Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


I’ve read Colin’s comment from 6 hours ago on the “Don’t nerf please” thread. My only comment is that coming from the other “Dark Souls of MMOs” dungeon progression in TSW, my plain and simple feedback is that:

A) The first two dungeons just aren’t fun. At least not fun to do more than once, just to “have done them”.

B) If you don’t plan to smooth them out and make them less…. senseless…. in their design and approach, then you simply have to up the rewards for learning and grinding them. Because right now there’s simply no incentive to spend time in them when you do much better overall in overland PvE and dynamic events.

As for what I mean by “senseless”, your design team needs to do a much better job at giving players true ‘tells’ for special 1-shot and 2-shot attacks. Right now, far too many 1/2-shots simply hit you instantaneously out of no where with ZERO warning, or in some cases with -some- warning but no time to react at all. That’s not “fun” nor is it “challenging”. It’s simply senseless.

(edited by shaktiboi.5194)

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gave.9408


Unfortunately, the only responses you’re going to get are along the lines of: “Designed that way on purpose”, “L2P”, “Dodge moar”, “Don’t do dungeons then”, and “go back to WoW”.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blayde.4107


If y’all are talking about that one boss that does the whip pull and spin death thing that’s probably one of the most obvious moves to counter. Just watch his hand go up, wait 3 seconds and then dodge and you wont get sucked in. but yes, more incentive is needed high cost of armor repairs at high levels and poor rewards makes AC a chore.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hype r.5431

hype r.5431

Meh I can complete that dungeon pretty easy (AC) did path 2 and 3 last night with no problems whatsoever so I think you just need to get better, there are tells before these attacks and ways to avoid them you just aren’t looking.

on top of this I still at a minimum make around 40s per dungeon run I do even after repair bills,

(edited by hype r.5431)

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eijolend.2485


Yeah, a boss that seems to spam an attack that is able to pull me out of maximum long bow range to melee and whipe the entire group in a one hit ko… that attack needs like a 30 second tell and maybe a reduction in how often he does it. Seriously, we were all doing fine and at full health then he hits that attack once and everyone dies no matter how far they were, and if we somehow res, he kills us while trying to pull the other players up.

It seems you’re talking about Lieutenant Kholer in AC explo. Actually said attack has a tell, but you have to watch very carefully (which I agree is not easy with all the particle effects flying around). The pull-in attack is signified by him raising his sword and a “charging up”-animation on his sword while he makes all his other attacks with his dagger. Still it takes some time to figure out the exact time when to dodge and can be nearly impossible if he spawns with two Warriors, but there is a tell. If you have a Guardian and you stay reasonably close together a well-timed “Stand Your Ground!” can save the whole group.

The more I play the more I discover these very subtle tells from bosses – most of the time it isn’t even necessary to react, since switching to range when you’re hit suffices – but some bosses have these evil abilities. I think we’re just spoiled by DBM and the like that tell you every boss move with big red letters and loud alarms and countdowns and it takes a while to adjust. I’ll probably need a lot more time to stop getting hit by all those knockdown abilities mobs throw around and free up my utility-stun-breaker for something more useful.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Unfortunately, the only responses you’re going to get are along the lines of: “Designed that way on purpose”, “L2P”, “Dodge moar”, “Don’t do dungeons then”, and “go back to WoW”.

The irony is that, if GW2 stays in this state (lack of in-depth and interesting encounter mechanics in DEs and dungeons, no rewards), I WILL go back to WoW.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hype r.5431

hype r.5431

I think this all comes from the days in wow with DBM making a huge thing saying its time to pop your defensive cds now or you are gonna die, its made people not actually pay attention to the boss, so far every boss I have encountered who had a huge damage move has had some tells at least 2-3 seconds before it happens which gives you ample time to get outa the way.

and I play with around 250-300 ping most days so yeah, the time between the boss emote and skill is more than enough.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AzureDream.4819


The irony is that, if GW2 stays in this state (lack of in-depth and interesting encounter mechanics in DEs and dungeons, no rewards), I WILL go back to WoW.

Are you threating us? Are you threating Anet? Why do you even posting this? Community will lose nothing important if you will go back to your pandas. Enjoy your casuality and free epics, spamming 1-2-3 standing behind tank. GW2 will be always for you there, ’cos there is no monthly fee, unlike you-know-what.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Steelgut.1926


I gotta say that the incentive isn’t there. I just played TA and no one in the party pulled a single green. Or something they could actually use for that matter.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

The irony is that, if GW2 stays in this state (lack of in-depth and interesting encounter mechanics in DEs and dungeons, no rewards), I WILL go back to WoW.

Are you threating us? Are you threating Anet? Why do you even posting this? Community will lose nothing important if you will go back to your pandas. Enjoy your casuality and free epics, spamming 1-2-3 standing behind tank. GW2 will be always for you there, ’cos there is no monthly fee, unlike you-know-what.

I am not threatening hahah. ANet SHOULD take this under advisement though, as it might easily turn into a trend. A trend they do not want. GW2 has potential, but potential has to be realized in order to do any good.

And tell me: you quote WoW for casual play? Over GW2, really?

Free epics? WoW at least HAS epics. GW2 has no decent rewards or any sort of incentive to play long term at all.

Spamming 1-2-3 behind a tank? Are you seriously quoting GW2 boss/mob mechanics over those of WoW?? Buddy, that isn’t the truth. Even if it was – 1-2-3 beats 1-1-1.

To be clear: I don’t think WoW is perfection, that it can’t get any better. But those 3 points I just mentioned (actually you mentioned them) – WoW wins.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


PPL are not threatening anything when they say they are going back to WOW because of dungeons. They are just telling the truth – and there will be alot of ppl that will go back based on my experience of dungeons so far.

OFC things look caotic at first when you play any new system. But this is not about caotic – this is just about how badly many of the encounters are implemented. Many of them are easy to fix cause you very often have NPC with you that can be telling ppl in story mode how the can counter what he is doing and what spells he is casting.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lazrial.1083


Are you threating us? Are you threating Anet? Why do you even posting this? Community will lose nothing important if you will go back to your pandas. Enjoy your casuality and free epics, spamming 1-2-3 standing behind tank. GW2 will be always for you there, ’cos there is no monthly fee, unlike you-know-what.

I will be going back to WoW when MoP comes out (grinding dungeons/rep for gear for raiding), i will also be sticking with GW2 (casually running dungeons for gear sets). as for standing behind the tank, i am a tank in WoW (8/8 DS HC) and i use at least 15 abilities in every encounter, some of our better DPS use a similar amount.

The 2 styles of gameplay are completely different, i enjoy both and will play both, some will quit WoW for GW2 and others will quickly grow bored of GW2 and go back to WoW despite the monthly sub.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AzureDream.4819


Well, I obviouly exaggerated, about 1-2-3 in WoW. Played it myself for a while, and sure, enjoyed raiding with my guild. But, being player, who learns fast, I facepalmed oh-so-often when meeting ppl in raids who kept making same mistakes over and over again, like about 10+ times in 1 day, and just refused to learn. Well, in GW2 I see the same players (some pugs are learning in the battle process though) while there is no LFG system here.
Lazarial, may I ask, when your 8/8 HC was obtained. Because you know… Got 6/8 HC myself, but got bored and quit.

Raging Bull, because of that “1-1-1” you fail in dungeons probably. And yes, wow now is very casual.

Well, in time, all will be stabilized. WoW-ers in wow. GW-ers – in gw2. Some in both. What I am writing here, I wonder…

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Well, I obviouly exaggerated, about 1-2-3 in WoW. Played it myself for a while, and sure, enjoyed raiding with my guild. But, being player, who learns fast, I facepalmed oh-so-often when meeting ppl in raids who kept making same mistakes over and over again, like about 10+ times in 1 day, and just refused to learn. Well, in GW2 I see the same players (some pugs are learning in the battle process though) while there is no LFG system here.
Lazarial, may I ask, when your 8/8 HC was obtained. Because you know… Got 6/8 HC myself, but got bored and quit.

Raging Bull, because of that “1-1-1” you fail in dungeons probably. And yes, wow now is very casual.

Well, in time, all will be stabilized. WoW-ers in wow. GW-ers – in gw2. Some in both. What I am writing here, I wonder…

I don’t FAIL in dungeons. I completed the dungeons I tried so far. What DOES fail in regards to dungeons is that they are boring. Boring as hell. Combat is boring and is not engaging. Mob and boss mechanics are next to none.

Did you see me complain about the difficulty? Would you please not take people’s words out of context, it makes discussions derail too often.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lazrial.1083


Well, I obviouly exaggerated, about 1-2-3 in WoW. Played it myself for a while, and sure, enjoyed raiding with my guild. But, being player, who learns fast, I facepalmed oh-so-often when meeting ppl in raids who kept making same mistakes over and over again, like about 10+ times in 1 day, and just refused to learn. Well, in GW2 I see the same players (some pugs are learning in the battle process though) while there is no LFG system here.
Lazarial, may I ask, when your 8/8 HC was obtained. Because you know… Got 6/8 HC myself, but got bored and quit.

Raging Bull, because of that “1-1-1” you fail in dungeons probably. And yes, wow now is very casual.

Well, in time, all will be stabilized. WoW-ers in wow. GW-ers – in gw2. Some in both. What I am writing here, I wonder…

With the 25% nerf but were stuck at 6/8 for a while (100s of wipes on spine, 6th try on madness…), we raid 2/3 times a week for a few hours, often miss raid nights if people are busy. we are a social guild that raids, our emphasis is on having a laugh and hopefully clearing content while its current, its no big deal if we dont providing we have fun

My point was that i can play this casually and it wont have an impact further down the line. WoW requires you to hit max then grind out gear to do current endgame, GW2 you jump straight in and the grind is mainly for cosmetics and you are good for all content as soon as you hit the required level. I personally find this more casual friendly than WoW

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


I think this all comes from the days in wow with DBM making a huge thing saying its time to pop your defensive cds now or you are gonna die,

maybe. and maybe the bosses/fights are just poorly designed (not impossible, but more difficult/obnoxious than it has to be).

OP mentioned TSW, and in a certain regard encounters are very similar. however, everything there is clearly communicated, you can easily figure out where you screwed up – compared to gw2 where you have an additional layer of bad camera position, being unable to see moves/circles thanks to particle effects and bugged/overtuned mechanics.

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rush.8239


i dont mind the dificulty its the fact you dont get rewarded until you have run the same dungeon 30+ times is what stops me from playing them and well ive stopped playing the game now too

Colin, if not easier, then more incentive is needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zeus.5248


I have finished almost all story modes and some exploring and Iam partially ok with the difficulty of the dungeons but seriously the repair of the armour needs to go away while you are in a dungeon,I know many ppl who dont want to go there because after every death you spent almost 2 silvers on repairing so overall instead of getting something you are getting out of the dungeons with less….

(edited by zeus.5248)