Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeus.1728


I hear people whining about CoF path 3, Rhiannon, but not sure if it is true or not. I give it a try early, and feel it need to be re-balance, specific the torches part

So I was in north east position. There are 3 shadow imps. Because the adds spam rapidly, they will pop up again if you kill them right away.

Our strategy is to kill 2 imps, left 1 alive (tank it), and when everyone ready, we kill the last mob and activate the torch.
It sound simple and fun, however the number is not balance.

The imp hit too hard, and it also puts poison on the player. I use a heavily tank suites and specs for that part, with the mindset that I will take constant damage without be able to kill the imp. At 28312 hp, 3447 armor, regeneration buff from banner+ healing signet regen + dolyak rune regen, I barelly be able to keep myself alive while waiting for my partner to be ready.
I would imagine, that would be significant more difficult for squishy class to be able to tank those imp without killing them
I think, the imp should have a more realistic dmg number, then the current damage output. Or the players should be able to kill them without worry about them respawm.

And then, when we all ready, we give the signal to kill the last mob, and start activate the torch. I try it with chat to coordinate, and the 5 seconds window timer is really really short for pug. I believe, the more realistic number would be 10 seconds coordinate timer.

CoF, Rhiannon path, probably the most painful out of all the dungeon I have done so far. Just my input

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kevin.2176


You can wait outside of the aggro range of those whelps and engage with your party at the same time. Unless there is that large of a DPS discrepancy between you and your party I don’t think you need to wait that long with 1 whelp on you. Consider you are in full defensive setup and you are still able to kill that whelp pack faster than your party? I think you identified the problem already.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


I did the shadow imps as a D/D ele. Even with them dodging my churning earth more times than not.

If you have a “Squishy” class (but seriously? I did it as a D/D ele. No excuse.) send them to an easier torch. Like the one with no spawns on it at all.

“really really short for a PuG”
that’s the idea. Explorables were not meant to be PuG’able. If you absolutely have to put it, do what I did and force the PuG onto vent.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuz.5621


that’s the idea. Explorables were not meant to be PuG’able.

Says who?

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


that’s the idea. Explorables were not meant to be PuG’able.

Says who?

Anet devs.

“Just like Domain of Anguish in [Guild Wars], it takes time and practice to learn how to overcome stuff as hard as our explorable mode dungeons, and that’s exactly the kind of players they are designed for.”

They’re not designed to be PuG’ed by everyone and their mum.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Graywolves.8023


Countdown to clear your groups. Put weaker party member on left side where two torches are closest so that they can pull their groups together.

When each person clears their torch stand by and type “1” into party chat. Upong five 1s everyone touches their torch.


I would concider the shadow imps to be the harder mobs in that encounter though, when I’m on that torch I typically replace one of my utilities with endure pain. The fire imps can get close to adds as well sometimes but hey, it’s supposed to be challenging.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Invertation.4293


The torches are difficult without absolute coordination, and even difficult with given the respawn timers. As suggested above, putting your squishier players on the easier torches does alleviate some of the stress, but it can still be tricky.

My major beef with the 3rd route is the wave defense section. The trick with that being that the next wave will attack while you’re fighting your current one, putting serious pressure on your party given the lack of downtime to recharge.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Quote button disappeared for some reason…
@Zenyatoo Domain of Anguish is easily PuGable, heck you could do it with heroes… Anyway, the torches aren’t too bad, just leave 1 enemy alive so the groups don’t respawn. Then just use chat to coordinate.
My PuG failed at repelling the 5 waves of flame legions, because they aparantly reset if they recapture the hall -.- Didn’t help that the guardian turned out to be a noob who was using blue gear…

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I find that path very hard to do without Mumble/vent, and most pugs just refuse to get on voice chat like they think I will bite their heads off. Coordination is key, and when you have a few people who cant solo their torch it’s just impossible. Obviously these are usually the pugs who have kitten-all gear, some greens and what not. But dare I advertise for geared people who know what’s going on and I get called out for it in LA like I’m some kind of elitist.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


@ navzar
the point isnt about DoA. The point was that the dungeons arent designed to be first cleared by a PuG who hasnt done it before, and isnt communicating well.

This is exactly what Anet wanted from their dungeons. I suggest reading the first few posts about them in this forum for more information.

Citadel of Flame, Rhiannon path need to be re-adjust

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Zeus@ what you are doing with imps is wrong.Your tactick is totally wrong.

The imps are the easiest thing from the torch part.I don’t understand how can you have problems with them.Who told you that after killing 2 of them you have to be in combat?Just go in the tunel and go to the safe spot.4 of the torches have a safe spto and the green and red imps are the easiest.Learn how to get out of combat that’s all.
The only place that you can’t get out of combat is one of the Oozes groups but even there i still can get out of combat.

So tacktick is simple:
1st torch next to entrance has infinite safe spot
2nd torch with green imps has a tunel which is the safe spot
3rd torch red imps is the same tunel but you enter it from the other side
4th torch is the 1st Ooze group.When you kill 2 of the mobs you can hug the wall and run to the tunel where people with red and green imps hide to get out of combat.
5th torch with last Oozes can be done like the 4th torch.You kill 2 then hug the wall and go to the tunell with red and green imps.

IF you have a warrior and a guardian who can heal they can go to the oozes and stay there as the Mobs won’t do much dmg.You kill 2 and the last one just doesn’t do enough dmg.
It is very important when someone is on the imps to get out of the combat.
I’m a warrior not tank but with enough defence.People must be smart and not only to get out of combat but when they are taking to much dmg to put some skills which will help them to get up from down state.
Torch part is not hard i have been doing it with many different pugs.

Swiftpaw@ you don’t need voice chat communication.What you need is simple commands like:
1.When you kill 2 mobs press r
2.When the group leader sees 5 r he says kill the last mob
3.When the mob is dead press r
4.When the leader sees 5 r he writes “press”
It’s easy to communicate between people even without voice chat.It’s not necesary.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)