CoE p2 Husk-Boss

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artasqweroldy.7458



This is actually the only mechanic in CoE i dont understand fully, because most of the subverted golems behave just whacky, can anybody give me a quick explanation how to do this Boss in a reasonable amount of time, because sometimes that part is done quite fast and somethimes its just painfully slow.

Looking forward to your responses


Humans aren´t real

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rag.3258



If you want an easy time you have to zap them before they aggro on anything. They come about halfway into the room on autopilot before aggroing anything. If you zap them before they locked onto a target they show a much shorter reaction time. Hence, if you zap them right before they search a target theyll run straight to the boss. So to get them to the boss reliably:
1. Wait until the golem ran almost halfway to the boss
2. Zap him, keep your character looking towards the golem so the ray doesnt break
3. Kill thorns while waiting for the next golem to spawn (because if you zap a golem next to thorns he will immediatwly blow up)

If theres thorns growing at a really unfortunate time so you cant possibly kill them before the golem runs out act like this:
1. Position yourself close to the middle plateau
2. Wait until the golem runs up to you, doesnt matter if he sits down apready
3. Zap him now, since youre so close to the husk one ray is enough even with their slow reaction time. Alternatively shove him, however keep in mind that they will get stuck on the hexagons corners.

General things to watch out for:
- dont panic, even after golems go into explosion mode you still have plenty of time to zap him or to sidewalk out of the red circle
- dont run around in circles around the boss, even though it doesnt matter if everyone is properly pulling the golems it doesnt help anyone if you do run in circles
- if someone else zaps your golem shortly after you do, this will cause the golem to brainlag and likely not make it all the way to the boss. Dont panic, just prepare to shove the golem towards the boss. After that yell at the pug to get their own corner
- dont break your characters line of sight with the golem while zapping them, as this cancels the skill (so dont turn 180º while zapping)
- remember to tag the boss for champloot

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


If you aggro golems they behave badly. Sit at far range and just zap a nearby golem.

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Generally I just stand at the edge of the boss platform and rifle smack the golems towards him once they try to kill me, while zapping them as they walk towards me. Much easier than relying on the mind control mechanic with 400 ping.

Mesmer is pretty amazing for this fight though with their push and pulls while still being able to destroy the thorns.

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


- 4 on each spawn point
- 1 killing thorns
- zap as soon it spawn.
- dont zap others golem, may glitch them to explode.
- remember to hit husk once(normal damage) for champion chest.

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I find it easiest to stand inbetween two spawn points, out of aggro range of both golems. Once the golems spawn, let them walk forward. As soon as they stop, pick a golem and use 1 to drag it to the middle. That’s it.

Unfortunately, your teammates will likely be running around the room like crazy people and aggro the golem before you can get to it.

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: draconx.3102


The good thing is that teammates who run around like crazy people at the evolved husk tend to die, so eventually you just end up soloing it.

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


alternatively you could aggro all of them and lure them to the boss by walking just outside of melee range and wait for them to sit down. That way you can have 3 blow up at a time instead of 1.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kajin.5301


I start to zap as soon as one spawns and will zap again when it bunkers down midway, it will get back up and continue towards the husk.

The reason I prefer the zap twice method is simply because each zap tick gives the golem might stacks so when it hits husk it will deal the most damage.

Skysap & Qaju & Juqa -VILE- Desolation

CoE p2 Husk-Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: frifox.5283


Without might stacks it’ll hits Husk for ~140k. With 25 might stacks it’ll hit for about 160k. Not worth the effort.