Buying a Raid Spot.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


Is there any one selling raid spots, I figure it would give me a chance at ascended drops and give me an opportunity to learn the fight; what’s the going rate?

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chris McSwag.4683

Chris McSwag.4683

I’d say buying a raid spot is a poor way of getting ascended gear and learning the fight.

[eS] Ethereal Synergy
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


Learn the fight by watching videos and reading guides. Join training groups for certain bosses.

Get Ascended gear by crafting, fractals, or raiding once you know how to raid.

It will be vastly more expensive to obtain ascended gear via buying raid slots than it would be to craft.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


Maybe I’ll just do 5 mans, I’m with a chill patient guild; I have no doubt that some day they will dumb that raid down once it becomes obsolete.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Check the Looking for More section of the raid LFG. There are usually 2-3 guilds selling bosses there at any given time (more during prime time). Ask them all for prices and see how they compare to each other. Different bosses will probably cost different amounts. Final bosses are going to cost more.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Is there any one selling raid spots, I figure it would give me a chance at ascended drops and give me an opportunity to learn the fight; what’s the going rate?

Not judging on if you want to buy or not. Personally I haven’t (and wouldn’t) but hey, if someone wants to spend their gold that way and arenanet aren’t against it.

That being said:

- buying a raid spot for ascended drops is wasted gold unless you get lucky. At best you’ll get some mini and some shards, maybe 1 ascended. Crafting ascended will come cheaper even at current prices

- buying a raid spot to learn the fights will do you just as little good. The entire premise of guilds selling raid spots is that you won’t be needed. Thus even if you do not mess up, you’ll never know if you were effective or useful

- buying a raid spot for the achievements is one way of getting some of them. Others have done so before and I’m sure more will do that in the future. That being said, be prepared to have to pay for multiple runs of wing 1 for all the achieves of the envoy armor (if that is your goal). wing 2 and 3 are more forgiving and require less runs unless you get very unlucky

- buying a raid spot for the LI will help you get taken along in pug raids, and will get you kicked out just as fast 5 minutes into any fight once the raid leader sees your performance

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


Maybe I’ll just do 5 mans, I’m with a chill patient guild; I have no doubt that some day they will dumb that raid down once it becomes obsolete.

“Dumb that raid down”…? Why would you even WANT that to happen? We finally have actual challenging content that requires creating cohesive group comp and using teamwork, and you want them to DUMB IT DOWN? You’re the type of person Anet needs to ignore as that kind of thinking only limits the potential raids have of being truly fun.

My advice would be for you to just forget raiding altogether and instead just go out to WvW, join up on a K-train commander and press 1 endlessly without any effort. You can actually get ascended box drops that way (no joke, I got one as a rank-up reward the other day) and it’ll prevent ppl like you from getting Anet to nerf the only challenging content we have into mindless nonsense.


Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: virus.4370


Is there any one selling raid spots, I figure it would give me a chance at ascended drops and give me an opportunity to learn the fight; what’s the going rate?

you shouldn’t have to pay for help in learning or getting to finish a raid,that is ridiculous. to me that say that raids are messed up..when someone has to pay to get a group or learn..why not just make them easier…and in the future maybe slowly increase the hardness after everyone learns..or pull a gws 1 move normal mode and finish normal mode and you unlock hardmode ..then you can pick which you want normal or hard

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


you shouldn’t have to pay for help in learning or getting to finish a raid,that is ridiculous.

Someone who will buy a raid spot to learn raids is stupid in my eyes because there are enough training runs in the lfg every day/night for every encounter. And if not you are able to open an own training group to get used to the mechanics. Have a look a guides before and you will become decent till good in a short amount of time.

to me that say that raids are messed up..when someone has to pay to get a group or learn..why not just make them easier…and in the future maybe slowly increase the hardness after everyone learns..or pull a gws 1 move normal mode and finish normal mode and you unlock hardmode ..then you can pick which you want normal or hard

Buying a run in which the other players will carry you through (“finish run”) is another thing. People were selling dungeons, people are still selling fractals, people are selling home instances, people are selling portals to JPs and many more. Even in GW1 selling was a legit and often used method.

Raids aren’t messed up because of sellers. Have a look at the lfg. Most of the time there is
only one selling offer and it seems that it’s used very rarely according to the squad numbers.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drakz.7051


Why not add a story mode option? It allows all those wanting training on mechanics to go into that and then they only people who will be doing the regular raid are well prepared people.

Don’t let story mode players get any sort of reward that the regular raid has, Money at the end and some exotic gear or something and that the only achievement they would get is from completing it on storymode.

That way you get to give those who want training a place to work on the mechanics and understand what to do and how, gives the ones who just want the story the chance to play through it because I know I don’t enjoy just watching a cutscene of someone else doing it unless I have done it myself before and finally it means that most of the time anyway that the regular raids are then just filled with people who know what they are doing and regular raiders who just look for the odd person or 2 don;t have to go through many people who have never done it before.

Buying a Raid Spot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raguel.9402


Why not add a story mode option? It allows all those wanting training on mechanics to go into that and then they only people who will be doing the regular raid are well prepared people.

Go train 5 ppl to on a lvl 10 molten duo and then take them to the same fractal at scale 99 and see how that goes ;-)

[Teef] for lyfe