CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chillwinds.1290


To clarify I am referring to the portion of Path 2 where you get a water gun from Magg and need to escort him across a lake of fire filled with mobs to get a chunk of red rock from the other end of said lake. Ok.

I think we all recognize how broken this is, right? First of all let me say right now that any person who can tell me they have a foolproof method to this is probably wrong. I’ve seen a number of methods for glitching out Magg and getting him to teleport various places and trick the instance into moving forward but it’s unreliable at best and takes considerable time and effort. And that’s just it – you have to bug out the instance to complete it somewhat reliably..

Now to the real way to complete it: You need to escort Magg across this lake of fire and mobs with 1 person extinguishing fires and the rest killing mobs. Magg of course tries to help by shooting everything that moves and honestly everything in his midget power he can to get himself killed. The AI for that creature is horrendous.

If your team is actually pushing forward with Magg not dying, by the time you get a decent distance towards the other side and Magg exits combat he immediately returns to the same place that he entered combat which is of course halfway back to where you started and now all the mobs have re-spawned, and the fire is back, and he dies.

I completed this path today on my third try. Three separate groups, the first 2 broke on that part. We simply couldn’t stop Magg from dying, we couldn’t stop ourselves from dying, and people left out of frustration. It took the third attempt and countless deaths by all teammates to get Magg across.

I would like an official response on this please: This Path and specifically that step needs serious work. I wont even go into all the reasons that Path 3 is incredibly difficult – which leaves most people with just Path 1. This content should be enjoyed instead of feeling like torture.

Has anyone else felt like this was a deal-breaking step for them in Path 2? If not: Please share with me some knowledge on how this can be done reliably?

-Deus Ex Fortuna

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


I just did path 2 for the first time today. Never done CoF before and didn’t really know what I was doing. All five of us picked up a fire extinguisher and ran across. I just blasted the fire extinguisher left and right a few times – don’t think I even hit any lava – ran straight across with the rest of the team to the whatevercyte red rock and it proceeded to the next stage. Didn’t have to kill mobs or anything. Maybe the bug is fixed or it’s only happening in certain instances?

Having said that CoF has been bugged for my server for about a week. The dungeon was perpetually contested and we’ve scoured Fireheart Rise for a potentially abandoned NPC to no avail. Couldn’t get in at all until I joined a group sometime after the patch earlier today and it magically worked.

Did you try before the patch or after?

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gadenp.7586


The person that he is following need to stay behind before the fire lake. The rest go across.

Those that die, teleport to last waypoint. Once one guy is across, person that Magg was following, should teleport to last waypoint.

This will cause Magg to teleport to person at goal. And completing the task. Running his across the lake is sure death, as he will be hero and kit EVERYTHING and die die die die.

At least that is the way, my guild groups do it.

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essa.5826


The person that he is following need to stay behind before the fire lake. The rest go across.

Those that die, teleport to last waypoint. Once one guy is across, person that Magg was following, should teleport to last waypoint.

This will cause Magg to teleport to person at goal. And completing the task. Running his across the lake is sure death, as he will be hero and kit EVERYTHING and die die die die.

At least that is the way, my guild groups do it.

Awsome if this work! Will try it out later tonight.

And yes, its annoying that you have to bug out the instance for it to be bearable. Having Magg run back to the start and die in the first fire when youre already half way across isnt fun in the long run.


CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

It’s easier if everybody just goes back to the starting WP except for one. Nobody needs to die, and Magg just follows the person closest to the objective. So have one person cross lava while every waits at WP. Same plan as above but nobody has to die.

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Our method:
*everyone equips a lot of condition cleaners to get immos off
*we move in a tight pack
*noone attacks any mobs and everyone cleans fires
*we jump to the cliff behind the ore to lose aggro
*if magg fails to run to us, everyone except one waypoints back to start

Magg has horrendous AI and is absolutely suicidal, doing it the “right” way is stressing and prone to failure. Only way to reliably do it all the time is with the use of bugging him a bit. That shouldn’t be the solution.

A bit offtopic: the following door guarding part is harder imo and it basically has only two viable ways to do it. Either with VERY strong dps party or nogear graveyard zerging.

We’ve completed it with the dps route, so it’s doable, but we had a pretty specific setup in that group. 2 dps warrs, 2 guardians for example. This should not be a requirement. Silverring HP or spawn timers need to be toned down or damage from trash in that part reduced. This part effectively leaves groups with not so strong dps setup only the graveyard running option.

(edited by Psybunny.8906)

CoF Path 2 - Magg and the Fire Extinguisher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nonlinear.9823


Most groups I’m in have two people put out fires and escort and everyone else WP back. I’ve never had it bug out on me and no group I’m in has ever engaged any mobs. If you find yourself in combat at the end just die and WP back.