Can't progress because RNG hates me

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: havoc.8569


Been doing 2 FotM dailies per day (besides first day) and haven’t gotten any rings. I haven’t even found enough vials/glob to upgrade my backpiece. Managed to get to scale 25 but and it’s just a huge liability for anyone to take me. Who wants someone with only 5 resist for 25+? I wouldn’t. Really puts a damper on trying to enjoy the game.

It’s also awesome when someone in my party gets their 4th ring. RNG… really makes effort seem pointless sometimes.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


The less effort you put in finishing a dungeon the better rewards you will get. At least thats my conclusion after seeing worthless heavy piles of meat getting exotics and rings while I get nothing. This is not a skill based game its a luck based game so let others carry you throu the dungeons. And remember, if the group wipes for 3 times, its not worth for carrying you. Leave and find another one.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


The best option for you at this point would be to continue to do level’s 10 or 20 for your daily until you get the ring.

I know it can be frustrating and annoying at times with the RNG and the rings but at this point – many others have found success with this method (….eventually hahaha)

Today I’ll be going for my 5th daily attempt – so I know how you feel buddy ~ hang in there!

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: havoc.8569


Nothing during my 10 run tonight, trying 20. If nothing I might just take a long break. This is just sucking all the fun out.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Calae.1738


No ring after 10 consecutive runs is statistically unlikely.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mallis.4295


Last night everyone in my group but me got a ring. Tonight everyone but me got a ring.

RNG is stupid.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


i know dumb question but what daily? seriously haven’t seen anything about that. Also I’ve found the loot drops in every other dungeon to have been increased significantly. Is nice

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mallis.4295


every time you kill the jade maw in a tier (1-9, 10-19, 20-29 etc) you get a chest that pops up above your minimap that has 25 tokens and an item in it. This item can be rings in 10+ that you can get more agony resist on.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raap.9065


No ring after 10 consecutive runs is statistically unlikely.

Only if you knew the drop rates. I’ve done my 8th daily without a ring, and I know a lot of other peope that never got rings either.

Since this is the only place to get Ascended gear, you’re forced to run it over and over. And like with any repeated PvE content, it get’s boring, fast.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghostly.4162


Let’s see….

Friday – no daily
Saturday – 10 daily
Sunday – 10 daily
Monday – 10/20 daily
Tuesday – 10/20 daily
Wed – 10/20 daily
Thur – 10/20/30 daily
Friday(so far) – 30 daily

That’s 12 dailies and I’ve seen 1 non-infused ring. And to think it’s not only about getting a ring, but then after you have 2 infused you gotta make sure they are the ones you actually want.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eldiora.5836


Day 8…

NO ring again

I really wonder if that is really RNG.

Please A-Net look into it. It might just be some stupid bug. Because I see the same people get rings and the same people not get one quit often.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


At least you can do fractals. Every time I get to the end boss the game kicks me. TWICE it kicked me when the boss was sub 10% hp. I only have 1 character at lvl 3 (many more tries to get further) and one at lvl 2 (also got kicked but before the boss).

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


RNG, because the difficulty level system isn’t already segregating and gating the community enough! I really, really don’t understand what the designers were thinking and I really hope that after their five day holiday that they will start to actually address, in depth, the many concerns that FotM and related items have raised.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halagaz.6085


I have to point out that all mmo rng have problems with steak of bad or good luck, because they usually are not true rng system, but what they call in mathematics “pseudo random” system, and that is why some people after so many run never get anything, and other drop all the time. Pseudo random system have that exact problem of creating more string of bad or good luck than it should. This is not something new in mmo, in fact it happen at pretty much each new mmo, and is the source of the problem.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


I cant play fractals with my friends either.

5 days of doing lvl 10+ to get a daily chest for nothing but bags of gold.

The community is divided through Casuals and Hardcores. The community has been divided by those wanting do to fractals and will accept the ascended gear and those who dont. And those who do want it and support it are being proved wrong by having to grind against RNG.

I didnt mind jumping through your new hoops for new stuff and being the Guinea Pigs to test your new dungeon. But when your nerfing dailys constantly fixing your own mistakes and making them worse on us it suck to be the player.

I’m not having fun repeating this same process to be disappointed when everything i want can be farmed from lvl 2. Drops dont get better in 10+. Infact im pretty sure you get worse.

The only cores, lodestones, rares, and even exotics i’ve gotten have been through lvl 1-10. And mostly being lvl 2. And the 5 times i’ve done lvl 10 and done lvl 12 once. i’ve noticed greens and blues with very few rares at all, no cores, no lodestones, nothing “increased”

No incentive to want to progress. I dont see a equivalent increase of loot to increase of difficulty, the RNG is still bad. This isnt just bad design to my eyes, but its unintelligent and lazy.

my own opinion. dont wanna insult anyone. just my 2cent on how i see it from a eyes of a semi harder then casual player who loves this game and very much wants to play it, and more so with his friends. But cant.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bregah.7365


6 or 7 days doing the level 10 daily and no ring yet (can’t remember which day was first one, but I think it was Monday).

Haven’t noticed increased drops, at all, from 1 through 11.

Apparently this content wasn’t designed for me, because the game will not RNG reward me with Agony resistance. I see no reason at all to progress beyond doing the 10 daily at this point.

No noticeable increase in quality drops, no reward from the level 10 daily chest, and no fix in sight for 4 manning instances when one person DCs.

While the fights themselves are fun, the actual structure around the Fractals dungeons seems awful. Kudos on making decent fights, but why design so many obstacles around them?

Fractured community with no LFG tool (worthy of calling it that) and no easy way to find people on YOUR level barring LFG spam (which is NOT “community”).

50 people in the same Lion’s Arch wanting to run Fractals, but not a single full group that is able to run the content they actually want to run, should tell you guys at Arena Net that you royally screwed up something.

Do you guys have any overriding philosophy besides RNG rewards and grind, grind, grind?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


Same here, 6 dailies and four of our regular group all have a variety of rings to choose from for the 5 extra resist while I have 0 rings. My wife did over 70 fractals before even getting her first vial while I have a stack of 13. Now we’re held up waiting for me to get lucky apparently? I’m actually starting to think I’m bugged because this is the opposite of an enjoyable experience for all of us involved.

Clearly we can complete this tier of content, why are you using RNG to determine if I can progress or not? Why use RNG to decide that me, of all people in our group, is not deserving? This is just really bad design.

This has ruined six nights in row for us, destroyed morale and sucked the fun out of it.

At least provide a viable way to acquire the resist beyond quivers outside the RNG system.

This will change eventually, there’s no way a system this poor will survive, it’s just unfortunate that we have to endure the waiting period in frustration.

Use RNG for rare/random drops to spice up dungeon runs, sure, but don’t use it to block progression. I didn’t expect this mistake from GW2 given the GW2 Manifesto and professed goals.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakki.3219


Im Doing FotM everytime with the same people. We had the luck to get Rings.

The funny part is. EVERYTIME the SAME TWO persons got the Ring…

they got both 3 Rings now… something is pretty much weird here^^

Reaper – Anguîsh

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Calae.1738


I think there is something seriously wrong with thier loot distribution system. It wasn’t this bad in other games. A friend of mine has done has many fractals as I have and he has 15 vials and 2 rings. I have 6 vials and 0 rings.

I hate RNG so much. I don’t think there is a single person who likes it. Why would develoeprs implement things that people dislike.

Show me a large thread with hundreds of posts of people begging for RNG rewards. Show me. You don’t have to because it doesn’t exist.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aga.8641


I’ve given up on this dungeon. No rings mean that after lvl20 you just become a huge liability, so it’s not fair on your team if you continue without decent resistance. I have 5 resistance (from back piece), and if an agony doesn’t kill me it leaves me with such low HP that I’m as good as dead.

Fractals was the only pve I actually enjoyed in gw2, but now I’ll just go back to afk’ing in the mists, waiting for decent pvp content.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


What needs to happen if RNG is to stay is for a player’s chances to increase each time they don’t receive a ring. Like have the chance for a ring increase by +10% every time one doesn’t drop, and have the drop rate reset when a ring is found.
Although the best solution would be to just completely remove the RNG system…

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stridix.4260


Don’t know everyone stats is but here is mine
16-yes (awesome ring and it is def infusion slot)
So by next rum maybe I should have a shot…weird. In addition I have 4 vials and 4 globs…so just 1 more of either and I am set.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: havoc.8569


I have to point out that all mmo rng have problems with steak of bad or good luck, because they usually are not true rng system, but what they call in mathematics “pseudo random” system, and that is why some people after so many run never get anything, and other drop all the time. Pseudo random system have that exact problem of creating more string of bad or good luck than it should. This is not something new in mmo, in fact it happen at pretty much each new mmo, and is the source of the problem.

Name a modern MMO where you can’t even pass gear you dont need to someone who does, or at least have a group roll so you can see when you get ****ed by RNG (oh I rolled a 1, oh well) instead of getting just slapped by an invisible force.

You’re right, this is not something new in MMOs. This is something most developers have been going away from for years now. Anet already had a token system with their original dungeons that did away with this RNG nonsense, which is what makes this regression back to RNG all the more frustrating. You can argue for and against the gated content issue, but this RNG thing is just archaic. Fire the person who gave this the go because they clearly have no clue about game design in 2012.

(edited by havoc.8569)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grav.4790


Already on lvl 22. Doing daily every day, no rings. Don’t have cash for backpack. Getting kicked from parties too, even below 20. I just came here to thank Anet for this great experience…

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: emikochan.8504


the rings should probably be craftable.

Welcome to my world –

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nobody.4395


same here this sux

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


Why not just award a ring on completion of 10? From the drop rate (some people in my party are 6 for 6 from dailies while I’m 0 of 6) they’re obviously meant to be obtained before 20.

Why allow for such an already fractured community (the limitations of which fractal level ppl are on….) to become more segregated by RNG?

I’d rather have had 1 ring awarded at the start of each tier with the chance of obtaining future rings more rare (rare drops or rare daily rewards) than this crap that’s diminishing my desire to play a game I was loving. It’d be a bit late for me now, but something needs to change.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: havoc.8569


At this point I’ll settle for a ring with NO stats, just an infuse slot. This is the opposite of fun. No ring again today doing 10, and really not in the mood for 20. Wasted 5 hours trying to do 20 yesterday, got grawl for 3rd fractal EVERYTIME and not one group could stay alive during his transitions.

Seems like all the decent players have either gotten lucky and passed this junk, or quit.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amonde Daneren.2380

Amonde Daneren.2380

It’s sad that instead of standing up and saying; “NO, we will not put up with this RNG kitten! The manifesto clearly mentioned that RNG rewards are un-fun and that there would be a token system” you guys keep trying.

They will then point at the metrics and declare that the system was a great success due to the number of people that ran on the wheel, and then proceed to spread it further and include in any and all new content.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RMStrooper.7291


im at fractal 25 now with only 5agony resist . Only had 1ring and ive done all the dailys since the release. RNG is the only things that stopping me from progressing further into the dungeon

RMS Trooper ~ The Phoenix Legend [TPL] ~ Gandaran commander

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


We just finished 20 after trying all night with 5 resist for me, finally did it – and the rich get richer. Even some people who had rings got infused rings while still nothing for me after all these dailies.

How about a response?

Just a heads up on whether we should just walk away now or is there a patch coming?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raiden.1324


Up to fractal 21 now and i’ve only just gotten my second ring and my friend has had NO rings drop from 10 up to 20 and in 20 itself, we’ve repeated 10+ for the daily several times and still nothing for him.

Need a response guys! Would be very welcome!

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Robert woolley.9143

Robert woolley.9143

got to lv 21 but no ring dropped… but what you said what would happen that when you kill the maw the ring would drop ….. what going on?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dani.1956


Devs or GMs should really step into this ! Many players started to rage about it !
While others have 6+ rings the rest of us try to push up with 1 ring or none and its not cool at all , takin all the fun away ! Why not you make different drop system , first daily 100% chance 2nd daily 75% 3rd 50% chance to get something good than a bag of gold(should be bag of the eternal 2-3 silver ) !

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miria.6792


I’m disappointed with ArenaNet’s implementation of the RNG loot system for Fractals. I believed this game would be different from promises made in the Manifesto, but all I see is an eternal grind with me most likely never seeing the ring stats or fractal skin item I want. I raided an entire year in EverQuest without seeing the item I wanted drop once, which may cause me to feel more pessimistic when faced with RNG – but the fact is someone always ends up being screwed over.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


I wouldn’t mind spending my 1000+ remaining tokens on agony resist, ring or otherwise. I’m not sure why we have a token system while the rewards they can be used for aren’t immediately useful for the content they result from (or that useful or exciting in general).

I’m not an alarmist when it comes to MMOs, I held my tongue and waited to see how things panned out when everyone was panicking over the new ascended gear – many of us have been playing for over a decade and have seen a lot of systems implemented. I’m more baffled by such a terrible system rearing its head in a game that prided itself on doing away with this terrible crap.

It really surprised me. I’m beyond disappointed now, not enthusiastic about the future and over all annoyed.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vorpal.4683

Vorpal.4683’s sick obsession with RNG makes me much less enthusiastic about the game.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sbr.8170


I think I am glad I can’t get past level 2 because of disconnects and crashes. As good as the dungeon level design part of the Fractals is the rest of the implementation is so horrendous I think I will not bother even if they figure out how to make the thing stable.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jakar.3685


Anet actually had nearly no RNG before fractals only the black lion chest and the forge, but the chests are always a gamble and so is the forge for certain combos.

The only problem with this RNG is that they could have avoided it so easely with a token alternative. For example: give tokens for the daily and after 5 tokens you get a normal ring. If they want it to be RNG they can always make the kind of ring you get random, but at least you wont be capped by your agony resist and get as many rings as you want as long as you keep doing the daily.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


There actually is a method to obtain the ascended piece via tokens, 1850~ tokens and you are set.

It is absolutely not in proportion to anything, but the option is there…

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skupuz.6940


There actually is a method to obtain the ascended piece via tokens, 1850~ tokens and you are set.

It is absolutely not in proportion to anything, but the option is there…

You still need a vial of condense mist to craft it. And the vial is RNG…

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


You will have some of the RNG items anyways, once you collected almost 2k tokens.

And honestly, if I did not know that there are always a few people in my party dropping rings left and right while I get none, I would even be ok with farming 2k tokens.
But if I see people having 7 rings whereas they can only wear 1 …

(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


I just got my second ring after running 10/20 dailies since the dungeon went live.

I don’t appreciate it. All I remember is how horrible and unfair it was up to this point. Anyone who thinks RNG is a worthwhile system is a masochist and a cheat who doesn’t want to work for rewards.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


You will have some of the RNG items anyways, once you collected almost 2k tokens.

And honestly, if I did not know that there are always a few people in my party dropping rings left and right while I get none, I would even be ok with farming 2k tokens.
But if I see people having 7 rings whereas they can only wear 1 …

I have 14 vials, 6 globs, 2 shards and 0 rings, while my wife had to do EIGHTY + fractals to get her first vial yet she is overflowing with rings she can’t trade me.

The problem I see is trying to progress past 20 with zero rings as pre-20, agony resist isn’t as necessary by far.

They need to step back, look at the situation (our group all have a variety of rings to choose from, 15 -25 resist all except ONE person who’s put in the exact same work they did) – how did they decide this was an intelligent idea that would enhance the fun of their game?

Keep RNG for precursors, random drops, potentially cool skins or bonus loot, that’s fine, I don’t mind that I’ve had nothing amazing drop since release in that regard as it doesn’t effect me advancing in the game.

But tying our groups progression to RNG when we’re clearly ready to move up a tier is beyond absurd.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ditton.3149


no offense..but what would you do once you had all the stuff? and you reached a level where the agony was high yet they had no more items to be infused for you? would you then complain that they werent there yet?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


no offense..but what would you do once you had all the stuff? and you reached a level where the agony was high yet they had no more items to be infused for you? would you then complain that they werent there yet?

Let’s not confuse the problem – they mentioned from the start which items would be available at this stage – the issue isn’t with what’s available but how progression items are being awarded. Which is ‘completely randomly’ regardless of any other criteria.

The problem is the reliance on an RNG system that’s directly tied to progression. Not that there’s not more loot in game yet. We knew what was available going in, I don’t think many of us (any?) were aware that progression would be randomly determined.

The fact that so many people are reporting (our group as well) situations where four people have multiple rings while the fifth has 0 shows there’s some serious disparity among people who have completed, literally, the exact same content. Why did they decide this scenario was a compliment to the rest of the games systems?

What purpose does this mechanic serve? Why is it better than a token system or a steady reward system for progression content?

Is the current system meeting that goal without causing unnecessary frustration?

I think it’s pretty clear from in game chat and the atmosphere in guild at the moment that this is not an enjoyable situation to be in and for some of us it’s starting to raise alarms concerning where this game will go in the future. It’s making an already fractured community more fractured for no apparent benefit.

If you take ‘progression’ out of the equation, most people would shrug and carry on – here, however, we have our progression being decided by a roll of the dice rather than by our successes. And that’s just ridiculous.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ditton.3149


no offense..but what would you do once you had all the stuff? and you reached a level where the agony was high yet they had no more items to be infused for you? would you then complain that they werent there yet?

Let’s not confuse the problem – they mentioned from the start which items would be available at this stage – the issue isn’t with what’s available but how progression items are being awarded. Which is ‘completely randomly’ regardless of any other criteria.

The problem is the reliance on an RNG system that’s directly tied to progression. Not that there’s not more loot in game yet. We knew what was available going in, I don’t think many of us (any?) were aware that progression would be randomly determined.

The fact that so many people are reporting (our group as well) situations where four people have multiple rings while the fifth has 0 shows there’s some serious disparity among people who have completed, literally, the exact same content. Why did they decide this scenario was a compliment to the rest of the games systems?

What purpose does this mechanic serve? Why is it better than a token system or a steady reward system for progression content?

Is the current system meeting that goal without causing unnecessary frustration?

I think it’s pretty clear from in game chat and the atmosphere in guild at the moment that this is not an enjoyable situation to be in and for some of us it’s starting to raise alarms concerning where this game will go in the future. It’s making an already fractured community more fractured for no apparent benefit.

If you take ‘progression’ out of the equation, most people would shrug and carry on – here, however, we have our progression being decided by a roll of the dice rather than by our successes. And that’s just ridiculous.

Then they should simply limit the level you can get to then. Im not confusing the issue, Im saying there are limited ways you can effectively mechanically limit a player from reaching full status in a single day.

They can either artificially say you flat out have no ability to go further..or they can do it through RNG. If you had all available rings and infused everything and then you cant go further because the agony is just flat out too strong and there is no more infused gear available..what then? Will you then complain that its not there? Either way they lose..whether its tokens or RNG.

(edited by Ditton.3149)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halagaz.6085


There actually is a method to obtain the ascended piece via tokens, 1850~ tokens and you are set.

It is absolutely not in proportion to anything, but the option is there…

I think only the back pieces are craftable, so no matter what, at this point you can only get +5 resist from the tokens, all in all you won’t go far with +5 resist.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phooka.4295


Been doing 2 FotM dailies per day (besides first day) and haven’t gotten any rings. I haven’t even found enough vials/glob to upgrade my backpiece. Managed to get to scale 25 but and it’s just a huge liability for anyone to take me. Who wants someone with only 5 resist for 25+? I wouldn’t. Really puts a damper on trying to enjoy the game.

It’s also awesome when someone in my party gets their 4th ring. RNG… really makes effort seem pointless sometimes.

You must be clearly wrong.

As we know everyone loved a good treadmill to keep them occupied. And since the patch is the best thing that ever happened to GW2 (which was clearly dying before the patch), you must be wrong. Everything is fine!

(Sorry, the folks sounding like that must have gotten to me.)

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jakar.3685


There actually is a method to obtain the ascended piece via tokens, 1850~ tokens and you are set.

It is absolutely not in proportion to anything, but the option is there…

I think only the back pieces are craftable, so no matter what, at this point you can only get +5 resist from the tokens, all in all you won’t go far with +5 resist.

With 500 more tokens and a Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence and 250 ectoes you can get the Beta Fractal Capacitor (infused) which gives 10 agony resist when infused.

In my experience 10 is plenty for all the 20/29 agony damage, but you ll probably hit a wall at 30. Still this doesn’t make the fact that you ll need to farm a 2350 relics and 75g or ~150g any better if you are unlucky. And the progress ll stop entirely at 30 most likely.
For all the recipies.