Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

It has been 7 days so far. For 7 days in a row, I got NOTHING from my Fractal daily at level 10. Meanwhile every other party member gets one nearly every run.

Others on the forum have similar complaints.

This has convinced me that something is potentially wrong with the drops because it’s not just a low drop rate but ZERO drop rate!

There for I would like to make a call for ANET to re-examine the system, just to see if its working, and maybe apply a hotfix if it is not.

This is not a complaint thread per se’. Rather I am kindly asking ANET to please just double check the system to make sure its working as intended and apply any hotfixes as needed.


Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


I got a ring on my first try, most of my guildies on 2nd, some still haven’t gotten it.
RNG is RNG, no need for threads like this.

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I got a ring on my first try, most of my guildies on 2nd, some still haven’t gotten it.
RNG is RNG, no need for threads like this.

RNG is not RNG because many players get zero period. Zero period for so many players seems a little off. So I’m just asking them to make sure it’s working properly.

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: stof.9341


I got a ring on my first try, most of my guildies on 2nd, some still haven’t gotten it.
RNG is RNG, no need for threads like this.

RNG is not RNG because many players get zero period. Zero period for so many players seems a little off. So I’m just asking them to make sure it’s working properly.

Assuming 20% drop chance for rings, there’s 90% chance you getting at least one ring
after 10 daily.

Reverse that and there’s 10% chance you get no ring at all after 10 dailys.

Tweak that a little and you get the final conclusion :
10% of all the Fractal players will get no ring at all in their 10 first daily. Players that will complain (justly so) in the forums.

10% is one player per two full groups. It is a lot you know.

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kellie.3687


Same, no ring for such a long time. Been doing level 10 and 12 fractals, don’t want to progress any more because it feels wrong to not have agony resistance and hold the others in the group back, it seams like every one I group with gets rings just not me.

Sounds like I am being dramatic, but honestly 3/5 people in the group get a ring every time so far. I am 1 of the 5, so me and one other don’t get a ring.

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Whether or not they’re working as intended, the mere fact that you’re blocked from progression by RNG is a sign of kitten intent.

Why can’t we just BUY the kitten rings with the gorillion tokens we get?

Check if FoTM Dailies working as intended

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ursan.7846


“Lets take data from a sample size of 7, and speculate based on that.”


Also please read through the thread Black Wolf was kind enough to post. Still going with my original assumption of 20%, with 7 tries, you should have about a ~21% chance to get NO RINGS at all. Small, but not so insignificant that you should start questioning the drop rates.

RNG is not RNG because many players get zero period. Zero period for so many players seems a little off. So I’m just asking them to make sure it’s working properly.

“Many?” How many people exactly? How many times have they opened the daily chest? If you expect Anet to treat your request seriously, try to have some hard numbers on hand and not only wild guesses and assumptions.

(edited by Ursan.7846)