Can't progress because RNG hates me

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halagaz.6085


Ah ok Jakar, i wasn’t aware the item can have some agony resist as a stat plus a slot.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


lol, this sounds like ppl on wrongfully ban forum… its sad what anet did to this game.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kiba.2768


i would also like to chime in that after doing 70 runs, i’ve yet to even get my first vial. people in my runs are getting them and sometimes even multiple vials per scale. mf seems to not affect the drop rate since the people i run with have tried with zero and 150mf with no change in results…

this is a discouraging. i love fractals because they are fun, but if i’m hampered by lack of agony resist, i guess i can only do 10 at max until a ring/vial drops for me

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aldred.9345


Regarding vials: I didn’t get any at all for my first 50 fractals or so either. Then I tried switching from normal gear to my full MF set (that I normally only use for farming, and would rather not see used in dungeons, but hey it’s only the 10-19 bracket), and right away on my second fractal in I got my first vial ever.

So I’d suggest sticking with a full MF set and keep trying. We know it sucks to run in MF gear, but it sucks even worse to have no ring and no vial, and thus no way to get any resistance for later levels.

Now I just need to keep hitting level 10 every day until I get the rest of my fractal relics for the back piece, and/or my first ring, so I’ll be better off in 20+.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grav.4790


So i got a ring after like 180 fractals and 50 hours of play. Maybe i will get next in january. I actually got more than 2000 relics too. Well back to grind then, i bet anet is laughing hard at me.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BRAiNZ.7480


Please give me a ring…

I do 2 daily chests a day. I got to level 29 with +5 agony resist from my Koss on Koss that I made for 40 gold. Now I am stuck.
A friend of mine got 5 rings from 7 total daily chests.

Please give me a ring.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Calae.1738


I have never ever played an MMO where some people get multiple items they needed to progress and some people get NOTHING. This is not even RNG. This is the most broken system and unpleasent multiplayer gaming experience I have ever seen.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tale.5241


Just passed the 200 fractals mark, the majority (perhaps vast) of them have been in the 20 and 30 daily bracket, and still no infused rings. Luckily agony can be avoided most bosses, otherwise i would not have been able to progress past 30.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Attila the Hun.8569

Attila the Hun.8569

Unfortunatly this is the case for my self to more than 10 daily chests no ring for me neither 1 exotic since fractals , I gues the developer who wrote that they didn’t wanted to make Fractals or the ascedant gear to feel grindi feelings they forgot couse they made a RNG thingy ANET seriously have issues with terms grind or they don’t have idea what that means and also add the great factor of disconnects when you have those 2 factors what ever or who ever developer says is not grinding they are wrong ofc it is all about grinding if you want to not make it grinding then you simply give them the ring as guarantied loot

Woxiko (Warrior) – Mssneaky (Mesemer) – Xardd (Elementalist)
Desolation Satsugai

(edited by Attila the Hun.8569)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

No ring after 10 consecutive runs is statistically unlikely.

Oh ya? I’ve been stuck on 21 for a week now because I haven’t gotten a single ring. Can’t get any higher because agony kills me in half a second. This is beyond screwed up.

(edited by Oh Snapalope.1378)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sans Gospel.7503

sans Gospel.7503

101 fractals cleared. Zero Mist Essence. Zero rings. Beginning to think I’m broken somehow.

(edited by sans Gospel.7503)