Not a “dungeons are bad” feedback. Instead, I’ll point out two dungeons that my guild generally considers as really fun and nicely-balanced with good mechanics, versus two dungeons that we universally feel are examples of really bad design and mechanics.
First, the good stuff that we’d like to see more of, and why:
Citadel of Flame – Story mode
Just perfect for a “story” mode difficulty. The trash mobs had no hard-to-see telegraphs for one-shot attacks, and no too-fast overlapping AOE or perma-KD mechanics or anything like that. Also, the trash encounters could be cleared in 2-3 minutes or sooner, with only a few downs here and there. Best of all, every single boss encounter was perfectly tuned. Every single boss encounter had clearly visible telegraphs that lasted long enough to prepare and react to the imminent threat. Even the hardest boss (the one with two ghost blades/hammers/etc) took only about 5 wipes (for first timers) to figure out. Once we realized that we all needed to fight from extreme range with 1200 range attacks, spread out in a wide circle with lots of distance between us, and watch for his obvious tell that he was about to charge you and be ready to dodge roll when he did so, we executed perfectly on that try with only one player getting defeated during that try.
Twilight Arbor – Story mode
Again, every trash encounter was clean and doable within 2-3 minutes at most, with no cheap overlapping perma-CC or DOT circles being printed too fast. No one-shot mechanics with too-quick telegraphs. All the bosses were interesting (except for the underwater fish, which was just a big high-HP target dummy with no real threat or mechanics at all).
Everyone universally loved those two specific dungeon paths, and thought they were “very fun”. Especially that final boss in CoF: great mechanics and something different than the usual dungeon boss encounter.
Now for the BAD. And it’s too bad that these are typically the first dungeons that most players see, which sets a bad tone and bad impressions.
Ascalonian Catacombs – both story mode and Detha’s path (and probably all paths)
We’ve done only story mode and Detha’s path so far. The main thing that makes this dungeon NOT fun and totally a PITA are:
1. Scavenger gravelings have a 1-shot attack (especially if there’s a pair of them) with a telegraph that is FAR too difficult to see and FAR too short to react to. If you do see it, many classes don’t have an interrupt that is A) fast enough, and B) long-range enough to stop them from doing their 1-shot pounce. Their telegraph is nearly impossible to see in the the confusion of a fight with other gravelings jumping all around too.
2. Lt Kohler suffers from the same problem as the scavenger gravelings: his 1-shot gimmick has a tell that is a little easier to see (but not much) than the scavengers, but not nearly long enough in duration to respond to. I tried every single weapon attack and skill that a guardian has available to interrupt him and failed every single attempt even when knowing exactly what to watch for. Other members likewise swore up and down that they tried to interrupt immediately upon seeing the tell, and they likewise all failed. On every attempt. ait doesn’t help that when he fights near a wall, half the time his tell arm clips into the wall and you don’t know whether it’s a normal backswing or his tell. But that’s not the really bad part, as bad as it in fact is. The worst part is that A) he uses his gimmick attack far too often, and B) his yank range is longer than the longest ranged weapon attack, so even if you’re non-melee, it is nearly impossible to see how far you need to get away from him, or it’s impossible to get far enough away given the small confines of the fighting area.
All in all Kohler is the single worst, crappiest, cheapest boss encounter I’ve ever seen in any game. Not challenging, not fun. Just cheap and messy. No wonder everyone just skips him. Even if you we’re to make his chest drop something desirable, I think most people would still choose to skip him entirely as he stands today.
3. Story mode has at least one trash encounter with too many rangers who have fast-printing and overlapping AOE circles that hurt extremely bad. A smaller quantity that printed less frequently would be fine and fun, but in the current state it’s just a field of death with no way to move out of it. And no, the typical response to rangers (use reflect shields!) is no good here because these are ground-based spike traps.
(continued in next post)