Citadel of Flames Path 3

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


I myself throughly enjoy CoF runs a lot but after playing path 3 and realizing its hard to get a party for this particular path and wish it was more vice versa, why is this so? Are the mobs too hard on the torch syncing part? Are the bosses too difficult? I found the main boss encounter one of the most enjoyable in the paths 1-3. How can they improve on this path to mak rane it a frequently ran but still keeping the challenging and coordination going.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chorel.1720


It takes way to long for little rewards. From the torch part to the wave part to the hallway of explosions. That’s why many don’t run it. The final boss is fun though.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alk Trio Fan.6357

Alk Trio Fan.6357

Haha, I personally think it’s the other way around.

I enjoy the wave and hallway of explosions yet I think the boss is one of the most boring boss battles there is!

Chalk & Cheese

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Yep boss is boring. Hardly any threat.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightside.4715


The torch part is horrible.

[EXG] Haze Of Misery

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Boring bosses is not what makes people avoid a dungeon. You see a lot of people running HotW after all. :P

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Recently.1043


Boring bosses is not what makes people avoid a dungeon. You see a lot of people running HotW after all. :P

CoF path 3 final boss is kittenedly boring. It goes invulnerable for about 1/3rd of the fight every time he runs back to the center of the platform to do his channel + jump knockback move. Makes the fight stupidly slow, and no one gets hit by the ability anyways since its telegraphed SO MUCH especially since he’s invulnerable before he does it. Bad mechanic that happens to also prolong the fight needlessly.

The rest of that path is also horrible really.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seren.6850


kudos to anyone who does path 3 without voice chat, it’s enjoyable enough but path 1 and 2 are so much more efficient for tokens

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


Path 3 in CoF, is the hardest. The torch is an issue due to mobs respawning too fast and the timing of the in sync of the clicking of the torches.

You see the torch takes 3-5 seconds to click, if you are interrupted or have any condition damage on you that causes damage, it messes up the channel.

Also the group has to split up and take each torch on their own. Each torch area can have 3-9 mobs to kill.

Once you get pass that part, the next part is the gauntlet in which you have to hold an area against multiple waves of mobs. Its wave 3 with the flame legion shamans transacting to the flame legion thief spawns that wipes a group alot.

This is where you need a Necro, Mesmer, or Engineer using alot of pets, turrets, or clones, with tons of CC; is needed.

The rest of the path is easy peasy.

@ Seren.6850

hehe. Not to brag but I manage to do all dungeons, PuGing only, no 3rd party talking system and just typed it out, using no bugs, exploits, or cheats, before they were fixed or not known, and have my dungeon master title.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alk Trio Fan.6357

Alk Trio Fan.6357

Path 3 in CoF, is the hardest. The torch is an issue due to mobs respawning too fast and the timing of the in sync of the clicking of the torches.

You see the torch takes 3-5 seconds to click, if you are interrupted or have any condition damage on you that causes damage, it messes up the channel.

Also the group has to split up and take each torch on their own. Each torch area can have 3-9 mobs to kill.

Ermmm, lolwut?

There are numerous mobs around the arena BUT there are only 3 mobs in front of the torches that matter.

The timing part isn’t an issue, and nor is the respawn time. It just requires some basic communication and organisation. If you can’t manage that, then I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t be running a dungeon. Dungeons are supposed to require teamwork and it’s parts like this that actually show where people are playing the game properly or just trying to play the game on their own.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Alk Trio Fan.6357

Well not sure how you did it, but when you pulled mobs, you aggroed other mobs. Not sure if it was a bug when I did this path 5 weeks ago however…

North Torch has 3 Fire imps that hit very hard.
North East has 3-4 Shadow Imps.
South East has 3-4 Fire oozes.
South West has 4-5 Fire oozes.
North West has 3-4 Fire oozes.

However what made SW and NW annoying was the fire oozes would aggro to the other side when killing oozes.

Also posting something negative like Quote: “If you can’t manage that, then I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t be running a dungeon.”, makes your creditably have zero worth and non constructive.

All that “Brimstar.9036” was asking was why this path was annoying and we are posting why on things people avoid.

I do not like it when people like you mislead the information and lie! Please stop posting.

Edit: Also just to avoid in future “Troll” posts from other “Trolls”.

Please remember you had to place each member of your party, at a torch area. You placed your best players at the imp torches due to high damage, and the rest of the team members at the other torches to deal with oozes on their own.

High respawn time and then do not forget the in-sync torch timing. You have one chance to get it right, then respawns happen.

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seren.6850


you should be able to get into a position where you only have to kill 3 mobs per try on torches. These mobs are linked so you can kill 2 and they wont respawn, get the 3rd one low on HP then everyone kills together and lights the torch.

Those fire imps do hit hard though

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Seren.6850

Was this recently? I am posting experience when I was doing this dungeon 5+ weeks ago when I was going for my “Dungeon Master” title.

All I remember is SW and NW would assist the other slimes when players try to single target pull and it was a pain.

Then players would start dieing at certain torch areas and had to run back, or the in-sync did not work and when we tried a second time, someones torch area had respawns then by the time they cleared it, another torch area had respawned.

It was a painful experience for my group but after 2-3 hours later we finally did it. Afterwards we got to the Gauntlet area, we couldn’t kill the last two flame shamans in time before the Flame Legion thieves had spawn, which wiped the group every time due to adds being summon by the shamans, fire AoE on the grounds, and thieves using CC abilities on a player that ended up killing them.

I think I spent an additional 3-4 hours, finding new PuGs before finally I got a Elementalist to help out with AoE.

The Puzzle part was super easy and the final boss was easy. I know some players complain he was a boring but to me and one other that stayed threw out the whole thing, it was a relief and refreshing sight that it went into easy mode. 7+ hours in a single path, using PuGs, was not fun and very stressful.

Edit: Also, this is why when I comment on forums or make threads, I base all my experience on PuGs. Guild Wars 2 was based on the idea of being a casual friendly MMO, and so this is why I get very insulted when people throw “Guilds” and “Friends” statements at me because that is not what I argue about and a large number of people are not fortunate enough to find a “Guild” or have “Friends” to help out.

So I dismiss certain posts people make because, usually when they complain/argue, its always about their experience is either “too boring” or “too easy”.

Too me, that’s not a strong argument against the idea of those that have to go the extra mile to accomplish the objective to enjoy the game and its PuGers that I stick up for.

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veli.9572


The torches in this dungeon path is single-handedly the worst thing I’ve ever played in an MMO. It’s not hard or boring. It’s just too stupidly and ridiculously unforgiving in petty ways on the torch channel.

Citadel of Flames Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slacker.2679


I liked the hallway of explosions… nothing like having your entire party strip down to run it to avoid massive repair costs :P

The other parts are just ridiculous though. For the torch part you basically have to have everyone clear the mobs at the same exact time because they respawn immediately after, or have an animal spawned to distract them. The part with waves is horrible because there are a lot of enemies with high HP/DMG and if you wipe during any of the waves you have to start the whole kitten thing over again. The rest was fine but there’s no way in hell I’m ever running it again.