CM Story mode

CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dashizaru.6405


/whinemode on

I do CM explorable just fine, easy….

Story on the other hand…
- I go against 4-6 elites mobs with KDs’ like crazy-
- Golem that one shots low levels
- Dogs that fear for 6s, with cripple, and KD….
- Snipers that one shot. Like come on..

Not saying that it’s impossible, but very newb unfriendly and just a little silly to be honest. ;]

I know some other dungeons are similar on how story is far more difficult compared to the explorable mode. /cough Sorrows Embrace. I would just like some revamping and some rebalancing or at least an ETA on some changes, I like hard difficulty but for story mode? :X
-/whinemode off

Status: Dork
Level: 9001
Fort Aspenwood [sAtn]

CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nakashima.7560


Did this just fine yesterday with 3 first-timers, everyone was between lvl 40 or lvl 50.. We didn’t wipe once =P I’m really not seeing what’s supposed to be so difficult in this dungeon. The group I had was a PuG, so it’s not like we had superb communication either or anything..
When the snipers are on you, just dont move, they do way more damage when ur moving, as it does say when you’ve selected them.

CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I agree. They need to fix AC Story while they’re at it too. The KD is brutal.

CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darkever.9732


CM Story is completely doable, but I agree that some parts are somewhat slighty harder than explorable. It may be because I’ve been steamrolling explorable for months and did story mode only twice, but when I came back to story mode to help a friend it clearly wasn’t a walk in the park.

TA Story has a similar issue: very very very very very easy, except second boss (the one who summons a herd of exploding minions) which can be really frustrating. Could be because not every person in our group was fuly geared, but compared do Arah’s Lupicus this boss was much harder. Doable ofc, but imo story mode shouldn’t have these sudden spikes in difficulty.

CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dashizaru.6405


I just want to clarify that I don’t believe it’s impossible, but causes unnecessary frustration to the magnitude. I do believe some PuG’s will steamroll the story, but majority of PuG team composition are not going to have such similar results.

I do believe that Story Mode is more challenging than Explorable Mode, which maybe the result of my exposure with explorable dungeons. But nonetheless, it would be frustrating for newcomers or casual gamers to play story mode in a dungeon [which was inferred to be for it’s “Story” not its rewards] that is equal in difficulty or more so than the explorable mode.

I understand that story mode was abused and was altered to stop the farming, but I believe there is a better solution than to increase the difficulty so dramatically that it looses it’s replay value, or what it had left.

- Perhaps I’d be more accepting if the rewards for story were at least… rewarding… I do know that dungeon revamping is on it’s way but I still liked to give my two cents on what should be fixed. Thanks ArenaNet if you are reading this.

Status: Dork
Level: 9001
Fort Aspenwood [sAtn]