CoF P2 "skipping"

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amurond.4590


Is anyone else having difficulties finding groups that aren’t willing to run this without “skipping” lately? (here I’m using “skipping” as slang for what’s really going on; “exploiting”, and not talking about skipping trash mobs) The new-ish fad seems to be “skipping” 80% of this dungeon path instead of running it properly. Just curious, does this annoy anyone else? Are you fine with “skipping”? If you’re all for it, is it a laziness thing or are you incompetent? Is there any sort of fix in the works for this issue? It’s not like it hasn’t been reported before and it’s very obvious it’s not working as intended.

Personally I find it frustrating that people are ditching groups because they have the nerve to run the dungeon properly. Cracks me up when I see people with dungeon master leading the charge to run the path this way too, makes me think “Exploit master” more than anything.

Major dungeon exploits are very lame.

/rant over

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CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yenn.9185


It’s similar to CoF P1; why do you think it’s getting farmed? The time per reward is just so much better. I’m not defending exploiting but when you give player the option to cut the run time by like a 1/5, they will do it. I almost feel like P1 is an exploit considering you can earn ridiculous amount of gold with so little effort and time.

PS. I don’t think it’s incompetent. P2 is just as easy as P1 but just longer. It’s not laziness either, it’s the time saved.

(edited by Yenn.9185)

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amurond.4590


It’s similar to CoF P1; why do you think it’s getting farmed? The time per reward is just so much better. I’m not defending exploiting but when you give player the option to cut the run time by like a 1/5, they will do it. I almost feel like P1 is an exploit considering you can earn ridiculous amount of gold with so little effort and time.

I get where you’re coming from and I am frustrated that this is as possible just as much as I am frustrated that people insist on doing it. No party deserves all the blame.

Eh, I’m okay with a dungeon path being easy/farmable if that’s the purpose that dungeon path was designed for.

PS. I don’t think it’s incompetent. P2 is just as easy as P1 but just longer. It’s not laziness either, it’s the time saved.

Maybe not, but pugs do tend to fail P2 more than P1.

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CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

Oh, that jumping thing?
I wouldn’t worry too much about that. There’s just no way that’s not getting fixed. That is like, exploit with a capital E. And people aren’t even being subtle about it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


I like it. Teaches people some basic character control, whilst actually giving you a noteworthy reward at the end unlike Jumping Puzzles. PuG this path enough and you’ll soon discover no amount of achievement points can teach you how to jump from one platform to another, seriously I had a guy with 10,000 points who spent a good 15 minutes eating dirt with a Lightning Hammer is in hands…

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
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CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Oh, that jumping thing?
I wouldn’t worry too much about that. There’s just no way that’s not getting fixed. That is like, exploit with a capital E. And people aren’t even being subtle about it.

There’s a jumping thing too? The only one I’m aware of is the waypoint one

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Skipping like this is used by people that are to bad to run it normally.. End of story

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Are you mad because you can’t skip? If you like to do dungeons to kill trash, well, i feel sorry for you.

Dungeons ARE MADE to be completed, thats how you should do it. Skipping mobs is only for people that cant kill the mobs either because they have a bad build cough Zerk Cough and die, or because they just have problems dodging

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jameskelly.6310


I think this is just more of the same “time vs reward”. The people doing it probably just want to get in and out with their tokens and a chest in as little time as possible. I’ve never found P2 any harder than P1…. just longer.

Unlike running by the bridge mobs in P1, this “skip” is clearly an “exploit” that has spread like wildfire and should be at the top of the fix list.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Skipping like this is used by people that are to bad to run it normally.. End of story

There are certainly people that do it for this reason but saying that this is the only reason so strongly is just plain wrong. Many use skipping simply to shorten the dungeon run if they’re running for tokens/gold, nobody wants to waste time on useless mobs. You can’t call me bad if I run past, say, 2 necros and an ele in AC p3 just because they’re not worth killing.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Piper Hecht.6538

Piper Hecht.6538

I’ve full completed p2 about as many times as I’ve “skipped” it because the rest of the group wanted me to.

My answer: It isn’t because of laziness or incompetence. Suggesting that every player who uses the skip is one of the two is a blanket statement that doesn’t take into account too many factors. What about everyone who doesn’t want to skip, but the rest of the group does? I’m not gonna pull mobs and be a kitten, or let them four man it, which would also be a kitten move. And p2 runs are hard enough to find I don’t want to leave. Being put in this situation doesn’t make you lazy. If you do it, are you Crumbling under a certain form of peer pressure? Maybe. Still, that doesn’t make you lazy or incompetent, just means you’re put in an untenable situation.

The entire “exploit” isn’t even the players’ fault. GW2 living world content takes about a day on average to finish (excepting the dungeons maybe) and with nothing better to do since launch, you can’t really fault the players for finding any and all exploits in the game that they can use to streamline their experience. It’s Anet’s job to make sure the game is relatively bug-free and un-exploitable. If they can’t do this, can you fault the players for taking advantage of this fact?

I wouldn’t. My position on exploits in games is this: If they’re widely known, and nothing is done about them by the game’s developer, you can’t expect people not to use them because it is “morally wrong”. If people find an easier way to do something, and the exploit shows no sign of being fixed, they will use it because why wouldn’t they? P2 vets who’ve run the dungeon hundreds of times will use it just to break up the monotony. New players will use it to get tokens/gold faster.

Until Anet fixes the exploit or acknowledges it, you can’t really blame the player base for using it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


You really should edit your post and use another term. Lots of geniuses misunderstanding what you mean with skipping.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Skipping like this is used by people that are to bad to run it normally.. End of story

There are certainly people that do it for this reason but saying that this is the only reason so strongly is just plain wrong. Many use skipping simply to shorten the dungeon run if they’re running for tokens/gold, nobody wants to waste time on useless mobs. You can’t call me bad if I run past, say, 2 necros and an ele in AC p3 just because they’re not worth killing.

You didnt get my point… As the OP says, he talks about the skipping in CoF p2. They can jump over a gate and skip the whole dungeon straight to the final boss. AKA, exploiting.

Skipping mobs im totally fine with, but skipping the whole dungeon like that is plain wrong

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Piper Hecht.6538

Piper Hecht.6538

You really should edit your post and use another term. Lots of geniuses misunderstanding what you mean with skipping.

I understood it. He means how players jump the gates and get straight to the assassins.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


You know. it’s time to stop acting like the community is incompetent or “noobs” or exploiters or whatever.

The ONLY people to blame for this is ANET and their refusal to fix even the simplest glitches/exploits/bugs that have plagued the dungeons in this game for a very long time. They obviously don’t care about anything but the living story now-a-days. The only thing they “fix” is things that don’t need fixing (i.e. the dredge fractal). Time to get used to it and get over it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


You really should edit your post and use another term. Lots of geniuses misunderstanding what you mean with skipping.

I understood it. He means how players jump the gates and get straight to the assassins.

I’m so proud of you.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Piper Hecht.6538

Piper Hecht.6538

You really should edit your post and use another term. Lots of geniuses misunderstanding what you mean with skipping.

I understood it. He means how players jump the gates and get straight to the assassins.

I’m so proud of you.

Thank you. I am proud of me as well. pats self on back.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

I almost feel like anet doesn’t care that people do this. I mean if they really didn’t want people to be able to skip than why not have it so the gates have a invisible wall over them. Or not put a cliff right next to the first gate that is rather unnecessary. I have done this a few times and i find alot of the time it would be almost as fast to just do it the normal way because there are some people that really have trouble with the second jump. On the other hand if you get 5 people that can do it well than this can be much faster.

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CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Only lazy and imcompetent people try to do dungeons fast.


CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winds.3087


Only lazy and imcompetent people try to do dungeons fast.

Yes, they shouldn’t be allowed to perform cof 1 speed runs, because Blaclan Firetooth felt offended and lonely and wrote a sincere complaint on forums.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Only lazy and imcompetent people try to do dungeons fast.


Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
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CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Odin.1354


There will always be things in the game that will be the “best” or the “easiest” or the “most farmed”. You will not change this, you will have to deal with it. Imho they should leave cof as it is and focus on the other dungeons and making them worthwhile. I am sorry for people who want to do cof in a normal way, but you should really find a group of people that agree with your view and run it with them! Gives you a much better time…

-Gunnar’s Hold-

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I dislike the jumping exploit in CoF p2 because it skips over the prison warden, which both drops gold and a bag. The jumping exploit is only really meaningful if you are going strictly for the tokens and only the tokens, otherwise I specifically choose to not do it in order to get the warden’s loot.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736


Path of Least Resistance isn’t carte blanche to cheat your face off. You can wield that phrase pretty effectively for all sort of grey area stuff like running past mobs, but this jumping thing is pretty black and white.

Good God, you guys are lucky Anet is such a soft touch. I’ve played games where such bold faced cheating got you the banhammer.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I don’t think I’d play such games.

And yeah, I want to run dungeons as efficiently as possible. Time vs Reward.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Odin.1354



Path of Least Resistance isn’t carte blanche to cheat your face off. You can wield that phrase pretty effectively for all sort of grey area stuff like running past mobs, but this jumping thing is pretty black and white.

Good God, you guys are lucky Anet is such a soft touch. I’ve played games where such bold faced cheating got you the banhammer.

Too bad you assume that I am a part of the “you guys” that “cheat” their way to get gold etc. I am not. I am one of the people that once in a while joins a few cof p1 runs because I have a warrior and it is so easy to join a group being one. If I need a few gold I make use of cof p1. Does that make me a cheater? I say no, you might say yes.

All I was saying is that there will always be something to exploit or farm to a certain degree. And you will never create your perfect game without any farming/cheating/exploiting/whateveryoucallit. I think it is good that there is cof, this keeps those elitist unpolite asocial people grouped together farming for gold.

But that means they ruin the game because they have a lot of gold and can permit themselves everything? No, you know exactly how to get gold, do what they do! How do I justify this? The developers can write whatever they want and you have to play by it. They allow people to farm cof.

-Gunnar’s Hold-

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

Just to be clear, I’m talking specifically about abusing terrain to skip events entirely.

I’m not entirely sure how gold got brought up? I think you might be reading a bit too much into what I’ve said.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


You know. it’s time to stop acting like the community is incompetent or “noobs” or exploiters or whatever.

The ONLY people to blame for this is ANET and their refusal to fix even the simplest glitches/exploits/bugs that have plagued the dungeons in this game for a very long time. They obviously don’t care about anything but the living story now-a-days. The only thing they “fix” is things that don’t need fixing (i.e. the dredge fractal). Time to get used to it and get over it.

What? So if you let a gun lying on the table and I picked it up and started shooting people, it’s your fault for leaving the gun there? More kittened up logic please.

People who do this are exploiters, there is no excuse for them. You can alibisticly throw it on Anet, but you are still an exploiter if you do it. End of story.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437



Path of Least Resistance isn’t carte blanche to cheat your face off. You can wield that phrase pretty effectively for all sort of grey area stuff like running past mobs, but this jumping thing is pretty black and white.

Good God, you guys are lucky Anet is such a soft touch. I’ve played games where such bold faced cheating got you the banhammer.

I hate their soft touch. I hate it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gnat.9405


Can someone explain this method please

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Stop trying to blame players and blame ANET. If they fixed bugs/exploits on a consistent basis we wouldn’t have these issues. Instead it takes them 3-6months to fix simple stuff like this.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


The trick that is done in CoF path 2 is a pure hack exploit. It should be bannable. We just need to start reporting people who we see using it.

This is not a speed run, or a specialized build. It is a pure exploit designed to ‘break’ almost all the dungeon’s spawn triggers so that they can walk to the end and collect their badges without even fighting the final boss.

Those people need to be banned… – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
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(edited by Kichwas.7152)

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Odin.1354


Just to be clear, I’m talking specifically about abusing terrain to skip events entirely.

I’m not entirely sure how gold got brought up? I think you might be reading a bit too much into what I’ve said.

Well because most people do it for the gold, to get richer But I agree with you on the skipping though, but as I said, Anet can make a game in every way they want. They allow us to skip those enemies….

-Gunnar’s Hold-

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


You know. it’s time to stop acting like the community is incompetent or “noobs” or exploiters or whatever.

The ONLY people to blame for this is ANET and their refusal to fix even the simplest glitches/exploits/bugs that have plagued the dungeons in this game for a very long time. They obviously don’t care about anything but the living story now-a-days. The only thing they “fix” is things that don’t need fixing (i.e. the dredge fractal). Time to get used to it and get over it.

What? So if you let a gun lying on the table and I picked it up and started shooting people, it’s your fault for leaving the gun there? More kittened up logic please.

People who do this are exploiters, there is no excuse for them. You can alibisticly throw it on Anet, but you are still an exploiter if you do it. End of story.

LOL. I love the over the top examples that aren’t even close to the same thing. Murdering people and “cheating”, as you call it, in a video game, yeah about the same thing.

Anyway, back to reality. My point was, this game has been out for how long now? and we still don’t have even the most basic glitches in dungeons fixed yet? Sure, 8 months ago, I’d say blame the players, but now I throw anything like this 100% on ANET for not doing anything about it.

EDIT: For the record, I don’t “cheat/exploit” unless I am forced to by the group I am in, and I really don’t end up in those types of groups anyway.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flarosie.3264


Well personally, I ran path 2 legit for months and months before discovering this even existed. I don’t mind the skip runs because it shaves off about 15-20 minutes, which I can then use to do other things…it’s also convenient if I want to squeeze in a token run during a 30 minute lunch break without having to worry about running out of time.

However, with the number of people going on and on about this… it wouldn’t surprised me if they made the gates reach to the ceiling or something though.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


The problem is that the people who do this cause the dungeon’s triggers to fail to load. Those are the tirggers that tell the server ‘there are players here, load the content in from the database’.
- That is a severe exploit.

Compare this to skipping mobs by skirting around them – that’s just clever play of what is there.
Running past till mobs drop aggro – again quick play to use the system.
Stacking to control mobs position – classic MMO method of handling aggro.

But this… this is breaking the designed content. Forcing it to fail to trigger. They then walk through an empty dungeon on a casual stroll to the end, and collect the end reward after using another glitch to do things to the final boss.

- The only proper response to that is a ban AND a patch… – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


I always sigh when I see these complaints/threads.

I cannot stress the importance of joining like minded groups on Please use the icons for a speed run or completion run, or write in the field what type of run it is. Completionists are always going to kitten about the speed runners, and the speed runners are just going to find a new group because it’s easier.

Not to derail the thread or anything, but honestly the problem rests on Anet’s shoulders. The more they nerf the profitability of open world farming, the more and more people are going to run dungeons for gold. Of course some people are going to run dungeons for the tokens anyways, but for a lot of people dungeons are the best source of gold vs time investment right now.

Also, once they nerf CoF P1, this problem is only going to get worse because the people who run dungeons for gold are just going to look for the next best way to get it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


I always sigh when I see these complaints/threads.

I cannot stress the importance of joining like minded groups on Please use the icons for a speed run or completion run, or write in the field what type of run it is. Completionists are always going to kitten about the speed runners, and the speed runners are just going to find a new group because it’s easier.

Not sure if you read the post, but it’s about an exploit where you jump over the gate, not the usual skipping past mobs, which is why skipping is in quotes.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


I always sigh when I see these complaints/threads.

I cannot stress the importance of joining like minded groups on Please use the icons for a speed run or completion run, or write in the field what type of run it is. Completionists are always going to kitten about the speed runners, and the speed runners are just going to find a new group because it’s easier.

Not sure if you read the post, but it’s about an exploit where you jump over the gate, not the usual skipping past mobs, which is why skipping is in quotes.

Speed runners often times use exploits or other means to make the dungeon run faster. This post could have been avoided if the OP grouped with other completionists instead complaining about something that wouldn’t have affected him otherwise.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


If it saves time and all you’re doing the dungeon for is the rewards, then you’re the one who is ignorant.

If I want to do a dungeon for fun I’ll play a new one or got to fotm. If I want to make money and get tokens, I’ll do the shortest one possible with the best reward. Let people play how they want to play.

RIP in peace Robert

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amurond.4590


“Let people play how they want to play” … definitely one of the more interesting attempts to justify exploiting I’ve heard. Kudos.

Anyway I mentioned in my second post on the the thread that it takes two to tango. The people who happily advertise to exploit this obviously broken path aren’t the only ones at fault. How this hasn’t been fixed yet is mind-boggling.

With that being said, can we expect a fix to this any time soon?

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


“Let people play how they want to play” … definitely one of the more interesting attempts to justify exploiting I’ve heard. Kudos.

Anyway I mentioned in my second post on the the thread that it takes two to tango. The people who happily advertise to exploit this obviously broken path aren’t the only ones at fault. How this hasn’t been fixed yet is mind-boggling.

With that being said, can we expect a fix to this any time soon?

I don’t run CoF P2, but why would it bother you if other groups jump gates? As long as you don’t have to group with them I don’t see the point in being angsty about it.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

“Let people play how they want to play” … definitely one of the more interesting attempts to justify exploiting I’ve heard. Kudos.

Anyway I mentioned in my second post on the the thread that it takes two to tango. The people who happily advertise to exploit this obviously broken path aren’t the only ones at fault. How this hasn’t been fixed yet is mind-boggling.

With that being said, can we expect a fix to this any time soon?

I don’t run CoF P2, but why would it bother you if other groups jump gates? As long as you don’t have to group with them I don’t see the point in being angsty about it.

When the risk/time/rewards of other players are out of whack with the norm it inflates the economy with easy gold. CoF also doesn’t actually balance itself between gold and high value goods to offset the gold generation. All it does is inject more liquid cash into the market which raises the cost of… everything. Players who then do not take advantage of an exploit to accomplish the same ends lag in terms of generating wealth on their account. This means they will take longer to get their legendary than if other people weren’t exploiting this.

Since it isn’t based in skill/effort/risk, it’s not a legitimate method of accomplishing higher rewards per unit time invested.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


“Let people play how they want to play” … definitely one of the more interesting attempts to justify exploiting I’ve heard. Kudos.

Anyway I mentioned in my second post on the the thread that it takes two to tango. The people who happily advertise to exploit this obviously broken path aren’t the only ones at fault. How this hasn’t been fixed yet is mind-boggling.

With that being said, can we expect a fix to this any time soon?

I don’t run CoF P2, but why would it bother you if other groups jump gates? As long as you don’t have to group with them I don’t see the point in being angsty about it.

When the risk/time/rewards of other players are out of whack with the norm it inflates the economy with easy gold. CoF also doesn’t actually balance itself between gold and high value goods to offset the gold generation. All it does is inject more liquid cash into the market which raises the cost of… everything. Players who then do not take advantage of an exploit to accomplish the same ends lag in terms of generating wealth on their account. This means they will take longer to get their legendary than if other people weren’t exploiting this.

Since it isn’t based in skill/effort/risk, it’s not a legitimate method of accomplishing higher rewards per unit time invested.

But a p1 CoF run is still faster right? Isn’t that the real problem with the economy? Amongst so much else.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alilinke.7690


Are you mad because you can’t skip? If you like to do dungeons to kill trash, well, i feel sorry for you.

There’s a big difference between skipping trash mobs, and using a terrain exploit to skip 80% of the dungeon.

[nA] Professional Guild Hall Decorator

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Basic rule of thumb: if you see a terrain exploit, report it. This trivializes content even further.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Upham.6137


Just an idea, why don’t all the people here asking for fixes and bans add each others and run it properly? I think that would be way better than just keep whining on the forum cus others are exploiting and don’t wanna play with you.

You really think that once they fix it people will run P2 the legit way?

Bläck Dähliä

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Just an idea, why don’t all the people here asking for fixes and bans add each others and run it properly? I think that would be way better than just keep whining on the forum cus others are exploiting and don’t wanna play with you.

You really think that once they fix it people will run P2 the legit way?

You really think the game economy doesn’t get borked by borked content?

Edit: … quoting you generates like 100 blank lines then the [/quote] finally appears…

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


Basic rule of thumb: if you see a terrain exploit, use it.

There, I fixed it for you.

CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I think the people screaming ban need to just chill.

Watch the video. This lawnmower, he is chasing his dreams. Now go and do that yourself instead of getting upset about what other people are doing.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|