CoF Path 1

CoF Path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vaius.4376


Recently I decided to run a CoF path 1 with a group from They specified for a speed run, and I saw a couple of complaints here about how “People who ask for speed runs, or complain about everything actually kitten suck.” I however wanted to see for myself.
1-These people skipped the middle bridge part, got wiped at acolytes, and a few died on their way back to the acolytes making me have to basically kill all the acolytes by myself.

2-They couldn’t run the fireballs for jack, somebody also insisted he not take off his armor, died 7 times doing it, and didn’t bother to repair broken armor.

3- They got into the braziers while I kill the control panel, around 10 seconds in somebody got downed, 2 of them ran to help then they got wiped, and 4th got wiped by all the other mobs. >>10 SECONDS!!<<

4- Could barely kill the effigy due to having to rezz someone every 15 seconds……

5- One person I would call a CoF elitist was also yelling at everyone like he knew everything, and as I observed his gameplay was pretty kitten bad.

Overall this probably took 40-45 mins, this is a speed run? (Didn’t complain the whole run, just watched them get steamrolled over and over)
Anyways rant over, share your CoF stories :V

PS- If you think it was my fault, message me in game, and show I’m very capable of running one of the easiest dungeons in game

(edited by Vaius.4376)

CoF Path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eric.9368


I posted on gw2lfg “looking for 2 more. No elitists. All classes welcome. Not a speed run, not farming.” My group was made up of 2 of my guildies (guardian and ranger) and the 2 people that joined in were a necro and a warrior. And me a bunker condition thief. Took about 15 min and we didn’t wipe. We did skip the bridge but since nobody died after that it was no biggy.