Cliffside Strategy?

Cliffside Strategy?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863


What is the best strategy for cliffside at the part where you are supposed to keep 1 chanter alive but someone ended up killing both chanters?

Certified Gameaholic

Cliffside Strategy?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


I will identify the first seal you can run to as the first seal, and the second seal as the second seal. The game identifies the first seal as the “left” seal, and the second as the “right” seal (even though the “left” seal is on the right arm of the colossus, and the “right” seal is on the left arm… this is why I’m using first and second here).

If you accidentally kill both at the first seal, that’s fine. Just kill one at the second seal, and stack at the stack spot by the first seal (left side, before the corner, as if you were running from second to first). At that stack spot, sometimes the second seal chanter won’t lose aggro; use projectile absorb skills and moving to the opposite side of the stack spot (closer to the first seal) to deal with this; the first option lets you ignore it, the second will leash it. Do absolutely everything as you normally would other than this.

If you accidentally kill both at both seals, it’s going to be rough. You need to ask yourself whether or not your group is capable of putting down antiprojectile skills in a coordinated manner, and if you have enough. If this is the case, you can just run back and forth and basically just fight right on top of each seal, get your kill, hit the seal, and move to the other side. If not, you can do the same thing but while pulling them to the LoS/stack spots on both sides (and remembering you might have to use antiprojectile skills and/or move when stacking at the spot for the first seal, and in some rareish cases might have to do a similar thing when stacking at the second seal spot too). There are possibly better ways of doing it when you have this issue, but it’s better to just ensure you do not have this issue in the first place.

How to ensure you don’t have the issue in the first place? If you have any kind of knockback or pull skill, use it on the chanter people aren’t supposed to kill at the first seal. Clearly explain what’s supposed to happen. Get everyone to verbally agree. If they’re especially stupid, get them to rephrase in their own words what you just explained to them. If you have a friend and/or other competent player in the group, coordinate them via whisper and rapidly kick anyone who appears like they’re going to mess things up when you’re actually doing it. You can reinvite them immediately after the kick if you so wish, and explain why they got kicked.