We tried to do this dungeon path tonight with my guild. It turned out to be completely impossible for us.
Team :
- 4 Rangers
- 1 Warrior
- Teamspeak for 4 of us (the 4th ranger being a stranger)
We tried to kill the crystals first, we tried to use different pets including Hyena that can invocate another hyena. But no matter what we would do, crystals were way too numerous and repoped too fast. Even if we were sometimes able to kill them all, they would come back before we could really damage the boss.
We also used Pink Moas in an attempt to interrupt the boss when casting new crystals, but it didn’t work.
We found out that the boss didn’t have an move distance limit, so we lured him through the dungeon, hoping to get him far from the crystals. But he kept invocating them around him.
We lured him through the whole dungeon, the 2 following didn’t work :
- having him step in the middle of a long bridge and shout “YOU SHALL NOT PASS”.
- luring him to the beginning of the dungeon (this took us a huge amount of time since he doesn’t just run to us) and having him agro all those NPCs that were there. NPCs died incredibly fast. Second group of NPCs after the prisonner (prisonners didn’t fight) died fast too.
Second bridge after the NPCs didn’t break either when shouting “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” even if that boss has some shadow and flame like a Balrog ^^.
On the way though the dungeon, the boss sometimes got stuck (in the rock on the right before the door before the 1st NPC group – counted as 1st when coming from the end of the dungeon). He stoped casting Crystals , and we were able to kill 7-8% of him, but he went out of the rocks each time we attacked him in melee (bows couldn’t be use through the wall)
Most obviously this is either undoable, or requires spacial team lineups. In any case, it can’t be done with a random team (in our case 4R 1W, but previous message show that other random teams failed)
The concept of this boss seems very cool, but is completely spoiled by the unbalanced state of it. Please do something, like having crystal repop slower, or less numerous, or even don’t repop.
Note that we are the most unlucky guild : when we tried 2nd way in Ascalon Catacombs the last boss cas bugged and didn’t spawn (not even the ghosts that we would have had to kill while the NPC would have repaired the weapons – if I remember well what I have done during 2nd BWE). When we tried honor of the wawes (don’t remember path number), the last boss didn’t pop and the ground in his room was immaterial (killing the totems from under the water under the ground didn’t pop the boss). And we also failed another path in AC (not bug this time) because we didn’t have the right team lineup (had to kill nests to protect asura devices but our lineup couldn’t kill them fast enough).
I made some screens
The 1st bridge, where I shot “you shall not pass” when the boss was on it some minutes after I took screenshot (ok we knew that it wouldn’t work but trying was fun^^)
The wall in which the boss got sometimes stuck.
The room cleaned off all those poor NPCs. (and a beautiful screenshot with all those crystals in middle of the lava room)
The second bridge, that didn’t obey to Gandalf either.
Once again, I really like the concept, please just rebalance it