Buggy Duneons need Priority

Buggy Duneons need Priority

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jokael.4168


I don’t know about you folks but this is becoming ridiculous waiting to hopefully have a dungeon entrance open for business, then after they do a group member gets bugged and can’t enter the same instance as the group.

I spent an hour trying different groups today to try and get my alt into AC and it is leaving me rethinking my desire to continue to play this game. I enjoy the PvP but I also really like running dungeons with friends.

We have a small guild that was about 24 people, but are now down to 7 active members as the others decided instead of waiting for the PvE content to be fixed properly they would rather play with Pandas, Borderlands2 or Torchlight2.

The dungeons risk vs reward really needs an overhaul as well. Why are most dungeons’ trash tougher then the bosses in many circumstances? Why do most trash hit like freight trains and bosses hit like girl scouts?
The loot is horrible in 99.9% of the instances. Yeah i may get a yellow to break down into a glob, yeah. I could spend 1 hour farming mobs and get enough silver to buy 5 globs and get something really good made.

Fix your buggy zones for PvE Anet or you will see your player base dwindle just like every other game that has been released in the 5 years. Your profits are tied to your micro transactions, if people aren’t here you make no money.

Buggy Duneons need Priority

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I find more ridiculous the “Duneons” and your whine instead of wait a few hours for the monday patch

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter