Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert Hrouda.1327


Robert Hrouda.1327

Content Designer

Thanks for your reports everyone. I’ve made sure our QA team has been watching this thread closely and working to replicate the issues you are bringing up. I greatly appreciate you all taking the time to put these issues down.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


You need to keep tar boss perma burned, otherwise he will use that skill .

I know, still doesn’t change the fact that when he comes out of the hole and immediately tars someone (whether they dodge it or not they will get hit) or if the whiskey guy goes down (he loses the bottle) and he tars someone else, that person won’t be able to use any skills until they relog. So even though your comment may be helpful to others, it is not a bug fix.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Thanks for your reports everyone. I’ve made sure our QA team has been watching this thread closely and working to replicate the issues you are bringing up. I greatly appreciate you all taking the time to put these issues down.

and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to listen to our reports and attempt to fix these problems

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I know, still doesn’t change the fact that when he comes out of the hole and immediately tars someone (whether they dodge it or not they will get hit) or if the whiskey guy goes down (he loses the bottle) and he tars someone else, that person won’t be able to use any skills until they relog. So even though your comment may be helpful to others, it is not a bug fix.

Ye, I know that this skill is bugged, just saying how to minimize the risk of getting it. I haven’t got it even once though.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Ye, I know that this skill is bugged, just saying how to minimize the risk of getting it. I haven’t got it even once though.

yea yesterday our fire guy didn’t know quite what to do so one of our guys got tar’d at the start, we reset to get his skills back… but since we reset, the tar stayed above ground and immediately started attacking anyone in range. Since I was the new tar guy AND first one back in the room, I got tar’d. No one expected that so another guy got tar’d before we got the fight under control.

Also for bugs on tar monster.
If all players continue to stand on tar spouts throughout the fight, when the tar monster goes back into the ground, it will not pop back up unless more than one player gets off the spout and gets back on. I KNOW for a fact that not all 4 players need to get off the spouts because the other guy who got tar’d afked/sleep emoted on the tar spout for the rest of the fight. Since I was on whiskey duty, I watched as the 3 other players stepped off the spouts 1 by 1, always 3 people standing on the spouts, but after the 3rd guy got off and on the boss came back out.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Also don’t know if this is intended but I found a way to get back into the ring, over the bone wall, with the pirate boss in P2 (the one that summons himself over and over). You can climb one of the pillars and if you have enough speed, you can jump onto one of the broken beams. From there you can jump over the wall.

IMO you should leave that there since it really did promote clever thinking to get over that wall. Also since there is no other way to get it, it felt very cruel to not let the player know that there’d be no obvious way to get back in esp if it is their first time.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stridix.4260


What is up with the sparks in Simin fight. First of all they do not go the path u desire and they sometimes go straight through the statue making us use more time to kite the sparks back and by the time it happens it was already too late.
Seconds is that sometimes the shields glitches that you would have no idea which one is not with spark so u have to run around the circle again to see which runes did not have spark. Also the rune floor is glitches that we can’t see where we put the spark. And the rune sometimes does not take sparks even though it is empty.
I wish a-net find an alternative to that such as let us carry the spark to the statue. At least we can control our destiny and not the sparks themselves b/c the sparks ai is just totally not that great and ppl are really just trying to be lucky on the sparks instead of skills.
And I heard this game is supposed to be quite casual so u don’t have to spend too much time on dungeons. Well there goes my six hrs on that one fight.

(edited by Stridix.4260)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


You can replicate 95% of these bugs by simply running Arah.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Reihert.1509


P4: Lupicus spwan adds at the helping npc.
Rezzing that npc anywhere in the dungeons is a bad idea.

P4: no matter what happens or how long she s been out, dwayne priests always get invisible at 50%, even if she s been out for ten secs.

Also, sometimea those sparka dont really activate.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tanksferaskin.6487


Path 4 Simin. As noted before by others sparks will not get into spots correctly. We noticed as well that sometimes you can tell where sparks need to go by circles when she is pulled out of room, and other times its impossible. Simin’s health regen is faster now for some reason. We watched the kill videos in comparison to how she is now, and it is faster, making a endless loop at 50%. Our group was decked out pure DPS full exotics and we burn her very fast to 50, had good spark runs, but no matter what it was endless loop at 50%

And seriously what is up with the activate button on the floor near the statue?


Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lynksy.7450


I can confirm the bug with Simin in path 4. I’ve tried that path today and we couldn’t get her health below 50%. Every time you get to 50% she goes invisible and starts healing up. It doesn’t matter how much dps you throw at her or how fast you are with the sparks, it’s an endless cycle.
Please fix this, I really want to finish that path and it’s just impossible now!

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pritst.1469


just so everyone knows the boss is ment to stealth at 50% health that’s part of the mechanic you need lots of DPS to do it. But what i do wanna comment on it now the boss is invulnerable while she is stealthed and i’m not sure if this is a bug or not, i have dungeon master so i’m not complaining becasue i can’t achieve it i’m annoyed with creating a boss with no way of winning. GW2 is a game about balance and as far as i know when a theif stealths you can still damage it like you could this boss i understand anet maybe not liking people putting this boss in 1 spot and just killing it through the stealth but when you create a boss with so many bugs in how the sparks move to the point if you have 5 people in the room than there is no way to even get the sparks there, even the teams who don’t use the DPS way still have 1 person on her to keep posin on the boss so her healing is reduced i honestly would love 2 see a team of anet devs show us how this boss is ment 2 be done becasue with this new nerf to her the dungeon that was already the hardest in the game they kept 90% people from getting dungeon master was just made harder. Instead of stopping people from getting dungeon master and making things that were already to hard for a good 90% of the game fix fractals and all the extra d/c’s that happen or let us rejoin the team. i though this thread was to fix bugs in arah not make things harder. getting damaged while stealthed isn’t a bug.

(edited by Pritst.1469)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385


Just got out of my first run on Path 4. We couldn’t beat it…but I don’t think it was due to lack of skill.

Bugs encountered:
The sparks are too unreliable. They do not go into the circles even when they are RIGHT next to it. It is set too pixel perfect.

The shielded circles that note if one is taken or bug out due to sparks moving it seems. That makes it so you have absolutely NO way to tell which area your spark needs to go into.

Sparks will randomly leesh if you go too far. This happened on the spark near cave ent for me most.

The sparks will agro the NPC who will just stand there (we did both in room/out room during our attempts).

Pets will agro sparks which just makes it more irritating for pet classes.

Please make the sparks melee only. The range is nothing but annoying.
Make it so you just have to get 5 sparks around the tree in a circle similar to those when defending an area. This would cut down on bad pathing, but still make it essentially the exact same fight. So it would go:

Two runners (south/cave ent) agro – > Run to tree → Melee sparks follow ONLY those who initially agro! → 5 sparks get near tree (not put in a specific spot, that bugs out) → priestess unstealths.

(edited by Dead.7385)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strontius.6478


The priestess of dwayna fight is extremely frustrating. Firstly, sparks do not lock in reliably. I understand we’re supposed to walk farther than the spot because the sparks will begin attacking you when they’re in range, but it still feels very counter-intuitive and clunky. My suggestion would be to remove their ability to attack us, or make the slots much larger so that they get trapped into it easier. While this would make it easier, IMO this boss is challenging right now in a way that does not feel fair, but instead due to poor AI and bugs.

Furthermore, I’ve encountered a bug where 5 shields are up, but one or two sparks remain outside the slots and cannot lock in. Unfortunately I do not remember exactly what our group did to cause this.

Lastly, tears are sometimes not cleansing the petrified condition. This seems to occur when someone is petrified, gets the debuff again, and then becomes petrified again just after being cleansed by a tear. This results in a situation where the player can use abilities but is unable to move.

This is the last path my core dungeon group needs for our dungeon master titles, so it has been quite frustrating to wipe on this boss for hours due to reasons out of our control.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massi.5097


can you Mr. Hrouda pls explain how to defeat Simin as a group of 5 random classes and not just warrior guardian and “high dps” one? where is the point of spark trolling players near their spot and not going in position ? maybe i’m just bad or maybe i’ve just choosen the “wrong class” cause as a ranger i can ofc dps her out of stealth and use tears effectively but for spark i must pass cause my pet is as always a pain. where is the skill in this fight ? where is the anet statement “play as you want” ? i see only lame bugs and scripting failure. pls before add new dungeon fix the older ones.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


can you Mr. Hrouda pls explain how to defeat Simin as a group of 5 random classes and not just warrior guardian and “high dps” one? where is the point of spark trolling players near their spot and not going in position ? maybe i’m just bad or maybe i’ve just choosen the “wrong class” cause as a ranger i can ofc dps her out of stealth and use tears effectively but for spark i must pass cause my pet is as always a pain. where is the skill in this fight ? where is the anet statement “play as you want” ? i see only lame bugs and scripting failure. pls before add new dungeon fix the older ones.

You cannot do dps way now. So your whole point is flawed.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Path 2: Belka does not turn hostile.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massi.5097


can you Mr. Hrouda pls explain how to defeat Simin as a group of 5 random classes and not just warrior guardian and “high dps” one? where is the point of spark trolling players near their spot and not going in position ? maybe i’m just bad or maybe i’ve just choosen the “wrong class” cause as a ranger i can ofc dps her out of stealth and use tears effectively but for spark i must pass cause my pet is as always a pain. where is the skill in this fight ? where is the anet statement “play as you want” ? i see only lame bugs and scripting failure. pls before add new dungeon fix the older ones.

You cannot do dps way now. So your whole point is flawed.

well so which “way” i can do it now ? hope for sparks ?

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Try doing the 4-1 spark trick, although I have the feeling they “fixed” it now, making Simin unkillable.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


well so which “way” i can do it now ? hope for sparks ?

You can do it in normal way. Get sparks to the statue fast enough.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Massi.5097


they just keep standing sometimes, really, we tryed for about 2 hours and they work pretty bad, can someone explain me how to move in order to let them go quick in position? we have 2 people grabbing them really fast but we lost waty much time near their spot cause they keep trolling

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fourpoundburrito.1698


Path 4 bloodstone shard doesn’t become attackable randall does not interact with the shard triggering the cutscene not sure what causes this

I want to repost this one since it was buried in RoRo’s long list. When approaching the shard we saw a brief cutscene, but after killing the 4 mobs guarding it nothing happened. After spending 5 hours in the dungeon (Simin took us a really, really long time) our brains exploded all over our keyboards, it was quite a mess.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Does killing P3 end-boss and receiving reward when doing any other path count as broken?

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Does killing P3 end-boss and receiving reward when doing any other path count as broken?

Pardon? Is this like the HotW feature?

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Does killing P3 end-boss and receiving reward when doing any other path count as broken?

Pardon? Is this like the HotW feature?

Not exactly sure. P1 end-gate bugged so not sure if you can get both rewards. Killing P2 end-boss at least didn’t give anything after killing P3 end-boss.
Not exactly easiest exploit when you have to run on walls while Deadeyes snipe at you.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Lupicus resetting right front of me.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Patryk.4172


Path 4 giganticus seems to bug out(doesn’t wake up and become attackable) if you enter his room when randall is dead not 100% sure


Happened to us today, we had a great team prepared to kill Dwayna and didnt get the opportunity. What Causes this bug, is that NPC beeing dead when the gate explodes? I dont remember if he was alive or not at this time.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slayer.7623


- The circles aren’t lighting properly after pulling the sparks to them. We had instances where a circle appeared unused but the spark would not go on so we dragged them to circles that appeared used and they triggered them instead so I guess they are lighting properly
- Some sparks stacked on the same circle after triggering different circles which made it difficult to tell which is still needed for remaining sparks
– Some sparks weren’t even near the shrine but it triggered the shrine for us 2 times. I’m not really sure what happened but the one time it looked like we lost aggro on the front one that is alone along the rocky divider and it floated back and triggered the shrine. We liked this bug.
– After about 2 hours the circles were all bugged out. Only 1 random circle was there when the sparks spawned and the other 4 were completely invisible so it made it difficult to tell where to put them but the circles appeared after we put a spark in that area. When the sparks spawned this same cycle repeated itself.

I guess all you have to do is play this and fail at it for awhile to see those things. It took us about 8 hours to finish this path and this added a lot of time and frustration.

i dont see how this can pass for dungeon material anyhow… i m a big fan of all your dungeons tho this arah seers path is just .. not right! way to much things are wrong whit the spark technical, ppl who pass it these days will only pass it on luck. no matter wat team setup u have or wat they say themself. u can trap sparks whitout any mistake till its out of your hand and just bad game mechanic that brings u right back at the start of the boss…. nothing but frustating and anoying. dwana heals way to much to not depend on luck whit these unreliable sparks (wich dont even work properly for profesions whit pets). yes i like a challange but this is just kitten frustating and as a designer u should rethink this whole boss setup or at least get the mechanics working properly to a base were its posible for any profesion setup. no dungeon should take 10 hours long not even in a pug group this is a serious design flaw..

plz rethink these mechanics and make that boss posible for all profesions, i realy love the way arah is setup dont get me wrong but after such a kitten spark (..) i not feel like doing that dungeon for a long time. plz excuse me for any spelling mistakes since my first langue isnt english. just hope the point comes acros. realy looking forward to any changes made so i can give that path another chance. wich i just cant bother to atm.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tanksferaskin.6487


Sad to see with all the recent patches that this one is still bugged.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Simin now goes invulnerable before she is invis, starts regening before she is invis, and remains invulnerable the entire time that she is invis.

Oh and also on p3 the very first open door slams shut in your face with 0 warning and 4 silver elite corpses reply to your shock and unawareness by severely smashing your face in.

Happened to me even AFTER I cleared the mobs in front of the area (always do for chance of rares). I was solo so this was really disappointing. I LIKE to solo those bosses and the next one, was fun. Now you can’t do it (or at least I can’t solo 4 arah silver elites).

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Simin now goes invulnerable before she is invis, starts regening before she is invis, and remains invulnerable the entire time that she is invis.

Oh and also on p3 the very first open door slams shut in your face with 0 warning and 4 silver elite corpses reply to your shock and unawareness by severely smashing your face in.

Happened to me even AFTER I cleared the mobs in front of the area (always do for chance of rares). I was solo so this was really disappointing. I LIKE to solo those bosses and the next one, was fun. Now you can’t do it (or at least I can’t solo 4 arah silver elites).

Those aren’t broken events. They are part of the updates.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Simin now goes invulnerable before she is invis, starts regening before she is invis, and remains invulnerable the entire time that she is invis.

Oh and also on p3 the very first open door slams shut in your face with 0 warning and 4 silver elite corpses reply to your shock and unawareness by severely smashing your face in.

Happened to me even AFTER I cleared the mobs in front of the area (always do for chance of rares). I was solo so this was really disappointing. I LIKE to solo those bosses and the next one, was fun. Now you can’t do it (or at least I can’t solo 4 arah silver elites).

Those aren’t broken events. They are part of the updates.

I was being sarcastic about them being broken then relayed my getting pwnt story just cause I felt like it.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Another on Lupicus : he sometimes resets when there is only one fighting him and this player tries to outrange him.
Most annoying ever bug on him : his reset is instant, he does not recover slowly, he immediately jumps from 5% to 100% in less than a second if it happens … Quite frustrating knowing this is caused most of the time by some bug

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WingsofAsgard.9201


Another on Lupicus : he sometimes resets when there is only one fighting him and this player tries to outrange him.
Most annoying ever bug on him : his reset is instant, he does not recover slowly, he immediately jumps from 5% to 100% in less than a second if it happens … Quite frustrating knowing this is caused most of the time by some bug

I’m of the opinion that he shouldn’t regen health at all.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Yeah I sure agree with you. I just stated another bug which is even more annoying.
I mean, if it started to slowly regen but stops once you hit him, it would be quite OK (it would still be a bug) as you don’t lose what you’ve done.
I guess they fixed rapidly people pulling Lupicus to WP by having him reset when there is a certain distance, without checking those kind of cases … (would be better to be impossible for him to reset as long as he is in the arena, and there is at least one player alive -even if downed or stealthed – in the arena as well)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I’m of the opinion that he shouldn’t regen health at all.

You mean you could just try again and again until get him to 0%. How would that work with his different phases?

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Radakaster.9180


Elaborating further on the path 4 Simin case:

I was with a PUG last night for a few hours. Everyone was pretty experienced, and although it was our first time, we breezed through the dungeon.

We spent a few hours on Simin, checked the forums/video’s/etc and we were unable to kill her.

Our party composition was: Guardian x2, Warrior, Elementalist x2

The general issue seems to be that her invuln/invis mechanism seems to be % health based, and not time based or purely damage. What I mean with that is that she keeps going invuln/invis every time she hits 50% health.

We’ve had happen many times where we would get her to 50%, get the sparks really fast and have her back when she’s at 55% (using the 4-1 trick) and she would go invuln/invis again 5 seconds later when she hits 50%.

This bug does not always happen, but the lowest we managed to her is 30% – upon which her 50% trigger goes off and we’re back where we started.

I know the usual ‘strategy’ is just to DPS her to 0% during those instances, but is that not just simply flawed?

A fix I would propose (while being nice and not requesting all those hours of my life back..sigh):

-Have her go invis/invuln every time she loses a certain % of health, and have her regen at a reasonable rate in order for her to always have a chunk of HP gone. For example, if you really want to keep the tedium:
– Let’s say she triggers every time she loses 30% of health, becoming invuln. Assuming
it takes 60 seconds to to do the sparks, have her regen at a rate of say..10%/60 seconds. That way a fast party can take her down in 5 bursts, and a really slow one can have it take up to 10+.

Please keep into consideration that these values and average times are arbitrary to make a point.

Radakaster [ThUn]

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340



If you assume it takes 60 secs to get all sparks, it’s obviously where lies your problem. You should do that in about 10 secs

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Radakaster.9180



If you assume it takes 60 secs to get all sparks, it’s obviously where lies your problem. You should do that in about 10 secs

Please take the effort to read my full post. I said: ‘Please keep into consideration that these values and average times are arbitrary to make a point.’

But I’ll assume I can easily figure out your problem, so I’ll help you along a bit further:

Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
(of power or a ruling body) Unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority

There ya go, all clear?:) Have a good evening!

Radakaster [ThUn]

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raidium.3916


I don’t know if this has been listed yet but Giganticus Lupicus in Seer’s path glitches out when you enter his chamber with the NPC dead preventing the scene from triggering.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WingsofAsgard.9201


I’m of the opinion that he shouldn’t regen health at all.

You mean you could just try again and again until get him to 0%. How would that work with his different phases?

Ok, to clarify. I work on game mechanics regularly with friends that are game designers. Here lies the dilemma…I understand frustrating poorly designed mechanics from alpha testing these games with them. I’ll break down the Lupicus fight into its components.

Phase 1:
While the mechanics of this phase are rather dull, there is the added threat of his locusts and grubs. Grubs need to be killed as quickly as possible to prevent him from eating the grub and becoming more powerful. The locusts are there to chip away at your health and distract you from the grub if you are dying. Lupicus doesn’t move during this phase of the fight which is appropriate as he is fighting players at range making the mechanics well balanced.

Phase 2:
Here comes the annoying somewhat unbalanced part of the fight. He gains mobility and it’s fast. He burrows underground much like the dredge, but moves a lot faster underground as well. Dodge needs to be used strategically to avoid his surfacing attack that can one hit kill you if you are anything but toughness/vitality/power spec. In addition to the burrowing he has a massive probably close to 50-60 circle AoE projectile attack originating from his body that zig-zags. Often times these circles are concentrated so heavily that it is impossible even with a full dodge bar to avoid getting hit and possible killed as per the same issue listed above. This is due to him shooting off the attack and immediately burrowing into the ground to go after someone that is already using up their dodge to get out of the circles that Lupicus laid and has projectiles on their way to those locations. So the mechanics are a bit wonky here and don’t really allow for any sort of strategy to be developed. Strategy and discovering what that strategy is are an important part to almost any game and when there is a lack of an ability to form a strategy something needs to be done to the mechanics. In addition many bosses in the game are reliant on people running from waypoints in the middle of a battle to complete the battle or phase. This indicates that the boss fight perhaps isn’t as well balanced as it could be, or perhaps the players aren’t as skilled as the developers and QA testers who have been playing the game throughout its development and very likely since approximately the beginning of its inception.

Phase 3:
Here Lupicus goes back to a stage of being able to use strategy to defeat him again. He stops burrowing and surfaces. He walks around to players at a good clip and puts up a bubble that traps a player inside (unless they have stability), and bombards them with damage per second. This can be dodge before it is placed if you pay attention to Lupicus’s movements or if you can stability out of it. In addition he has a second attack where he jumps off the ground, hovers, and sucks health from anyone with in the circle indicated on the ground below him.

In essence the entire fight is ranged based on looking at how the mechanics are designed. I’m personally of the opinion that if you defeat a boss and a chest spawns a waypoint should spawn at that location. This defines it as a check point and is a sign of having achieved something significant within the dungeon. Currently there are some things within the paths of Arah that do not stick to this logic. One of these is the lack of a fully descriptive mechanic on the Simin fight. Another is the lack of waypoints in the Jotun path (path 1) between the second boss and Lupicus.

The problem many of us are having is with Lupicus resetting randomly. This has something to do with preventing people from dragging Lupicus out of his pit, however it’s triggering while he is still engaged in a battle with a member of the part and or at entirely random times even while he is still engaged in battle and whaling on you. Whatever the case for him resetting may be, it’s preventing many people from getting past him. I’ve done Arah many times and only recently has it become quiet a hassle to even attempt doing.

Really, my point is, until the mechanics can be re-examined, he should be set to not reset his health as long as one person is alive and aggroing him.

Also I’d like to point out my realization that the developers work very hard on making this game great, and balancing a game is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in creating a game. I give them all kudos for doing as well as they have with such a vast amount of content. Keep up the hard work devs and we’ll keep lending our feedback.

(edited by WingsofAsgard.9201)

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340



This fight is hardly ranged favorable.

Phase 1 is dull because you choose it to be dull.

During phase 2 he doesn’t burrow, he shadowsteps (semantics). You don’t have to dodge his single projectiles, moving in zig-zag patterns is enough.

The only problem with lupi is the case where he randomly resets (even when 5 people are fighting him) but I guess you should be thanking for that people who were pulling him to waypoint because he was too hard.

The whole fight is well tought and designed, unlike other bosses’ fights.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raidium.3916


This actually only happens when there is nobody attacking Lupicus, I guess he got bored? Example Scenario; 4 players of the team dodges his AoE missles out of range while he’s locked on to a thief that took severe damage dropping his health below 25% health triggering Blinding Powder from “Last Refuge” trait which can cause the boss to reset because there is no other targets. A lot of thing can happen when other players scatter around when dodging his attacks, just make sure one player is constantly attacking him.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


This actually only happens when there is nobody attacking Lupicus, I guess he got bored? Example Scenario; 4 players of the team dodges his AoE missles out of range while he’s locked on to a thief that took severe damage dropping his health below 25% health triggering Blinding Powder from “Last Refuge” trait which can cause the boss to reset because there is no other targets. A lot of thing can happen when other players scatter around when dodging his attacks, just make sure one player is constantly attacking him.

How’s that the situation you just described?

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


Randall really needs to be fixed. I did path 4 today and these were the outcomes:

- On the first run, we purposely let Randall die before we engaged Lupi. However this seems to glitch Lupi as he wouldn’t turn hostile. We had to restart.
- On the second run, Randall fed 3 grubs to Lupi, making the fight harder than it needed to be.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Randall really needs to be fixed. I did path 4 today and these were the outcomes:

- On the first run, we purposely let Randall die before we engaged Lupi. However this seems to glitch Lupi as he wouldn’t turn hostile. We had to restart.
- On the second run, Randall fed 3 grubs to Lupi, making the fight harder than it needed to be.

Good idea is to start fight with Randall and when he dies, reset the fight.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


Randall really needs to be fixed. I did path 4 today and these were the outcomes:

- On the first run, we purposely let Randall die before we engaged Lupi. However this seems to glitch Lupi as he wouldn’t turn hostile. We had to restart.
- On the second run, Randall fed 3 grubs to Lupi, making the fight harder than it needed to be.

Good idea is to start fight with Randall and when he dies, reset the fight.

Yes, that seems like a good idea.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Randall really needs to be fixed. I did path 4 today and these were the outcomes:

- On the first run, we purposely let Randall die before we engaged Lupi. However this seems to glitch Lupi as he wouldn’t turn hostile. We had to restart.
- On the second run, Randall fed 3 grubs to Lupi, making the fight harder than it needed to be.

yes beware on having randall dead before the instance we had that happen to us aswell. Stupid thing is I melee lupey anyhow so probably did’nt need to try that.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hador.2753


I was running Path 1 yesterday, and before fighting Lupicus we had only 1 waypoint (the one that appears after killing the Ancient Ooze), except for the starting one.
I’m pretty sure there should have been at least one more.

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

Has anyone else noticed a decided lack of accuracy with Lupicus’ and his projectile circles? three different members of our group tonight in Path 3 were killed by the mass projectile attack when we were decidedly out of the circles. We are going to try it again tomorrow and i will take video of it if no one else has seen this issue. The attack is difficult enough to dodge as it is, but if the warning circles are inaccurate, that is just mean. Any tips would be appreciated.

Dagrin – Master of the downed state