Cheapest way to get dark energy
prolly sw. 1k crests + 10g (dont buy rings) (15g?). maybe guild missions. 12 commends + 5g (17g?). wvw amulets are like 20g, cuz that 20 laurel cost + badges is a bit more than the other currencies, but its not bad.
you dont get insignias back (or at least not all the time, im 0/3 on armor pieces). i doubt energy rates are 100%, but i got 1 from each salvage.
fractal backs have an opportunity cost of about 50 spirit shards, which is like minimum 3x the liquid cost of the other things after conversion.
salvaging ascended gear hurts my soul so much more than salvaging exotic ever did… and im speaking as someone who had some excess.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I salvaged two accessories from LW rewards and got zero dark energy, just some +1 agony infusions. I stopped after that.
I’d salvage ascended armor if it still dropped through Fractals, but with the new mat costs and lower drop rate, that seems like a bad idea.
Feel-bad system feels bad, man. /