Best support/spot healing class for dungeons
Elementalist for sure. Water Attunement+Staff.
It is the only class with strong enough Heals to be considered a reliable healer in my opinion. I think it is 3 on the Staff when you are attuned to Water; this ability heals an incredible amount even without any Healing Power items. I often use it on my glass cannon Elementalist when I need to regain my health. If it scales decently with Healing Power, I can only imagine it on a “real” support Elementalist.
Plus when healing isn’t needed you can go Earth for control with Immobilize and Cripple, or Fire/Lightning for some decent damage.
Do you even lift, bro?
I second Oglaf’s opinion!
I play staff Elementalist and people really appreciated that extra bit of healing and combo fields I provided for them. Sure I can’t heal half their HP bar like a real “healer” , but I give them that slight bit that keeps them alive!
Altruistic Healing build guardian for support and healing.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
Guardian does good job in pretty much every support area, ele for pure healing and aoe control.
I’m just starting on an Ele because Ive yet to come across a full healing one, I’ll be impressed if they outdo the guardian
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I have full cleric guardian and full cleric ele.
Scepter\dagger ele heals more\faster in terms of burst healing and staff brings even more utility when you have coordinated blasts, but guardian on the other hand brings aegis, good chunk of stability, protection and projectile destroyers, so they are kinda even.
The problem with Guardians is that most of their healing is centered around themselves. This makes them great at supporting other melee professions fighting alongside them, but not so much for healing in general.
Do you even lift, bro?
I love party healers <3 I made a staff elementalist with the intention of her being one. But because elem’s are so squishy having light armor, I’m trying to give her a more tank quality to stay alive. I’m no help if I keep dying lol.
For traits I have 30/30 for heal/vital and tough, and 10 in power. (I have V in fire, II/VIII/XII in earth, and IV/VIII/XI in water). Though today I was researching and discovered the VIII Blasting Staff in Arcane (makes area attacks of staff larger)…which makes me wonder if I should shift some things around to get that…
So I’m not sure what to do there….but Mainly, I cannot decide what armor is best. I have Mhenlo (Heal*/Tough/Pow), but I still die too easily with even the slightly lower lvl cleric armor I’m currently wearing. I was thinking of Sentinel’s Exalted Armor (Vital*/Tough/Pow), which sounds amazing, but then I found out just HOW hard it is to obtain/craft/buy/
Also, I’ve split my superior runes half/half with Mercy and Dwayna, and for my weapons I use superior sigil of water. I really like those For my skills, I use signet of restoration, pain inverter, cleansing fire, arcane shield, and glyph of elementals. Under water the ones that don’t work I replaced with armor of earth, signet of earth, and tornado.
Any suggestions what will keep me alive and still be able to be a good healer for the party?
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it =)))
Hope everyone has an awesome day!
There is no place for healers in this game. It’s all about dps. Every class has the ability to heal its self and keep themselves alive. All classes offer their own type of support, such as warrior banners, ranger frost spirit/spotter, guardian reflects and boons, Ele might stacking, etc.
PvE in this game is not based off healing, it’s based off damage mitigation through dodging, reflecting, blocking, absorbing, et cetera.
Healing power based builds are for PvP of sorts where you can’t mitigate 100% of incoming attacks.
Guardians, mesmers, elementalists and thiefs have skills that help to mitigate attacks, guardians being more commonly used due to versatility in that area of skills.
Trash any PvE build not based off maximum damage.
Platinum level post of this subforum.
Guardians, mesmers, elementalists and thiefs have skills that help to mitigate attacks
Dont forget warriors we have block just like guards, also Endure Pain is excellent to mitigate.
(edited by nagr.1593)
Go Guardian ….
Any defensive support except guardian is totally useless in most dungeons.
99% parties won t even start dungeons without a guardian, and if ele is required is just for dps (via some “debatable skills working silly and doing more damage than intended and may be changed any patch”).
If you play an healing ele expect to take part only in very nexperienced Group and being refused in most parties.
Current meta is 1 guardian and 4 dps warriors mostly.
(and no i don t like this situation….).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Oh god…
The amount of “Play how I want” builds in this thread is too kitten high.
If 9 out of 10 people are running a bad build because they play how they want.. Does it matter? Chances are that they will be in the same group, take a bit longer to do the content, but have fun doing it.
The reason I say this is that when I turn up to a dungeon or fractal with my 10/30/0/5/25 zerk guardian, a lot of groups say I’m doing it wrong. Meta might be common knowledge on the forums but in game most people don’t care and run random builds.
So true. I my guild, which in theory is a PVE dedicated one, spend hours in each Arah run. And our mighty guild master is a bearbow ranger :-S
Guardians, mesmers, elementalists and thiefs have skills that help to mitigate attacks
Dont forget warriors
we have block just like guards, also Endure Pain is excellent to mitigate.
Aside from maybe sword block it’s all a huge dps loss.
And I was mentioning group damage mitigations.
OP probably isn’t even playing the game anymore lol
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Oh screw this I missed the post date.
kitten kitten kitten kitten menstruation.
I feel stupid but that’s a feeling I’m used to.