I thought i share my opinions regarding the current state of dungeons in GW 2.I want to set aside the bugs or technical problems the dungeons have,those are things that arenanet is or should be aware off and fix asap.I used an ele,a warrior and a guardian in this span of time.
Ascalonian Catacombs
Good starting dungeons,presents a lot of game mechanic persistent in all dungeons,good in terms of length and reward.Path 3 could use a more difficult boss.Overall a good dungeon where stability,stun breakers and condition removal are required to succeed.Koller is prob one of the best learning bosses in the game,requiring dodge at a certain movement and smart agro control.
Caudecus Manor
Very badly designed dungeon.The setting is extremely interesting,a giant manor,but most of the paths take place underground,spoiling a lot of the beautiful artwork and design.The silver mobs in CM are THE MOST POWERFUL in all dungeons,they do too much damage,they put to many conditions up too fast,creating an unbalance to other dungeons.Not very interesting bosses(except for the frost one),coupled with a armor set that no one wants,make this dungeon dead in terms of player interest.
Suggestions:cut the number of trash and silver mobs,nerf the silver mobs a bit,and introduce more bosses,that are challenging and have an interesting mechanic.
Twilight Arbor
Another fiasco.Very interesting starting boss,Giant Vine,the boss is really easy if the players understand the agro mechanic vines have.Now,there is a very serious issue with this boss.If you wipe,the encounter does not reset,making progress impossible(if you wiped at the boss with a few wines up,there is no way you will defeat him with all the wines up),therefore requiring a dungeon reset.
The blossoms are generally a bad idea,they are very unresponsive to dmg.The other bosses are either to easy,or too hard.The mesmer boss(can’t remember her name)is one of the most frustrating bosses,she goes invis every 5 sec,puts down chaos storm in a very small room,making it very hard to avoid,resulting in an encounter that no one enjoys.
Another problem are the uber knights.Ok,they cc the kitten out of you from miles away(stability solves that problem),but why do they do a million damage?Even with my dungeon dedicated group,we still have to reset them and try to hold only one of them because they do to much damage(the champion they have with them also puts down necro marks to make things more “fun”).
The last thing is on my mind is the end bosses.Who designed them?Awful noises for 10 min,awful animations.First boss is super easy,just ranged dps,avoiding some very delayed red circles,he puts down some lame turrets from time to time.Snorfest.The second one is the stupid spider boss.You spend 80% of the time attacking spiders,and while you do that,guess what?The boss resets?!How fun is that?I have to put a party member up a branch just to avoid him reseting while we deal with the spiders.The third boss is the one who summons spirits,again a 5 min snorfest.There is only one really nice hero in TA,Malrona,i like her,very fast exploding aoes,a way of killing her fast by getting buffed by the poison spray,etc