Break Bars
I’ll see if I can add breakbar %’s to gw2dps later today. Ability to get the values is there, just need to cook up some code to display it on screen.
edit: done
(edited by frifox.5283)
Immob is really good at stripping it. Same for fear.
Immob is really good at stripping it. Same for fear.
Necro’s CttB, Executioner’s Scythe, Grasping Darkness and especially Flesh Golem’s Charge burn through breakbars like crazy too. If fear really takes about 10% per second, Grasping Darkness and Executioner’s should remove about 40-45% each, though I can only guess here. Flesh Golem is capable of removing 80%+ from a target, to the point where I actually was able to fully break the bar with a single charge on certain enemies.
Can some1 test asura technobable?
Dear ANet, a I know its a pvp lobby, but a breakbar golem would be great. Let it mimic a fractal boss.
Also, guild hall indestructible golems would be incredible.
Can some1 test asura technobable?
This, I heard Wooden Potatoes saying it was massively effective, at least in the open world.
Part-time Kittenposter
Can some1 test asura technobable?
This, I heard Wooden Potatoes saying it was massively effective, at least in the open world.
Good question actually, I’ll try to compare it against fear/stun/golem charge on my Necro later if I don’t forget.
Edit: Sooo, I did some testing and I did type out a rather lengthy post about it, but the forum hates me today T_T
TLDR pretty much is: Technobabble (3 sec. Daze) is roughly half as good as Flesh Golem Charge (Launch, 1 sec. Knockdown), but Charge is inconsistent. Sometimes it hits like a truck (99% breakbar on Bristleback Vets), sometimes only like a… family-friendly combi-van (66% also on Bristleback Vets) and sometimes it doesn’t hit at all because the Golem kitten s out =P
Technobabble, however, is super consistent, insta cast and only on a slightly longer cd than Charge (40 sec. vs. 45 sec.), so I’d say it is indeed a worthwhile pick for classes/builds light on CC or in fights where breaking the bar asap is crucial.
(edited by Skoigoth.9238)
Knockdown = Stun = Daze = Fear. Most bars equal ~6 seconds of these.
Golem hits multiple times which makes it nice because I doubt breakbars care when cc overlaps. Launch and knockback seemed highly inconsistent so no idea about those.
6 seconds of stun took about 19.75 seconds to regenerate. This matches with breaking the bar causing 5 seconds of stun and 50% more damage, which ends when bar has regenerated ~25%. So regeneration is ~5% per second.
Counted time from using 7 seconds of immobilize to fully regen the bar. Then used 3 seconds of immobilize with other conditions to count their strength.
- Immobilize: -~8% per second.
- Chilled: -~5% per second (however slightly stronger than the regen).
- Weakness: -~4% per second.
- Blind: -~3% per second.
- Crippled: -~2.5% per second.
If anyone has read reddit and wonders whether immobilize or chilled work better when the target is moving or whether blind works better when enemy attacks. Well, I have yet to see any difference.
If you don’t mind helping my cause. Not sure what is with that dude but he likes to spread misinformation and just downvotes anyone he disagrees with.
Anyways, once we can see exact defiance amounts, it will be really easy to verify everything.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Can’t really calculate the values properly, but seeing you’re all doing some research I figured I’d come by and post what I’ve seen while playing Scrapper and Berserker. Keep in mind this is in open world PvE, so it might be different.
- Breakbar ‘HP’ and regeneration rate might scale depending on player population, and some enemies might have different regeneration rates. I’ve seen Veteran Nuhoch(sp?) stompers having their breakbar broken , then burning them down for a good 20~30 seconds until they died, with their breakbar barely regenerated. Legendary Wyvern, on the other hand, is pretty easy to break if you’re prepared for it and solo; with a sizeable zerg, it’s impossible to solo-break it since the damage to the bar is pretty low.
- Playing as Berserker: Legendary Wyvern can be broken if solo/under 5 man via Wild Blow, Shield Bash/Tremor and Headbutt. Headbutt deals almost half of the breakbar by itself, could be since it’s a 3s stun.
- Playing as Scrapper: I can’t really assure it, but Blind and Weakness, being soft-CC’s that had reduced efectiveness against Defiant enemies before, seem to also affect Breakbars. I’ve laid down Endothermic Shell below an unbroken champion regenerating its breakbar but didn’t manage to halt the regeneration; however, dropping Flash Shell right after seemed to add up to the chill and started lowering the breakbar again, albeit slowly. Also, Slick Shoes can’t insta-break an enemy if they are not moving over the puddles.
Breakbars and skills do not function with these % numbers you guys are applying. Break bars are made of up units and each skill removes a certain amount of units. Some boss (due to design or due to scaling) have breakbars with more or less units. A particular skill will not remove a %, it will just remove a fixed amount of breakbar units which can either be a huge chunk or a small amount depending how many units make up the breakbar. that said, the balance of how many units each skill removes isn’t very good or intuitive though launches and knockbacks seem to remove the most.
Breakbars and skills do not function with these % numbers you guys are applying. Break bars are made of up units and each skill removes a certain amount of units. Some boss (due to design or due to scaling) have breakbars with more or less units. A particular skill will not remove a %, it will just remove a fixed amount of breakbar units which can either be a huge chunk or a small amount depending how many units make up the breakbar. that said, the balance of how many units each skill removes isn’t very good or intuitive though launches and knockbacks seem to remove the most.
Well so far it seems all Break Bars are the same in Dungeons and Fractals.
Obviously in open world and raids it’ll be different.
Unfortunately not everyone has an access to beta testing raids.