof and then, as a mesmer, carrying fires on my own past the boulders because they seemed unable to step into the portal;
- desperately trying to solo the corrosive lights’ parts in Arah but failing after my party didn’t even manage to get to the portal (many times);
- many, many, many times where I found myself in the situation of having to ress 3-4 people from downed (hello, ice eles in CoE), god bless aegis
and countless horror stories like that – most of them focused in Arah, TA and AC, I can say for certain that the back isn’t the only thing hurting at the end. If you get to the end.
P.S. If you can’t play guardian you’ll be utter garbage BUT there’s no other class I can think of that can save baddies’ kitten like that. Maybe a staff ele?
E: See, you’ll be the fireman saving people’s kittens. Gotta love guardian.
Dont lie. My back aches from carrying you!
Is generally the first profession to go down in a bad PuG, regardless of how good the Ele is. Don’t get me wrong Ele has incredible potential but it suffers the most when things go wrong.
Warrior has high demand but is utterly useless at carrying a bad group. TBH I wish I had levelled my Guardian and put it through FotM after seeing just how easy one observant Guardian will make every single fractal.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
At lower lvls where fotm mobs are still pretty squishy (read: don’t need too much dps to finish in 1 hr) you can sometimes see x/10/x/30/x d/d eles spamming group auras and spewing out boons. Those can be okay for babysitting, decent might stacking, perma group swiftness for skipping, contributes fury etc but don’t expect them to do anywhere near LH damage. Also, on demand group aegis just isn’t replaceable imo.
Mesmer is better for carrying pugs than Guardian.
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Just learn how to solo all bosses on w/e profession, then you can carry on what you like!
Dont lie. My back aches from carrying you!
Next time… next time you’ll need an aegis…!
/shakes fist
Carrying pugs would be a LOT easier if this game had a “Typing…” notification like many, many other MMOs have.
Can’t count the number of times I’ve been typing out an explanation only to have someone go all LJ and just kitten it all up.
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
I know players with full Arah armor and weapons that farmed it off of the Crusher / Hunter when you could stand on the coral.
Youtube Channel –
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
I know players with full Arah armor and weapons that farmed it off of the Crusher / Hunter when you could stand on the coral.
this is a little sad, even i stuck it out doing everything paths just to get my legs
I hate doing arah with pugs. Especially pugs who solo everything. they will run everything by themselves and never wait for the whole group therefore, gaining the ability to call everyone who dies in the back bad.
People in general who solo everything and have 0 group support kitten me off to no end.
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
I know players with full Arah armor and weapons that farmed it off of the Crusher / Hunter when you could stand on the coral.
this is a little sad, even i stuck it out doing everything paths just to get my legs
I hate doing arah with pugs. Especially pugs who solo everything. they will run everything by themselves and never wait for the whole group therefore, gaining the ability to call everyone who dies in the back bad.
People in general who solo everything and have 0 group support kitten me off to no end.
I solo a lot of things and kick pugs that don’t know how to play (whenever I pug, of course). I don’t care to teach people to play anymore. Getting kicked from path 3 after soling Lupicus since the pugs couldn’t manage did me in, and now I’m just out to eat souls.
Youtube Channel –
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
I know players with full Arah armor and weapons that farmed it off of the Crusher / Hunter when you could stand on the coral.
this is a little sad, even i stuck it out doing everything paths just to get my legs
I hate doing arah with pugs. Especially pugs who solo everything. they will run everything by themselves and never wait for the whole group therefore, gaining the ability to call everyone who dies in the back bad.
People in general who solo everything and have 0 group support kitten me off to no end.
I solo a lot of things and kick pugs that don’t know how to play (whenever I pug, of course). I don’t care to teach people to play anymore. Getting kicked from path 3 after soling Lupicus since the pugs couldn’t manage did me in, and now I’m just out to eat souls.
I can understand that hate when people die at lupi. and i never had a problem there. I had 4 good runs where me and everyone in my group didn’t die at all becuase we actually stayed together, used aegis, swiftness etc. then 2 horrid runs where everyone stayed solo and never said a word. thats all that ticks me off.
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
People who can’t skip on their own suck balls. Sorry, but it’s true.
People who can’t skip on their own suck balls. Sorry, but it’s true.
I really have to agree with this. Especially when a lot of pugs use PVT gear etc.
Youtube Channel –
Would be nice if we had a title called ""dungeon" (replace dungeon with arah/hotw/coe, etc..) expert" and you get said title if you do the dungeon more than 50 times, it would help by filtering out really bad pugs.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets, refer to it as their “favorite” dungeon, and still believe that spending 10-15 minutes on lupicus is normal and acceptable.
I know players that have full arah armor and weapon sets and have never fought Lupi
I know players with full Arah armor and weapons that farmed it off of the Crusher / Hunter when you could stand on the coral.
that was you wasn’t it
People who can’t skip on their own suck balls. Sorry, but it’s true.
I really have to agree with this. Especially when a lot of pugs use PVT gear etc.
I dont use pvt gear.
i probably shouldnt use full zerker with unorganized groups.
maybe i just suck then
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
People who can’t skip on their own suck balls. Sorry, but it’s true.
I really have to agree with this. Especially when a lot of pugs use PVT gear etc.
I dont use pvt gear.
i probably shouldnt use full zerker with unorganized groups.
maybe i just suck then
I only have 1 set of armor for each character and it is Berserker’s. Even when I pug I use that, and I use the same builds that I would use otherwise.
Youtube Channel –
guess i’m bad then lol
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW
guess i’m bad then lol
I mean, we will tell you that you are if you want us to.
Youtube Channel –
It can be rougher to run those builds and gear when enemies last 4 times longer than normal. But it’s fairly simple to just specify zerk gear only on LFG.
guess i’m bad then lol
Meh don’t think so. Going berserker in bad parties can be challenging when fighting mobs . They are not used to LoSing mobs, on the contrary, mobs are well spread aggroing random different members of the party, they don’t use reflects nor knock downs, etc. It has happened to me a few times in high levels fractals and it’s a pain.
Furthermore if you could solo a lot of things, which I’m sure some people can, there’s a chance that pugs wouldn’t like to lie down on the floor and start trashing you in chat. Some even complain if you wear full berserker gear. In those cases it’s better to leave an join other party.
Such is the life for pugs, but even though pugging it’s risky, I’ve also met good and friendly players out there that I keep in my friends list.
Just keep a knight armor set on hand if you feel you’re downing too much. I still have my old knight (soldier rune) armor from when I first got my guard to 80. I still sometimes use it in Arah pugs when my companions need help with a trash run.
I interpret this thread as saying that only 2 classes in this game are viable in and invited to Dungeon runs.. So if you play anything other then Guardian or Warrior then you are screwed? Rangers are a hated class and nobody will run with them?
Well I think it has to do more with PuGs preferring heavies. If you gw2lfg, you can find the specification “heavies preferred”.
As for viability, those are definitely not the only 2.
it’s also more about making up for the shortcomings of the group (utilites and DPS) when you’re pugging.
I interpret this thread as saying that only 2 classes in this game are viable in and invited to Dungeon runs.. So if you play anything other then Guardian or Warrior then you are screwed? Rangers are a hated class and nobody will run with them?
You interpreted wrong. The question was what is the “best” class for pugging. Rangers simply aren’t the best class for pugging, it doesn’t mean it’s a hated class (that’s reserved for necro ) It’s basically what Broadicea said, the choices are about making up for pugs shortcomings.
I interpret this thread as saying that only 2 classes in this game are viable in and invited to Dungeon runs.. So if you play anything other then Guardian or Warrior then you are screwed? Rangers are a hated class and nobody will run with them?
You interpreted wrong. The question was what is the “best” class for pugging. Rangers simply aren’t the best class for pugging, it doesn’t mean it’s a hated class (that’s reserved for necro
) It’s basically what Broadicea said, the choices are about making up for pugs shortcomings.
I hear ya.. It’s just that I keep getting told not to play Ranger, that nobody will run with Rangers. I would just hate to get to 80 and then find out that I cannot enjoy the grouping, because nobody wants my class.
well 95% of rangers are horrible, horrible players so they give it bad name
I interpret this thread as saying that only 2 classes in this game are viable in and invited to Dungeon runs.. So if you play anything other then Guardian or Warrior then you are screwed? Rangers are a hated class and nobody will run with them?
You interpreted wrong. The question was what is the “best” class for pugging. Rangers simply aren’t the best class for pugging, it doesn’t mean it’s a hated class (that’s reserved for necro
) It’s basically what Broadicea said, the choices are about making up for pugs shortcomings.
I hear ya.. It’s just that I keep getting told not to play Ranger, that nobody will run with Rangers. I would just hate to get to 80 and then find out that I cannot enjoy the grouping, because nobody wants my class.
Get some Zerker armor, use Brazil’s build, learn how to sword and you’ll at least be using the class to it’s potential. I sometimes run 48 fractals with a friend who sometimes brings ranger, always clean runs. Just last night we killed Evolved Destroyer in one turn with him as ranger. Not that that’s super hard, just sayin.