Note: This is a complex subject involving a lot of intricacies that have to be thought through in order to know enough about what’s going on to form an opinion. Because of that, this is a long post. If you have the attention span of a skritt or have ever responded to another post with TL/DR just because you were too lazy to read it all the way through (in other words, you’re a skritt) then just close this tab and go away. This post isn’t for you.
If you aren’t a healer or tank yourself then you need to realize that you probably don’t know enough of the details involved in doing these jobs (yet, we’ll fix that) to be stating your opinion as if it were fact. This doesn’t mean your opinion isn’t welcome, it is welcome. Just realize that there are a thousand small details you’ve probably never considered, so what you’re thinking at this point may not actually be practical.
This isn’t my idea. I saw it mentioned in Brazil’s video on a druid build and it’s an idea that’s intrigued me since. As a former core raider in (the game that shall not be named) I’ve been tier one raid heals and done my share of tanking / off tanking. In fact, people often said they’d never seen a good DK tank before me and had thought it wasn’t possible before working with me. If that doesn’t make sense to you then don’t sweat it. All it means is that I have a pretty good clue when it comes to both tanking and healing.
“Can it be done?”
Yes, and it’s already been done.
“Why would you want to?”
The short answer is that an effective druid puts so many buffs on the raid that they can be worth two to three DPS, plus the heals that they bring to the group. A druid played to mathematical perfection (never gonna happen) theoretically can increase the total DPS by 35%(ish). In reality I shoot for 25, which is one heck of a trick even under the best of circumstances.
But most druids are operating under abysmal circumstances in the Vale Guardian fight. As a result the raid is getting so little out of the druid that it’s sad.
“What’s wrong?”
In my experience the druid is being used as heals and green circle duty. This has a number of problems, not the least of which is that the druid is spending about 25% of it’s time on the run instead of doing it’s thing. Worse, half of the green circles take the druid too far away from the melee group for the druid to reach melee with half or more of the buffs/heals. Melee is where the boss is being burned down and the buffs the druid brings have to be there or you risk losing so much DPS that your back ends up against the wall or, in this case, the timer.
While doing green circle duty I have never seen six minutes at the end of phase one. Not even close. This is a problem.
Worse, one of the druids most powerful and beneficial heals is being totally wasted, almost never healing anyone for the entire fight. This heal is Ancestral Grace, know to non-druids as “that yellow comet teleport thingy that goes streaking across the platform”. This is our biggest heal (well over 2K) and a blast finisher but I’m forced to keep it in my pocket and use it only to get to green circles that are too far away from me to reach without it. I never use it to heal… I can’t afford to miss a circle because that risks a wipe. And if your answer is for the druid to just stay central then forget it because here comes another detail you’re missing.
A druid on green circle duty has to dash into melee as often as possible, then dash out to the next circle, endlessly. This is more time wasted on the run but it’s necessary because many of the druid’s buffs and heals are very short range.
You lose almost all of these if you keep a druid on the run with green circle duty:
Rejuvenating Tides: Radius 240 Every 8 sec (Avatar only)
Natural Convergence: Radius 360 Every 10 sec (Avatar only)
Glyph of Rejuvenation: Radius 300 Every 19 sec OR Healing Spring: Radius 240 Every 24 Sec
Glyph of Empowerment: Radius 300 Every 16 sec
Spotter (600 Precision to Allies): Radius 600
Vigorous Training (Endurance to help with Blues): Radius 300
Verdant Etching (Trait) Drops a healing seed at your feet with each Glyph cast: Radius 180
Every lost heal in Avatar form is a lost stack of Grace of the Land (3% damage increase of ALL types per stack, 8 sec)
As you can see, losing a few of these may not be a huge deal but losing most of them can cripple total melee DPS, not to mention all of the lost heals because the druid is too busy running around to heal.
Worst of all:
Say your green circle group gets into trouble. You pop Avatar form and keep them alive by “carpet bombing” heals and blowing CD’s. Now you come out of Avatar and you have no energy at all. You need to refuel.
There are only two ways you can do that. One is to do damage. Have you ever tried to do DPS in Zealot’s gear? Okay, so that ain’t happening. The other way is to heal or res people. Well, you just blew most of your heals, though you do have Ancestral Grace and that could generate a lot of energy IF you didn’t have to keep it in your pocket so you can get to far away green circles, so that’s out. So is reviving people because you have no choice but to jump and run for circle duty.
So how do you regenerate your energy?
Answer: Slowly.
This means it takes you a long time to get back into Avatar and that’s a lot of lost healing that some melee people are calling out for, plus the whole melee group is losing Grace of the Land because you can’t get into Avatar.
This is not an effective way for the raid to use the tools that are at it’s disposal.
“So how do we fix it?”
The short version is keep the druid in melee at all times.
“But the green circle needs those heals.”
The circle can get plenty of heals via the big three bomber heals a druid has in Avatar form because those three “Death from Above” heals all have range 1200. They can always hit the green circle from melee, without fail.
“But putting a druid in melee is a loss of DPS that the tank was providing.”
Yes but you’re better off. Here’s why:
First, the obvious. You get all those buffs back. That in itself is worth a lot more than the DPS of any tank.
Second: You can bring in a ninth DPS.
“Okay, so how would a druid pull all of this off?”
It’s simple, but not easy. Here are the things that a tank/heal combo druid needs to be able to do, most of them at the same time:
1) Position the boss. Without this, all is lost.
2) Dodge blues… this means dodge when someone else calls out blue because the druid is way too busy looking out at the ranged people to watch for blues.
3) Watch the green team constantly. They get into trouble with seekers, some more often than others. Be ready to react when they need you.
4) Lay water fields in melee and blast them as much as you can. This means that Ancestral Grace is now aimed right at your feet and use it on CD, preferably to blast a water or fire field. Don’t forget that Staff 6 is another water field, though I have no idea why since it’s a curtain of light. Using Ancestral Grace and healing the melee with utilities is the way to recharge quickly.
5) If your green team gets into trouble, or looks like they’ll be safe for a good while, pop into Avatar. At the same time start hammering the green team with staff 1,2 and 3 while dropping seeds, glyphs and personal heals at your feet.This has little to nothing to do with heals, what you’re doing here is maximizing GotL. The short range stuff stacks it on melee and the bombers put it on the green team, so everyone should be getting it.
6) Swap pets, F2 them and swap weapons as often as you can to proc buffs. Don’t forget that you can run two staffs with the same stats and different sigils (or the same if the CD is under 9 sec), then keep swapping as fast as you can.
Other advantages:
A number of raid teams are handling the seekers rather nicely by using multiple condi engineers on the green team. Don’t forget they have a lot of tools to slow, stun or kick seekers around and they can still do a lot of condi damage from range. You could do a lot worse than putting all your condi engi’s on the green team and making your ninth DPS a condi engi too.
Usually during intermission the tank and heals are placed on the green pillar, sometimes with a DPS. Then when another pillar is done they come over to help green. With a ninth DPS you can put two DPS on green along with the druid and this will burn the green pillar down, maybe faster than the other two.
Every second counts. Make the most of that ninth DPS.
Now you know enough to form an opinion.
If you’re worried that this places the fate of the raid in the hands of the druid/tank then I have news for you. The fate of the raid is already in the hands of the druid and tank. If either one blows it, you’re going wipe. So how is this any different?
For druids I have one piece of advice:
Relax. You got this, boss. No pressure or anything.