CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Imspecial.3206


Message to anyone who is going to reply:
Keep your replies constructive! Either confirm or denie the bugs/overtuned mechanics that I posted, or give your opinion on what I posted above and below the bugs. Don’t rage, don’t all caps, don’t drag the thread off topic. I would like it not to be locked by the mods.

When I heard that Arenanet had made route 2 harder my initial though was, “Finally they have done a pass over CoF and rebalanced the routes”. It appears I was wrong, they made route 2 harder which was needed (12min a run for a good group is too short for an explorable) but they failed to fix the other 2 broken routes.

Route 3 – Multiple people have told me that completing the final boss failed to give them rewards, this is echod in this forum if you search.

Route 1 – Last boss “Searing Effigy” is pretty much impossible unless you have godly luck and a complete “Direct damage” specced group. There are numerous bugged/overtuned mechanics on this fight.

1) Crystals come down so fast its almost impossible to dodge them, this leads to being “chain crystaled” from 100-downed.

2) Cyrstal spawn rate is extremely erratic, we had over 1minute without a crystal spawn and some as low as every 6 seconds. It appears that he has a % chance to use each of his attacks instead of his attacks having set cooldowns that or his crystal attack has a huge varience set up in its cooldown. The only people who have completed this route probably had amazing crystal spawn luck and were able to nuke him from 33%-0% without a crystal spawn or had only 1 spawn that had luckily clumped crystals when doing so.

3) The particles from his “pink ground missile” attack often clip under the floor especially if you are at the bottom end of the room. This leads to you being hit from it while being unable to see it.

4) Crystals do not take Condition damage, this is a wierd one but its a major issue that plagues the entire game. Environmental objects should take conditions, the “Living flame” final boss of route 2 is able to take condition damage so why not make all environmental stuff take conditions? It means that some routes require you to not take bleed/burn/poison specs since you are hurting your group by not being able to hurt certain boss/events. I understand that we should be altering our specs to synergize with party members and alter our utilities/trait choices for certain bosses, but asking us to have to bring a completly different gearset and re-spec just for certain bosses is a little unfair, especially players who chose to play a class because they enjoyed the playstyle of its condition specs.

So I ask you this Arenanet, what are your priorities for bugfixing? We are all aware that fixing personal story bugs, recovering hacked accounts, and making sure anything related to your microtransaction system takes priority. But is it really necessary to change dungeon routes that “work” over fixing routes in the same dungeon that have been broken since release?

(edited by Imspecial.3206)

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


CoF 1 is doable, Ive cleared 2/3 times I went. CoF 3 however just will not complete and its driving me crazy!


Realized posting how to do this might help more than just saying it can be done. Try taking the people with condition damage off of damaging the crystals and sticking them on the boss he stops healing from 60%-30%. So really the fight is all about hard burn to 60% clean it up and take him down to 30% then hard burn to finish. If you fall behind on crystals and you haven’t hit 60% just reset it and go back at it again. How we do it is 1 ranger on crystals 4 on boss burn to 60% peel one or two off to clean up crystals go back to whittling away. At ~35% wait til everyone’s cool downs are up and you have him at a manageable crystal stack,(our grp can dps through up to 14 stacks before the regen starts to really show may differ based on your dps) then go back to 4 on the boss 1 on crystals until he is dead.

(edited by Gies.3824)

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mechastrike.7803


Confirming CoF3 unable to complete.

Same thoughts about priorities…

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Helevorn.2953


I have a question about path 3 on CoF. Maybe me and my group are really bad, but we are unable to complete the event where you have to defend a contested point. When we are on the 3rd wave we are overrun by about 6-7 elites and unable to survive.

Is there any tips you can give us in order to complete this event?

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Imspecial.3206


When ever we do route 1, the crystal spawns are so fast that we can’t even keep them at a managable level even with 4 direct damage specs taking a 1/4 of the room each and that is with poison up on the boss full time(reapplied after his burn+cleanse). As I said in my initial post the respawn rate is so sporatic that you just have to get lucky with a long gap between crystals to get him down. That isn’t really a fair mechanic imo.

(edited by Imspecial.3206)

CoF Route 1/3 still broke after Route 2 Changes. Priorities?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


The spawn rate with crystals seems like it has something to do with the amount of damage being done to him/ his ground pound ranged attack. We had the same problems with crystals until we started to put melee in on him. We had 2 warrior 1 guardian and a messmer the first time and warrior guardian messmer thief on him the second time. Out of all of our strategies though having more than one person on crystals when he is 60> <30 resulted in his health bar never moving.