CoF p1 warrior & mesmer groups only
Why don’t you create the group yourself?
I don’t believe this game only contains warrior and mesmer.
The 4 warrior 1 mesmer run is a money run, so time do matter.
Find groups run cof p1,p2 , these group are for tokens.
Yeah, it’s kind of sad how stupid these people are. Making that “perfect” group may pay off if you are going to farm for several hours, but otherwise, you should be picking up any decent player that comes along and start the instance right now.
And then there’s the guys doing it wrong the other way around: Yesterday, I got invites from 3 different p1 speedrun groups after posting “lfg 1+2” in mapchat. Yay for reading comprehension.
Yeah, it’s kind of sad how stupid these people are.
Sad? Stupid? No, I would argue that point (At least on stupid). If you make a system that rewards going faster, people are going to try and go faster. And that group setup is the fastest you can go. Why does this make you stupid? Seems like logic to me.
The problem is that there are people who don’t want this hyper-compeditive speed-running environment. And the only thing people can do about that is play with people in the same mindset.
really bad engineer
the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).
First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.
next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.
The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.
The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms
the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).
First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.
next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.
The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.
The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms
Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.
Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.
Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.
I do form 4+1 groups frequently and always write down clear requirements for every person who may consider joining. We expect you to link gear and explain your build. This is a normal procedure to ensure that nobody is wasting each other’s time. We do not intend to discriminate players on class/build, this is just our way of playing. We are not forcing you, do not force us.
There are hundreds of groups available to run CoF a ‘normal’ way at any given time.
the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).
First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.
next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.
The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.
The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms
Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.
Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.
Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.
Warriors actually can run full berserk in pretty much all the content at the moment. I can pull it off while running mostly with pug groups and loads of people play warrior better than I do.
the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).
First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.
next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.
The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.
The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms
Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.
Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.
Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.
Warriors actually can run full berserk in pretty much all the content at the moment. I can pull it off while running mostly with pug groups and loads of people play warrior better than I do.
Just to be clear, i was focussing on dungeons only in my post.
It mainly factors into groups who do 1-1-1-2 runs, because 7 min runs lets you hit all path 1 and the only boss that drops silver in path 2 with one food buff.
Also when you compound it for people who do multiple runs, it does add up. It takes about 35 min to do a full cycle in an organized group (7 min path 1, 13 min path 2, plus some loading time), so must people want to just get in and out.
Sure 3 min doesn’t sound like alot, but when you do it every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and are doing a 1-1-1-2 cycle then of course some people want to maximize their efficiency, I mean most people don’t willingly want to take longer to do stuff if they don’t have to.
There are still groups that you can join on lfg, but don’t expect everyone to cater to your needs if they put time into making a dps build specifically for farming and don’t want to group with people who don’t have the same mindset and need to be carried. That’s the whole point of putting messages to find like minded people in the first place, don’t get mad if you’re running a cleric’s guardian or a ranger or something and expect people to carry you for farm paths. It’s not like it’s hard to level alts in this game anyways.
From my experience 3 war/2 mesmer is faster also.
the 4war+1mes group only is a bunch of bullkitten and everyone knows it. to be honest I have seen too many of these setups run slower then just taking any random 5 people. the setup lacks so much that getting one or two under skilled players can slow down the group horribly (and the list of war who fall into this is HUGE).
First they need to fix the rolling balls so that a messmer can not blink past them (before they appear) and drop a portal for the group. portal is a legit stratagy, but the mes should still have to run it if his group can not do the easy run that takes 10seconds vs 3sec for the current mes trick.
next thing that needs to happen and I expect to see at least a step words this in the next patch is in class balancing, WAR need to have their dps toned down or if it stays where it is have their survivability lowered. If you read the dev’s stand on how class balancing is being done War shouldn’t be in their current state when compared to other classes and this will change people from wanting 4 war i think. War in max dps should be getting downed easily when trying to tank a boss.
The other thing that will fix the issue is an ingame dung finder which will most likely not allow for war/mes only group finding. while GW2lfg will still likely exist, most players will use the ingame tool making it harder to find these groups and eventially the external site will disappear with a real tool ingame.
The last thing that needs to happen and is inbound (when is a good question though) is re-balancing of paths for length/difficulty. Now unless they take the path of making the end rewards less/more based on length and difficulty where path 1 becomes worth next to nothing since you only kill 14mobs and takes less then 7 min (much less then any other dung done legit) the speed runs will go away. and even if they went the reduced reward way, reduced reward = not worth doing based on the mindset of those doing the WAR/mes farms
Completely disagree on your opinion that Warriors need to be toned down. Berserker warrior is not viable in most dungeons, because they actually do get downed really quickly. You have high DPS as a berserker warrior, and quite a high vitality because of the base vitality. But what negates do you have? Endure pain, and what else? A shield block which almost no Berserker Warrior shall use.
Just because the berserker warrior build works for CoF speedrunning, doesn’t make them OP at all. It’s all about the fact that in CoF you can manage to kill the bosses within a set time. If it would take any longer, you would get shattered by the Effigy for instance.
Can’t base a decision of needing to tone down a warrior on one dungeon’s path.
Warriors actually can run full berserk in pretty much all the content at the moment. I can pull it off while running mostly with pug groups and loads of people play warrior better than I do.
Just to be clear, i was focussing on dungeons only in my post.
Depends on your group and skill level. Every warrior in my guild runs full or almost full berserk with a dps build and using omnomberry pies/ghosts because it’s the most optimal build when you’re in an organized group. Guardians are their to relieve pressure and omnomberry pies keep you up from normal attacks and smart dodges keep you up from big attacks.
People don’t specify their expectations clearly when looking for group and kick you if you join: Their fault.
You not liking how other play or want them to play how you want to play: Your issue.
Depends on your group and skill level. Every warrior in my guild runs full or almost full berserk with a dps build and using omnomberry pies/ghosts because it’s the most optimal build when you’re in an organized group. Guardians are their to relieve pressure and omnomberry pies keep you up from normal attacks and smart dodges keep you up from big attacks.
Have you ran into any problems in fractals? I have only experience from 4th tier and glass warrior still seems to be an effective dps option. I would imagine there comes a point where melee dps is not an option most of the time since ranged allows better ability to kite melee mobs and keep projectile blocks up for ranged mobs. I feel that could be the only place where glass warrior might not be solid option at the moment.
And back to topic. When running with pug, searching for an exact team comp just to reduce a minute or two from the clear time will often not pay off since someone will probably leave after a couple of runs anyway. That being said you can’t really judge people for being picky. The more people see these comps being sought after tehre more likely they are to jump in the train too, following what you think is the main stream is what people always do.
100b is broken in PvE
I’m sorry but in CoF p1 its hard to outshine warriors, I run full knight armor (toughness/power/precision) and my damage still outshines my glass cannon builds on my other characters with 20/20 in strength and firearm tree. With berserker gear warriors would be pumping out 17k damage every 10 seconds (8 seconds with time warp), I’ve been in runs where the boss died from full hp to 0 within the time frame of 1 timewarp.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)
Have you ran into any problems in fractals? I have only experience from 4th tier and glass warrior still seems to be an effective dps option. I would imagine there comes a point where melee dps is not an option most of the time since ranged allows better ability to kite melee mobs and keep projectile blocks up for ranged mobs. I feel that could be the only place where glass warrior might not be solid option at the moment.
And back to topic. When running with pug, searching for an exact team comp just to reduce a minute or two from the clear time will often not pay off since someone will probably leave after a couple of runs anyway. That being said you can’t really judge people for being picky. The more people see these comps being sought after tehre more likely they are to jump in the train too, following what you think is the main stream is what people always do.
Yes everyone I play with still runs berserker at fractals 30+ for warriors. At that point, you’re going to get downed so fast anyways that’s it more about positioning. Granted their are certain bosses you still need to range, like shaman boss in volcano and dredge/ice elemental in dredge, but there are alot of bosses that you can still jump in and out of range to burst in melee or full melee once you know their moveset.
You’d be surprised on what you can still melee with proper positioning and guardians (OP reflection) at high fractals in an organized group.
100b is broken in PvE
I’m sorry but in CoF p1 its hard to outshine warriors, I run full knight armor (toughness/power/precision) and my damage still outshines my glass cannon builds on my other characters with 20/20 in strength and firearm tree. With berserker gear warriors would be pumping out 17k damage every 10 seconds (8 seconds with time warp), I’ve been in runs where the boss died from full hp to 0 within the time frame of 1 timewarp.
Oh they do much more then 17k damage every 10 seconds, during the 2 boss fights in CoF my war does about 4k auto attacks because you can stack might with mesmer signet and 25 vulnerability. That’s usually what you need to down the first boss in one 10s time warp. But yes, warriors are awesome for both their own personal damage and contributing to the group through shouts and banners which is why they are so good for dps roles.
That being said, I’m not sure you can get much lower then 6:30 for a path 1 run. I have a 6:41 time with a 3 war/2 mes group on my youtube page and even to hit that you have to do some very specific things. Granted we could all run 10% flame legion signets, use something other then omnomberry bars (but why since it’s a money run), and I could tweak a couple things to shave off a few seconds, but much lower then 6:30 I don’t really see being possible unless people claiming <6 min runs are timing from when the Magg door blows up which isn’t a true time.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
… I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
No. I play a mesmer. It doesn’t bother me when groups dedicated to gold farm on CoF1 want specific classes to blast out a run in 6 minutes. Its a small facet of the game. And for what its worth I’m not running any CoF at this time. My time goes towards Arah and Fractals and WvW
yea, with 4th tier I meant levels 30-39 and as said I’m glass cannoning warrior there in pugs without much problems . Later on the damage from mobs will most likely get too high for protective boons to handle and the amount of mobs means you will get hit in melee even with nearly perfect dodging. Ranged mobs can still be mostly blocked with good positioning of people and blocks but the ability of avoiding melee damage is extremely limited as melee compared to ranged damage dealers, mass blind is what comes to my mind. In at thread concerning lvl 80+ fractals someone mentioned that a crit from vet takes about 50% of his life as guardian, I believe he said he had about 19k hp and 3k armor. Protection up or not, I don’t think warrior can spend much time in melee when it gets anywhere close to those numbers. Avoiding those hits even with well timed dodges becomes extremely hard due to the amount of mobs, and even if you manage to survive, the windows for doing dps would be short.
Edit: My point is not to change the gearing from glass, I don’t see that as solution. The point is other (ranged) damage dealer options would be more appealing and even flat out superior to warrior. As said I haven’t proceeded far enough so this is mostly just guessing.
(edited by Konu.1826)
yea, with 4th tier I meant levels 30-39 and as said I’m glass cannoning warrior there in pugs without much problems . Later on the damage from mobs will most likely get too high for protective boons to handle and the amount of mobs means you will get hit in melee even with nearly perfect dodging. Ranged mobs can still be mostly blocked with good positioning of people and blocks but the ability of avoiding melee damage is extremely limited as melee compared to ranged damage dealers, mass blind is what comes to my mind. In at thread concerning lvl 80+ fractals someone mentioned that a crit from vet takes about 50% of his life as guardian, I believe he said he had about 19k hp and 3k armor. Protection up or not, I don’t think warrior can spend much time in melee when it gets anywhere close to those numbers. Avoiding those hits even with well timed dodges becomes extremely hard due to the amount of mobs, and even if you manage to survive, the windows for doing dps would be short.
Edit: My point is not to change the gearing from glass, I don’t see that as solution. The point is other (ranged) damage dealer options would be more appealing and even flat out superior to warrior. As said I haven’t proceeded far enough so this is mostly just guessing.
I’m at 40 on my guardian and stopped progression until the patch, but from the 50-60 people in my guild, after the mid 40s everything is pretty much the same anyways.
Even at 40, a high damage vet is going to take half your health in one hit like those Warriors in Ascalon.
But LoS’ing mobs and grouping up in melee with dps groups allows you to full melee alot of trash.
You use it for Ascalon and Dredge for instance to group up all the mobs as they come around a corner and use blinds and knockdowns then do your normal 3k cleave melee auto attacks that destroys stuff pretty fast.
Same with Colossus, full melee Bloomhunger (and until they fix Mossman, him also) in Swamp, Underwater is mindless and easy, Harpy you melee with guardian reflects, Ice you melee with guardian reflects, again LoS the corner on shaman for the trash in the beginning, and staying max range melee on the first champion fight prevents his spin/knockback attack and lets you full melee (not to mention the defend event before you get him out of his shield is way easier) and then just Jade Maw.
So besides some specific bosses, you pretty much melee everything in fractals anyways with a 2 guard/2 warrior/1 mesmer group. Guardian reflection pretty much negates and makes a bunch of stuff super easy to full melee.
If you’re pugging though and everyone is ranging anyways other classes may be better, but for all the 40+ progression runs in my guild, they usually have 2 guardians and people going melee if you’re running guild groups.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
Pretty much all i do in game is dungeons as i love running them. However, over the last month is has become apparent that groups consisting of 4 warrior’s and 1 mesmers for CoF path 1, are slowly taking over. I could quite easily form groups for path 1, but no-a-days i find i’m getting kicked out of a group because i’m not a warrior.
Even is full of ‘’warrior/mesmer’s only please!’’
I have a group of friends to run dungeons with, but when there not online, i do find i struggle more finding a group due to the above.
It’s also causing alot of hassle in game, i see people having to prove they are DPS, if they arn’t, they get kicked. If they don’t link their armour/skills, they get kicked… I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
This isn’t so much a rant, as more of a ’what’s happening to our community…’ post =)
i have a 80 guardian, mesmer, engy, or ranger i am willing to use on CoF path 1. i like speedy runs of 10-15 min, but i am very willing to have one or two new players tag along and learn the dungeon (means more ppl able to join another time)
i am not good enuf, however, to carry 4 newbies in a dungeon
I use far reaching manipulation on my mesmer and can blink through the balls, which is kind of handy since with a bad aussie connection the balls teleport all over the place and the balls hitboxes don’t line up.
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I had the same problem with everyone wanting a speed run. Instead of getting annoyed I decided to start adding my own LFG’s with “normal run only, seeking friendly people, accepting newbs”, ended up finding groups that I like. Write your own LFG’s – the game most definitely has other classes, not just warriors and mesmers.
Its funny though that people get so engrained to one build . i have seen a 4 ranger group using piercing shots that have cleared mobs faster than anything else i have seen including war groups. its just a closed minded way of thiking when it comes to making money. i hope it changes otherwise power to making your own groups
I had the same problem with everyone wanting a speed run. Instead of getting annoyed I decided to start adding my own LFG’s with “normal run only, seeking friendly people, accepting newbs”, ended up finding groups that I like.
Write your own LFG’s – the game most definitely has other classes, not just warriors and mesmers.
Yup, and that’s exactly what those 4 ranger 1 mesmer groups are doing
Guild Warriors 2
I like the OP love PvE and running dungeons, except I don’t have friends to constantly run with and I didn’t roll a warrior. Therefore I’m suffering for it because Arenanet can’t balance classes. It’s not just CoF farming, it’s every dungeon. I’m getting real sick of having to browse through “LF 3 warriors for <insert dungeon here>!!” all night.
The best part through is that apparently Arenanet thinks this is perfectly fine because there is absolutely no news of them doing any sort of balancing in the future so Warriors will remain the undisputed kings of PvE. Heavy Armor, Huge Health, Huge damage. Great job arenanet.
class issue’s:
warrior/mesma(they seems very fine as they are right now, i could be wrong since i am no pro on both but from what i have tried and seen these two really feels good and they do their job exceptionally well)
guardian, need more tank.
engineer: no idea really i see so few of them :P
necro; need bug fixes, better pets, better condision dmg and much longer condision timers for bosses (debuff etc.)+some skills which can give a minimum support for the teams.
ele: better healing ratios for healing power (much better), tweaking to dmg/survive(i would say more controlled dmg), aoe’s being easier placed(faster placed after casting, especially healings(friendlies moving out of the area before its casted etc.))
thief: again i am not sure, i would say much more close combat dmg with some better survival skills to protect specificly against aoe, but havent touched this enough to be able to say
The whole reason warriors are OP is because mobs, mainly bosses, don’t move out of sustained aoe (Like 100blades). They had this in the BWE. Why did they take it out? To casualise the game in order to sell more? Sure worked out well!
90% of bosses also have nothing that discourages standing right in front of them spamming autoattacks/100blades, so utility is useless it’s just DEEPS DEEPS DEEPS.
really bad engineer
I duno, but isnt guardian (tank), 3 ele`s 1 mesmer (or 4 mesmers for that sake) a lot quicker then 4 war/mesmer? Since dps warriors will die before they down the boss, and thuss boss moves around (loose dps) or warrior goes downed (loose dps) instead of the guardian facetanking it?
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
boss dies too fast for warriors to go down, I run a zerker warrior and I rarely go down in cof 1 runs. The reason people run mesmers and warriors is because they can get 3 runs in 30 mins (omno time) where as other classes will only get 2 runs in 30 mins.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
Lets say a singe run nets you 60 silver.
10 minute runs (6 runs per hour) nets you 3 gold 60 silver in one hour.
7 minute runs (8.5 runs per hour) nets you 5 gold 10 silver in one hour.
So yes, 1 gold 50 silver is a significant difference.
But wait! There’s more!
If you’ve noticed, after a run that nets you 20 token, 26 silver, then with a 10 minute group you’ll then get 5 tokens 13 silver. Then half of that, then half of that.
If you can run fast enough, you actually outrun DR. You’ll continually get 20 tokens, 26 silver each run. So not only are you doing more runs per hour, you’re getting more per run.
There’s still plenty of people running this dungeon, and you should be able to find a group for it in under 5 minutes no matter what your goal is, provided you aren’t lazy and just check for a “LFM” post every now and then.
I really don’t get the baseless hatred in this game for anyone who wants to do something at peak efficiency. Only thing that makes sense is jealousy, people who get denied from these groups because they tried to join when they didn’t meet the requirements specified, and then out of jealousy they hate on them.
100b is broken in PvE
I’m sorry but in CoF p1 its hard to outshine warriors, I run full knight armor (toughness/power/precision) and my damage still outshines my glass cannon builds on my other characters with 20/20 in strength and firearm tree. With berserker gear warriors would be pumping out 17k damage every 10 seconds (8 seconds with time warp), I’ve been in runs where the boss died from full hp to 0 within the time frame of 1 timewarp.
100b is terribad in pve, especially dungeons. mainhand axe will out damage it in a 10 second span, just because you SEE 1 big number does not mean it is best it only means you see one big number. Also 100b roots you which is horrid.
in PvP 100b becomes a little better but still not optimal.
100b is broken in PvE
I’m sorry but in CoF p1 its hard to outshine warriors, I run full knight armor (toughness/power/precision) and my damage still outshines my glass cannon builds on my other characters with 20/20 in strength and firearm tree. With berserker gear warriors would be pumping out 17k damage every 10 seconds (8 seconds with time warp), I’ve been in runs where the boss died from full hp to 0 within the time frame of 1 timewarp.100b is terribad in pve, especially dungeons. mainhand axe will out damage it in a 10 second span, just because you SEE 1 big number does not mean it is best it only means you see one big number. Also 100b roots you which is horrid.
in PvP 100b becomes a little better but still not optimal.
That’s why I run both: axe/something (usually warhorn) and greatsword. Ranged isn’t necessary for most dungeon encounters if you can keep your mobility and dodging up.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
at the time of this post has a single listing as warrior/mesmer only.
It’s times like these when I’m glad I just so happened to pick “Warrior” for my main.
At any rate, I find myself in multi-class groups just as much as I find myself in warrior/mesmer exclusive groups. Yes, there are “Warriors-Only” posts on, but there are also many which are open to all professions.
I haven’t encountered any groups that require you to post your skills and armor. The worst I’ve come across is the “Experienced Players Only” groups—but as long as you’re wearing a piece or two of CoF armor, they don’t question you being there.
At the end of the day, there’s always going to be elitists. But I think there are enough sensible people as well, that you’ll always be able to find a group.
As a mesmer i love running CoF. Last night did multiple runs and i could care less what the group make-up is really.
Joined a group of 3 war, thief, & I i believe, went through with no issues. I made a few groups some of the groups i remember were:
-2 war, guard, thief + I
-war, 2 thieves, nec, & I
-ele, war, guard, mez, & I
-2 mez, guard, war, & I (so 3 mesmers!)
It didn’t really matter. Path 1 is a cake walk and we burned through the 1st boss with my TimeWarp + 10s or so more at most.
I even got logged out once, came back in 30 secs later, dropped a TW + added my boons to group and bam dead boss
For final boss out of all the groups only one had issue (don’t remember the make-up) but within a few secs all 4 of my other group members wiped & it was just me. That was weird and i let myself die to restart! On going back in, we took down boss in 30 secs or so.
What i do believe is that you have to have a mix of solid dps, toughness, and at least 1 person who can tank.
Then (if group doesn’t rush in) mes drop portal before boulders start, then rush in with blink ready, hit it and your across even before boulders start rolling. Then everyone grab one and port over. Done. Other than that, mes TW is uber and makes a huge difference.
If the group has more than one mes, the 2nd one can either moa bird bosses or sync up TWs to get them back to back.
In my runs, i got no rare or exotics btw and had at least 50% MF
I have been apart of these 4+1 runs on my mes…. It was all fine and dandy until the last boss when this one dumb dumb kept going down… I was in a full bunker mes build providing regen and 1/2 damage reduc with my defender… This guy said “Mes why aren’t you removing my conditions?” I’m like what? I suck worse than you at condi removal.. So while these farm runs are legit… The idiocy of some of the warriors at demanding that the Mesmer be their saving grace on EVERYTHING is beyond freaking annoying.
I duno, but isnt guardian (tank), 3 ele`s 1 mesmer (or 4 mesmers for that sake) a lot quicker then 4 war/mesmer? Since dps warriors will die before they down the boss, and thuss boss moves around (loose dps) or warrior goes downed (loose dps) instead of the guardian facetanking it?
In my experience, no. DPS warriors usually don’t die during the boss fights, especially when you have someone using Skale Venom (which will tend to keep the boss permanently Weakened). The Slave Driver doesn’t have any reason to move around if the whole party is already within its melee range. The Effigy moves a bit, but its hitbox is quite large and it’s stationary while using its skills, so most of your channeled damage will still hit. Also, the team’s Mesmer will be using a mainhand Sword which has an immobilize skill on a fairly short cooldown.
The biggest DPS liability is the lack of stability. The Mesmer’s Feedback skill can reflect the Effigy’s Shockwave (knockdown ability), but the Searing Crystal drops are sometimes hard to spot (and therefore hard to dodge). An unlucky set of crystals can leave several players stunlocked for a while.
Aegis and Stability are helpful, but there’s one important drawback with the Guardian profession: Virtue of Justice is visually overwhelming and makes it much more difficult to recognize attack cues.
I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
Lets say a singe run nets you 60 silver.
10 minute runs (6 runs per hour) nets you 3 gold 60 silver in one hour.
7 minute runs (8.5 runs per hour) nets you 5 gold 10 silver in one hour.
So yes, 1 gold 50 silver is a significant difference.
But wait! There’s more!
If you’ve noticed, after a run that nets you 20 token, 26 silver, then with a 10 minute group you’ll then get 5 tokens 13 silver. Then half of that, then half of that.
If you can run fast enough, you actually outrun DR. You’ll continually get 20 tokens, 26 silver each run. So not only are you doing more runs per hour, you’re getting more per run.
There’s still plenty of people running this dungeon, and you should be able to find a group for it in under 5 minutes no matter what your goal is, provided you aren’t lazy and just check for a “LFM” post every now and then.
I really don’t get the baseless hatred in this game for anyone who wants to do something at peak efficiency. Only thing that makes sense is jealousy, people who get denied from these groups because they tried to join when they didn’t meet the requirements specified, and then out of jealousy they hate on them.
i play thief so by you “logic” i cant do CoF because i’m “jealous” its not.
i want to play the game and you, and all others who support this insane mindset are just ruining the game for all but 2 classes. I will never group with anyone like you.
To me have fun > more golds. I rather kill, do different paths and dungeons than keep repeating the same thing again and again.
I am a thief along with having a thief friend who runs dungeons with me (Mainly CoF).
Due to the fact I am starting out a group with two already, I do put on there (no thieves) and explain myself, but I have never really come across a warrior/mesmer only requirement. I’ve never really shunned out having others either, no matter what profession, except for what I mentioned before due to not wanting an abundance as I usually run CoF 1 and 2 together.
I am the one who lists on, and all my groups come together within 3 minutes, many times even under 1. If you can find one other person to run with you, getting groups is rather simple, so I just start my own.
I play to enjoy the game and make gold while doing it. I wouldn’t want to run with people who are going to be elitists to the point of not allowing anyone else inside the group due to profession. After all, I have had -very- bad warriors in my group before…to the point they were dead for nearly fight and couldn’t last more than 3 seconds. I’d rather have a geared, skilled any other profession than an under geared, unskilled warrior/mesmer who brings the group down.
(edited by Eiken.6821)
I could quite easily form groups for path 1, but no-a-days i find i’m getting kicked out of a group because i’m not a warrior.
Start your own party and ignore that demographic.
I’ve done mixed class runs in 6-8 minutes with no mesmer. We need less crappy glass warriors in full CoF outfit that die non-stop in other dungeons (sometimes in CoF too) to the point I don’t bother ressing them anymore.
Btw I’m a full glass warrior so I know how and understand how terribad a bunch of these warriors are in other dungeons.
Pretty much what i warned about few months ago. CoF p1 needs to be changed.
If you’re playing Mesmer or Warrior it seems everyone is EXPECTING you to play Speedrun. I’ve joined a group once with a plain lfg. Nothing about Zerker, Speendrun ‘n stuff; just “Mesmer, lfg, p1”. Warrior tried to kick Ele and Necro, who instantly said they would log onto their Zerks. Blocked that group, left it and going lfg again. Those groups don’t even say “hello” anymore. I’ve even been kicked out of my own group once. I wanted to run p1 with my Necromancer with a “normal run, lfg”.
People are picky for CoF 1? That’s hilarious. Guild or pug, warrior or not, we always run through it like it’s nothing. What a terrible mentality.
Pretty much what i warned about few months ago. CoF p1 needs to be changed.
Can you imagine the deluge of rage and buttfrustration when CoF1 becomes buffed to impossibility?
I wish I could imagine that.
Please see image:
Just imagine the kitten-storm that will appear here on the fora when it’s CoF’s turn to be redesigned to be a bit more challenging and time consuming.
This is getting terrible… I am having a hard time to get a group. This is stupid, I’m a DPS Ele with high vit and high dmg. I’ve done 10min group run.
I just don’t see why people are so nitpicking. Path one needs a buff. All the trashes cannot be skipped so this requires profession CC and special skills to counter these trashes.
(edited by DJRiful.3749)
This is getting terrible… I am having a hard time to get a group. This is stupid, I’m a DPS Ele with high vit and high dmg. I’ve done 10min group run.
I just don’t see why people are so nitpicking. Path one needs a buff. All the trashes cannot be skipped so this requires profession CC and special skills to counter these trashes.
I run each of the 8 classes twice per day. It takes 3 hours to finish those 16 runs on a mix of characters always in pugs everyday. There’s no issue let people play how they want, if they want technical trained groups let them have it, there’s plenty of options to run CoF outside of warrior x4 and mes.
They are in no way interfering with your playstyle so why complain about theirs?
(edited by Stego.3148)
Pretty much all i do in game is dungeons as i love running them. However, over the last month is has become apparent that groups consisting of 4 warrior’s and 1 mesmers for CoF path 1, are slowly taking over. I could quite easily form groups for path 1, but no-a-days i find i’m getting kicked out of a group because i’m not a warrior.
Even is full of ‘’warrior/mesmer’s only please!’’
I have a group of friends to run dungeons with, but when there not online, i do find i struggle more finding a group due to the above.
It’s also causing alot of hassle in game, i see people having to prove they are DPS, if they arn’t, they get kicked. If they don’t link their armour/skills, they get kicked… I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
This isn’t so much a rant, as more of a ’what’s happening to our community…’ post =)
I agree with other posters here that making your own group is the best solution for this (just make sure you tell others that you’re group is not warrior only when recruiting to save yourself dropping members).
However, there are those of us who run non-warrior exclusive groups and I don’t think they are really that uncommon.
I don’t blame people for wanting to run only warrior/mesmer groups because the difference in run time is substantial, but really I think this is just a symptom of warrior’s dps being so unbalanced in PvE.