CoF path - 2nd and 3rd - Little Advice from me for Community

CoF path - 2nd and 3rd - Little Advice from me for Community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


At start sorry for my English it’s not perfect but i will try explain you all in detail.
Ok Guys I wanted to present you how to make 2nd and 3rd path.
The Case is most ppl Avoiding 3rd road becasue they think its to hard.
Im saying you it is NOT ! so lets start .

Road nr -1 : so far evry try make that road for me on each comb players, classes was FAIL . I want to add each player had FULL EXOTIC set + full extoic accessory.Where is the problem ? Last boss + crystals . For now Personally for me that road is IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE.

Road nr 2 known as Magg road :

At that road I see 2 problems .

1)Run Through Magma – what you can do here ? its rlly simple. Before you start run clean 3-4 mobs on the begginin . Than you using Device from magg to delete the flames. You runnin on there side ( speed run , and yes you pullin like on you 3-4 mobs) . BRING that mobs on right side of the corner . Why ? becasue Magg guy sometimes is buggin ( when you kill them he startin run back ward to lava for unknown reason) .

2) Part with bomb and 200 second – The most Hardcore part here.

At start I want to tell you . ITS IMPOSSIBLE to kill all mobs how Anet is clamiing .

Tactic: you running timer . You killin three 1st mobs ( yes that part is do able) . After you gonna burst them down proapbly you gonna get on your face 2nd wave. Kill Ranged guy and now from here you start KITE all trash of mobs.

How to do that ? 2 ppl are inside the room , 3 OUT SIDE . ( its my personal tactic) . Use full DEFENSE tree ( creeplin , stealth, self heal , slow , dizzy, stun what ver you have ). 2 ppl On room Kiting the trash , when they have 25% HP you makin Switch. These 2 ppl going Out side the room , 3 ppl who was out side going in. And you continue doing it. IF someone is DEAD dont USE HEAL dont even try it. Instantly use teleport back and run .

The most Important Part in kite method is kill 4 MINONS at start. From 1st wave these 3 + 1 minion ranged from 2nd wave.

Maby it’s not perfect method and have alot flaws but yes YOU can do it BOMB easy .

Last boss is Easy i think . 2 ppl going on 1 side , 3 ppl on other side . Killin togheter Acolytes . 1 Person tank the boss guy.

So in that Part you could make easly 2nd road known as magg ( most common road in Cof)

(edited by Capricornus.6157)

CoF path - 2nd and 3rd - Little Advice from me for Community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Now 3rd road. ( ppl tend to avoid that road becsue they think its hard) – im saying you its not and it takes 30-45 mintus to make for 60 tokens as 1st run of the day.

1) Part with Torches – I think its easy but you need you have good cooridnation and survival skill.Becasue you need Spread Out and be fast- nothing to say here. Clean mobs Spread out run torches.

1st chest and boss is easy . You need just spank + kill guy . Nothing to add

2) 2nd part . THE most hardest part in that dungeon for my group.

You gonna have Square like before CoF instance . Its kinda exacly the same event. You need to Controll Square and you gettin 5 waves of Mobs . Importnat Note . NEXT wave will not POP up until you will not kill wave before. So you have time BUT somoen need to be alive INSIDE square ( becasue monsters cant take controll).

Now what skills to take and what focus :

*Thief( im giving example becasue im playing thief) : you need take CALTROPS , sigil 25% speed run , extra heal + stealth and last skill our lovely tornado daggers( its also giving cripple effect)

Other Classes also TAKE full Survival mode skills ( alot CRIPPLE SKILLS the most importnat skills here).

When 1st wave POP up you need instant target 2 RANGED mobs. (yeah each wave have like 2-3 ranged mobs) you need to focus on one and take them down. Dont bother about Melee mobs ( for that you took cripple aoe skills to slow them down and its easy kite them ) . Do not stand in one place Spread out. When someone is dead ress him . but if you are “totally” dead and did not get rally teleport back and start running.

You neeed to survive like that 5 waves .

Reasume : alot kiting here. Cripple skill is MUST. Someone need to be inside square ( alive, minimum 1 person need surivive).

Next part before Teleport point is a lil bit Tricky. You need to use FULL SPEED/teleport/jump/haste/ bow with shadow step skills.

On Floor you gonna have chain of bombs. Its like 100 meters to run . But you need to be faster than them (becasue they gonna 1 shot you). Its like cycle of lights what are gonna explode 1 by 1 in tunnel and you need be faster than them to run on the other side of the tunnel( Important note: TAKE off you Equipment , you gonna die alot for sure and you dont wanna pay for repair. so just take it off.)

Now at the end of the tunnel you have 3 elites , if you gonna manage to kill them Teleport point will pop up. So If you have in party “slow classes”, and if they for sure will not manage make BomB run event. Try to bring on other side of tunnel as mutch ppl as you can to be able kill these elites. If you gonna do that . Rest of the team gonna teleport to you.

Last boss: is easy(at least was for us)

It’s just spank avoid boss.
*you have circle platform
*use ranged weapons
*when boss is going on the middle of platform and rising his hammer – RUN ( out side the circle) for avoid of aoe
*back to circle spank boss (full dps) and again when he going in the middle of circle and rising a hammer ( again run from circle for “safe distance”)

I hope that little thing gonna help you make 3rd road of CoF.
I know i made alot English mistakes and grammar mistkaes. But at Least i hope you understand me in 70% . If you have any questions or advice please write