COF run 3--Torches
It took you 30 minutes to do with team speak? Myself and 2 others on Skype, with 2 pugs did this in 10 minutes. It’s really easy. It was even our first time! Luckily we had one person who knew how it worked. Using simple instructions we were able to breeze past it!
Yeah, 1 person seems to get a mob respawn
Also can you actually sneak around them? Ive tried the diffrent routes but cant seem to find a way,
I’ve successfully pugged it only once. Basically held one mob each of the group that spawns in front of each torch, since as long as one stays up the group won’t respawn. We would take them down to one hit, then type “r”. Someone would count down from 3, and on go we deliver the last hit and light the torch. Took 3-4 tries (some people didn’t keep their mob 1-hit from death, etc) but eventually got it.
And easier way to deal with torches sync without a voice chat is:
When a player is ready (with 1 add left) type r
when the 4th guy type r, all of you kill the last add.
The 5th type r.
When the 5th type r, everyone press F interacting with the torches. His r is the “go”
5 minutes and it’s done.
@Rain – same thing my group did. No voice comms either. Each of us took down the adds to one. The lowest DPS (me) took mine down to 50% so by the time I killed mine the others had killed theirs too. Then we killed and did torch.