Let me start by saying is isnt to flame or disrespect anyone.
From what I see. There is 2 sides to everything. You have very skilled players that like the upgrade and others that dont like it.
From my understanding Robert started a topic for everyone input on the upgrade. What is so hard about making a comment and leaving it at that ? There really is no reason for name calling and trying to belittle people. " Elitiest, Cry babies " Making comments that has nothing to do about the post or the upgrade. Calling people names just totally turns everyone off topic and puts everyone on the defence. There is some ppl that are very very skilled at video games. Case and point. My best friends son is skilled. I have seen him totally run servers off and get banned sometimes 2 and 3 times a week for hacking. I can tell you. I have set and watched him play. He is not hacking. But there is NO WAY I could ever play that good. Doesnt not matter how much I read or practice. I read Robert is 6’10" . That would be like saying the reason he didnt play in the NBA was because he didnt work hard enough. Some ppl are just gifted and have reflexs like a jack rabbit. Everyone has there stronge points and weak points. That is what makes the world go around. We are all diffrent. Because someone is skilled doesnt make them an elitiest. I have meet and played with alot of very skilled players in the dungeons. Some groups go very well and just seem to jell together. Others dont. But to tell ppl that u need to learn to play isnt elitiest. I have seen ppl post that dungeons are only for the very skilled and that if the update keeps lesser skilled players off gw2lfg.com the update is working. Sorry some people learn things diffrent ways. Doesnt matter how much u try learn it. Just takes alot longer then it takes others. Skilled players and make 2 or 3 dungeon runs and know all the ends and outs. Others it might take 10 or 15 runs but still never learn it as good as others. Again. That is why we are not all clones and just alike.
Really there is no need to call each other names and try to belittle each other. It is very unconstructive and has nothing to do with the post Robert started. Plz make ur comment and leave others alone. Is it really that hard ? Not everyone is like you and has the right to be diffrent and there OWN opinion. Not yours .
Robert, I see what you are trying to do. I have seen a diffrence in peoples game play not only in Dungeons but in raiding temples. People are taking the time to help other players res. The monthlys have dodge attacks and are really teaching people there is a dodge. Before this update I am sure 50% of the players didnt even know there was a dodge. There is alot of the update that is working. Thanks
But in the Dungeons it has become alot less friendlier. I am sure u didnt see this coming and hate to see what has happen. As a Dev you want to try and make the game enjoyable of the most people u can. No way to please everyone 100% of the time. The res-rush really wasnt good for the game. To many times I seen peoples goal was to just open the next waypoint. But taking away to res altogether while in battle isnt a good thing either. GW2 is a diffrent MMO and doesnt have healers to res or Tanks to hold the agg while others get the down player. So taking away the only way to get back in the game and feel like u are apart of the team is alittle harsh.
Can u give us alittle feed back on when Patch 2 is coming out. So we atless have something to shoot for. There has been some very good comments about how to fix this problem.
1. res timer ( But see this would just cause others to let ppl lay there until the timer run out )
2. Take away all waypoints besides the 1 at the start. ( Making it where everyone is sure to clear the whole map and not skip mobs )
3. Give dungeons players 1 res and only recharges after killing a Boss. Like in GW1
4. Game voice. ( This I really like. Would let new players and other know what is going on at all times. Its alot easier to teach and for new players to learn when someone can explain while playing. Without havin to stop every 15mins to explain what is going on. The ones with bad attudes would also see themself getting blocked and kick from teams for not being a team player. )
5. A Dungeon finder. Where there is diffrent skill level groups.
6. Make a Hard mode. Where the casual player can still run dungeons. But something also for the skilled players.
There is many more ideals out there. I am sure u have seen them and are working on something to balance things alittle better. Some kind of a time frame of the next patch 2 would help keep most players here. As things are right now. Many are jumping ship and looking for other games.
Thanks ! And again not trying to flame or disrespect anyone .