CoF Medium Armor Shoulders/Chest glitch
Has anyone read/seen any mention of this by any gw2 people?
I have this set and thought it looked normal until i seen this, now that I unequipped/reequipped the shoudlers nothing appears, please fix anet
Yea I hope they fix it soon – we all worked hard for our sets and want to fully enjoy them!
This isn’t a bug. On the male model, the medium armor does not show the shoulders – I suspect that it’s due to the fire shoulder harness that “counts” as a shoulder slot from a visibility perspective. If you read the tooltip on your shoulders, you’ll see very clearly that it says “This item is currently obscured by another.” You’d have some wierd issues with the shoulder strap conflicting with the shoulders. Personally my preference would be for the male armor to have the same chest/shoulder layout as the female one – I personally think that it looks better, but that’s just my $0.02!
If they did it purposely its pretty silly. Why make shoulder armor that you cant see? I’d like to have the option to see them, and honestly dont care if it overlaps the chest grafx because the chest itself is lackluster.
This isn’t a bug. On the male model, the medium armor does not show the shoulders – I suspect that it’s due to the fire shoulder harness that “counts” as a shoulder slot from a visibility perspective. If you read the tooltip on your shoulders, you’ll see very clearly that it says “This item is currently obscured by another.” You’d have some wierd issues with the shoulder strap conflicting with the shoulders. Personally my preference would be for the male armor to have the same chest/shoulder layout as the female one – I personally think that it looks better, but that’s just my $0.02!
I have this set on my female human ranger and the shoulders do not show at all. Even with the Hero menu up I can check/uncheck the shoulder box and nothing changes on my character.
I wish someone from AreneNet would give some insight.
Here’s the way that things look to me at least…
Human female…
and Male Charr (my character)