Cough P1 + Thieves

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970



Thief Team

Thief Gate

I think people should stop asking for GS Warriors in GW2lfg…

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infidel.8412


Not any faster than a warrior group from what I saw? I also take down gate as fast as that with frenzy axe. You can say “well, but we are just as good as you can see…”, but most thieves will not be.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Altered Dimension.2834

Altered Dimension.2834

I don’t know why you would edit the video, instead of showing us your full run time out of gate. Fast gate button kill, but everyone pretty much knew thieves have the ability to do it the fastest.

Lets see a re post with your full run time. Good run none the less, gl at trying to get randoms to run it tho, just about as bad as trying to get a guardian in the party.

(edited by Altered Dimension.2834)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Altered Dimension.2834

Altered Dimension.2834

Not any faster than a warrior group from what I saw? I also take down gate as fast as that with frenzy axe. You can say “well, but we are just as good as you can see…”, but most thieves will not be.

Most warriors will not be either. You think just cause you’re a warrior you’re good? You will probably find more bad zerk warriors than you will zerk guardians/thieves. Warrior is a straight forward profession, appealing to the average newbie, that just wants to be able to melee, and bash stuff, without much thought behind their actions.

Players skill always trumps profession of course. I have seen more bad warriors, running blue/green accessories/back pieces, and or running around swinging their swords in Time Warp(without hitting anything), than you would imagine. I agree people need to ditch the mindset that 4 wars + 1 mesmer is the optimum build. People like to follow cookie cutter meta builds tho, cause their imagination can’t surpass what someone has laid out for them.

(edited by Altered Dimension.2834)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Not any faster than a warrior group from what I saw? I also take down gate as fast as that with frenzy axe. You can say “well, but we are just as good as you can see…”, but most thieves will not be.

that was about 2x faster than any warrior

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Still had a warrior in there. Replace warrior with 3rd thief.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kirbyprime.2645


Thief gate is common knowledge so not much there. Having a 3rd thief over the warrior would be cool as a proof of concept but to be honest I don’t think is really that needed.

Not sure if this would break any speed records but it’s going to be faster than 90% of speed runs currently on gw2lfg anyways. Faster than me for sure ;_;

Would be interested in seeing if other classes can pull something like this off, so far only the thor hammer ele can substitute 1 warrior, but not 2-3, haven’t seen anything from other professions.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Takato.4976


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Edit : something that’s bugging me. Everyone keeps saying “3rd thief” the group already has 3 thieves.

(edited by Takato.4976)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VenomousEX.4012


Do 4 thiefs + 1 mesmer.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Do 4 thiefs + 1 mesmer.

Pretty pointless statement since its obvious banners make the difference.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VenomousEX.4012


Do 4 thiefs + 1 mesmer.

Pretty pointless statement since its obvious banners make the difference.

lol i though this is war vs thief group

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


Not any faster than a warrior group from what I saw? I also take down gate as fast as that with frenzy axe. You can say “well, but we are just as good as you can see…”, but most thieves will not be.

Most warriors will not be either. You think just cause you’re a warrior you’re good? You will probably find more bad zerk warriors than you will zerk guardians/thieves. Warrior is a straight forward profession, appealing to the average newbie, that just wants to be able to melee, and bash stuff, without much thought behind their actions.

Players skill always trumps profession of course. I have seen more bad warriors, running blue/green accessories/back pieces, and or running around swinging their swords in Time Warp(without hitting anything), than you would imagine. I agree people need to ditch the mindset that 4 wars + 1 mesmer is the optimum build. People like to follow cookie cutter meta builds tho, cause their imagination can’t surpass what someone has laid out for them.

chances of getting a pug berserker thief dying and being down mid-run is higher than a pug berserker warrior. It’s harder to survive and play as thieves.

Player skill > profession but in CoF p1 there is no skill, it;s a joke to call it a dungeon let alone attribute skill.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Cool, all I got from this video is thieves hit hard. Already knew that.

RIP in peace Robert

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


BTW, that warrior in the team is running superior rune of scavenger (cond. dmg + 15% gold income) and he has +vit gear.

And 1 of the thief is not properly geared.

So this isn’t optimum speed.

As for gating, notice thief doesn’t use elite; otherwise, it would have been faster.

I didn’t record this. It’s just one of my CoF team member who recorded.. but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

Unfortunately this will be hard for Nike Porphyrogenita because GS will only be able to kill Slave Driver at about 10 seconds (w/o pull) or longer when TW goes up while we are doing it in 6 seconds. (and if mesmer pushes to wall, that’s +1 second up)

(edited by Phira.3970)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

“faster” than what? Your video is edited. If you really want something tested, you need to state your testable claim.

What is your claim? A thief is better than warrior? Can’t be tested.

Is it that one thief can replace a warrior and have a faster run? That can be tested.

Is it two thieves? three thieves?

All you did was post an edited video of a CoF speed run. The only claim I see is “LFG should stop asking for GS warriors” which is stupid because a GS warrior is still useful.

RIP in peace Robert

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Munkee.3542


This thread is accomplishing the OP’s goal. For those of you who can’t figure it out, he’s simply saying that you don’t need to be a GS Zerker Warrior to do CoF. By you coming here and saying “Omg wtf still not faster than zerker warrior shut up” you make the point for the OP. I know it’s a difficult concept, but you can do CoF p1 without just pressing the #2 skill on your greatsword. Put the blinders down, accept that all classes can contribute to everything in this game, and move on.

Pinnacle Of Responsibility [Mom] – Yak’s Bend

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


Let’s see.

I’m seeing, “well thieves are doing just as fast as warriors” comments or “wtf thats slower.”

Do I actually have to say it because I thought it was obvious by watching the video?

Alright, let’s see the average GS team.

Found it on youtube when I type cof p1 farm (5th video down)

1:29 – 1:39 = 10-11 second kill (depending if you count pull as +1 second but I’ll be nice and say that’s 10 second counting from when TW came up)

Well, we have a 6second kill (from time TW goes up). We did it faster. So much for the “well thieves are doing just as fast as warriors” comments or “wtf thats slower.” But OH WAIT.

But that’s before TW was nerfed. So let’s see its actual kill speed in account to that quickness was nerfed from +100% attack speed to +50% attack speed.

Currently, that would be 15 second kill with 4 warrior 1 mesmer. Our group has 6second. That would be more than 2x faster. Do I need to say more?

Okay okay, maybe they weren’t perfectly geared (idk), and banners were buffed also. So then my math might be off a couple of seconds for converting that old video to current kill speed. Okay okay, I’ll challenge anyone to post a video after March 26 showing GS Warriors can do this faster.

(edited by Phira.3970)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Yep so skilled and amazing.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

Unfortunately this will be hard for Nike Porphyrogenita because GS will only be able to kill Slave Driver at about 10 seconds (w/o pull) or longer when TW goes up while we are doing it in 6 seconds. (and if mesmer pushes to wall, that’s +1 second up)

Sorry, we haven’t had the need to re-record any cof1 speed runs since nobody has beaten our speedclear time yet. Once someone does, we’ll beat it and Strife will post it I assure you.

As far as your overall point, I’m still clueless as to what it is. You seem to think I’m some warrior elitist, but since I do play my thief in cof1 too I am well aware of what it is capable of. All I care about is what is optimal, I will play any profession and use any build so long as it’s optimal.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


“2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Yep so skilled and amazing.”

And that’s your observation of the average GW2 player.

I’m surprised noone even pointed out that the little trick the Warrior and Mesmers are doing (not signet of inspiration + might combo). I’ll give someone +1 if someone can point out what their doing.

And okay. Spam 2 with thief, you won’t get this speed. There’s more going on (in both play and gearing/traits).

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

Unfortunately this will be hard for Nike Porphyrogenita because GS will only be able to kill Slave Driver at about 10 seconds (w/o pull) or longer when TW goes up while we are doing it in 6 seconds. (and if mesmer pushes to wall, that’s +1 second up)

Sorry, we haven’t had the need to re-record any cof1 speed runs since nobody has beaten our speedclear time yet. Once someone does, we’ll beat it and Strife will post it I assure you.

As far as your overall point, I’m still clueless as to what it is. You seem to think I’m some warrior elitist, but since I do play my thief in cof1 too I am well aware of what it is capable of. All I care about is what is optimal, I will play any profession and use any build so long as it’s optimal.

Alright, youtube searched cof p1 strife

Let’s see what we have:

This is before March 26. Their real kill time on slave driver would be approximately 10 seconds. Alright. Strife’s team is clearly faster than our 6 second kill.

And he isn’t using just GS. GS-> axe which is a bit smarter than just GS but that still isn’t the optimum build for Warrior. This should be the kill time for boss before March 26:

You’ll have to skip to 00:23 second for boss kill time because our kill time is so fast Time Warp doesn’t recharge in time for Slave Driver. I’m sorry but Strife is misinforming the community on optimum Warrior gearing for CoF. It doesn’t help that there is already enough misinformation that led to the 4 GS Warrior 1x Mesmer meta.

(edited by Phira.3970)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


people keep defending warriors super hard in here for some reason… idgi. Sure warriors can do this easier… but 3 thieves vs 3 warriors made that run a full min faster. Since it’s all about how to make the run as fast as possible ping gear or kick blah blah blah, why aren’t people just accepting this video for what it is?

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Altered Dimension.2834

Altered Dimension.2834

To OP, guessing you edited your full video because you failed on other parts. It doesn’t matter how fast you kill the boss’s/gate, if you dilly dally on the other parts, have stragglers running to boss ect. Guessing it was a 6 min+ run, that’s why you had to edit it several times. Lets get that full video posted, to actually back your statement.

(edited by Altered Dimension.2834)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Seconding full run post. The run is not just about killing bosses.

Most importantly, it’s questioning the applicability of this outside COF1. COF1 has very little cleaving involved, so thieves shine more with more single target. You run other dungeons where adds start factoring in, and a warrior overtakes the thief easily.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OIIIIIO.7825


Not sure who Phira is but I recognize Shadow Espada in there (dat gate killer)

Let me know if you need one Phira Shadow knows me I have this feeling that if I would have accepted his tell the other night I would be in that video instead of the warrior

A victor gives no quarter when the victor shows no clemency or mercy
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


To OP, guessing you edited your full video because you failed on other parts. It doesn’t matter how fast you kill the boss’s/gate, if you dilly dally on the other parts, have stragglers running to boss ect. Guessing it was a 6 min+ run, that’s why you had to edit it several times. Lets get that full video posted, to actually back your statement.

Have you even ran CoF? Failed on the other parts? The other parts that weren’t shown include running to ferah, saving ferah… that’s it… Rolling bombs has nothing to do with team comp and is still fast and easy.Running that bridge for a thief is a laugh. Invis before the gate opens, invis channel (though cluster bomb or sr) ends as gate opens, runs past mobs, saves ferah. And btw, with 3 thieves, no one would get hit a single time. Each one would go in, assassinate each cultist in .2s, then get out… so seriously, what other parts are you talking about?

Sounds like you’re just trying to get mad at the video b/c it’s not 4 warriors and a mesmer that’s killing the dungeon fast. If this was CoE and it only showed the alpha fights, then your statement would make sense. As it stands, you just made yourself look silly.

Also the OP has already stated it wasn’t him to made the video, it was one the people he ran with. Plz get off his kitten /p>

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


I didn’t record these videos. It was my friends who recorded it, but I assume that why it was edited is because people kept messing up at some point. If it was a perfect run, we can analyze that.

You can break down CoF into 8 key parts.

0) Just getting into CoF

Any class

1) pulling Ferrah meaning you get her to follow you before you choose path to be able to skip the dialogue faster

The best class for this is a class that runs fast, which means thieves and maybe GS warrior with 2ndary 1H sword.

2) pulling charrs to turret

This part is best completing with a good mesmer pull, and big AOE dmg.

So this part would be comparing thieves pistol whip vs. Hundred Blade. I guess Warrior may win here.

3) killing Slave Driver

Thieves obviously won in this department

4) Running to acolytes to trigger acolytes faster

Thieves, they have +25% movement speed signet and can triple shadow step (f1, signet, and sword) along with Heart Seeker or Shortbow spam.

5) Speed killing acolytes

Without a doubt, thieves. They can 1 shot the acolytes and f1 to teleport to another for a 2nd kill. Also, stealthing makes this a lot smoother as you can exit combat instantly from charrs chasing you.

6) Boulders

This is mesmers area of expertise with portaling

7) gating

Obviously, thieves win here

8) last boss

Thieves win again.

^ Just a simple look at the above of which class would contribute the most would show that a full run would have actually been more in favor of thieves because their much faster at getting to the acolytes and clearing the acolytes, their better at gating, and their boss speed skills are faster. But yeah.. waiting for some better videos. The 1 posted is definitely one of our slower versions. I’d make videos myself if my CPU wasn’t so crap slow.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Takato.4976


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Please? I’m just curious, as I run full zerker thief for everything yet don’t come anywhere near the damage output seen in the video. Just want to maximize my potential

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


Not sure who Phira is but I recognize Shadow Espada in there (dat gate killer)

Let me know if you need one Phira Shadow knows me I have this feeling that if I would have accepted his tell the other night I would be in that video instead of the warrior

Yeah, I’m openly accepting people for CoF farm. We have a CoF guild [MARS] Martians from Outerspace. I accept all classes but you have to follow my builds to the letter. 99.99% of people do call me elitist though. But I don’t care. I bring you results. And you bring me results. Mutualistic benefits.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Please? I’m just curious, as I run full zerker thief for everything yet don’t come anywhere near the damage output seen in the video. Just want to maximize my potential

check out his buff bar, lots of might stacks. I’m assuming that’s from the mesmer, fgj, and 3 steals with thrill all at the same time. If you want max damage go 25-30-x or 30-30-x. max dps, same thing but with 10 in sa

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Please? I’m just curious, as I run full zerker thief for everything yet don’t come anywhere near the damage output seen in the video. Just want to maximize my potential

check out his buff bar, lots of might stacks. I’m assuming that’s from the mesmer, fgj, and 3 steals with thrill all at the same time. If you want max damage go 25-30-x or 30-30-x. max dps, same thing but with 10 in sa

Yea, it looks like he’s running something similar to this:

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Phira.3970


^ Not that.

I don’t specialize in thieves, but these thieves say 25/30/0/0/15 is actually more damaging than 30/30/0/0/10 with the extra initiation from last trait tree to maintain initiation > 6 for +10% dmg. trait.

As for might stacks, that’s not how we are doing it. We don’t even use For Great Justice. You take a longbow and blaster finish it.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Takato.4976


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Please? I’m just curious, as I run full zerker thief for everything yet don’t come anywhere near the damage output seen in the video. Just want to maximize my potential

check out his buff bar, lots of might stacks. I’m assuming that’s from the mesmer, fgj, and 3 steals with thrill all at the same time. If you want max damage go 25-30-x or 30-30-x. max dps, same thing but with 10 in sa

Yea, it looks like he’s running something similar to this:

Seems right, I do believe that he’s running 25/30/0/0/15 to get the extra 3 initiative which helps keep his initiative about 6 ( for the extra damage bonus of first strike, 25 in crits. )

And out of curiosity, I noticed you put force/accuracy, is that really the “recommended” or what you use ? I typically had force + a sup blood for the 250 extra power. Which could be swapped for something else after it hit 25 stacks. ( I do realize that in CoF you might not even hit 25 stacks, which is why it might not be recommended specifically there. )

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Sorry, we haven’t had the need to re-record any cof1 speed runs since nobody has beaten our speedclear time yet. Once someone does, we’ll beat it and Strife will post it I assure you.

You mean the video by Strife? I think that is a 6 minutes video with 5 minute starting from gate. That is pre quickness nerf though. I doubt anyone will be able to beat it since quickness is nerfed.

Maybe you guys can post a post quickness nerf video.

That being said I still use GS for cof farm, because people’ll think I’m a newbie if I use axe, and the mobility with warhorn isn’t bad. And I still won’t look for thief in pug, because I know a bad warrior can press 2 every few second. I can’t say the same about a bad thief.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

Unfortunately this will be hard for Nike Porphyrogenita because GS will only be able to kill Slave Driver at about 10 seconds (w/o pull) or longer when TW goes up while we are doing it in 6 seconds. (and if mesmer pushes to wall, that’s +1 second up)

Sorry, we haven’t had the need to re-record any cof1 speed runs since nobody has beaten our speedclear time yet. Once someone does, we’ll beat it and Strife will post it I assure you.

As far as your overall point, I’m still clueless as to what it is. You seem to think I’m some warrior elitist, but since I do play my thief in cof1 too I am well aware of what it is capable of. All I care about is what is optimal, I will play any profession and use any build so long as it’s optimal.

Alright, youtube searched cof p1 strife

Let’s see what we have:

This is before March 26. Their real kill time on slave driver would be approximately 10 seconds. Alright. Strife’s team is clearly faster than our 6 second kill.

And he isn’t using just GS. GS-> axe which is a bit smarter than just GS but that still isn’t the optimum build for Warrior. This should be the kill time for boss before March 26:

You’ll have to skip to 00:23 second for boss kill time because our kill time is so fast Time Warp doesn’t recharge in time for Slave Driver. I’m sorry but Strife is misinforming the community on optimum Warrior gearing for CoF. It doesn’t help that there is already enough misinformation that led to the 4 GS Warrior 1x Mesmer meta.

Right so like I said, when you post an actual speed run video from zone in to dungeon reward we’ll get to work on it. Records are meant to be broken, so get on it.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting –

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Right so like I said, when you post an actual speed run video from zone in to dungeon reward we’ll get to work on it. Records are meant to be broken, so get on it.

Let’s go. Team phira vs Team strife.

But ya, I think you need to post a video too. Since the video you guys have is pre quickness nerf. That is a bit unfair.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736



Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadow Espada.9183

Shadow Espada.9183

Phie’s First boss – After the Nerf

Phie’s Last Boss – Before the Nerf

Both not at its TOP speed.

The rest of the run dont need any group coordinating, well the Acolytes sorta does

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VanityValentine.6203


but I think the idea of GS Warrior = #1 idea needs to go, which is why I posted this.

If that was your goal, you failed since that run was no faster than a typical group comp made of equally skilled player, and in a few areas a bit slower.

If your goal was to show that adding a thief to the team in place of the 4th warrior is perfectly fine, you succeed, although we already knew that.

Video of your claim please that GS Warriors are faster. And I’m not talking about a video before quickness was nerfed from 100% to 50% attack speed.

Unfortunately this will be hard for Nike Porphyrogenita because GS will only be able to kill Slave Driver at about 10 seconds (w/o pull) or longer when TW goes up while we are doing it in 6 seconds. (and if mesmer pushes to wall, that’s +1 second up)

Sorry, we haven’t had the need to re-record any cof1 speed runs since nobody has beaten our speedclear time yet. Once someone does, we’ll beat it and Strife will post it I assure you.

As far as your overall point, I’m still clueless as to what it is. You seem to think I’m some warrior elitist, but since I do play my thief in cof1 too I am well aware of what it is capable of. All I care about is what is optimal, I will play any profession and use any build so long as it’s optimal.

Alright, youtube searched cof p1 strife

Let’s see what we have:

This is before March 26. Their real kill time on slave driver would be approximately 10 seconds. Alright. Strife’s team is clearly faster than our 6 second kill.

And he isn’t using just GS. GS-> axe which is a bit smarter than just GS but that still isn’t the optimum build for Warrior. This should be the kill time for boss before March 26:

You’ll have to skip to 00:23 second for boss kill time because our kill time is so fast Time Warp doesn’t recharge in time for Slave Driver. I’m sorry but Strife is misinforming the community on optimum Warrior gearing for CoF. It doesn’t help that there is already enough misinformation that led to the 4 GS Warrior 1x Mesmer meta.

Right so like I said, when you post an actual speed run video from zone in to dungeon reward we’ll get to work on it. Records are meant to be broken, so get on it.

Phiera’s Group Killed Both boss and gate faster
Therefore his/her group does more DPS.

Which I came believe is is why every party wants a ZERK/DPS.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VanityValentine.6203


With 25 might and with all 3 banner and with 25vul on boss
a Good Warriors still cant Out DPS a good Thief even if u hit 50k with HB(only once in a boss fight) and autos with 5-7kks.
Found this Vid on YOUTUBE
Thief Hitting for 5 digits atleast 6x and hits with 6-8ks.
Altho 1 warrior is a must, the rest(2nd-4th) aren’t necessary(If u want a faster run).
I do most of my CoF runs with 4war/1Mes cause its usually faster, but its always faster w/e we have a thief or 2 who knows what their doing.
I have a thief but I dont hit as hard as The Vid I saw/link shows the DPS
I’d like to see other profession doing as much or higher than that.
<—-gearingg my thief up now

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Seems right, I do believe that he’s running 25/30/0/0/15 to get the extra 3 initiative which helps keep his initiative about 6 ( for the extra damage bonus of first strike, 25 in crits. )

And out of curiosity, I noticed you put force/accuracy, is that really the “recommended” or what you use ? I typically had force + a sup blood for the 250 extra power. Which could be swapped for something else after it hit 25 stacks. ( I do realize that in CoF you might not even hit 25 stacks, which is why it might not be recommended specifically there. )

sorry but that’s not the best setup for highest dps. 15 points into trickery give 3 ini on steal and +3 total ini. If you were wanting the most dps you’d have 10 points into SA and 5 into trickery for the +ini on stealth and the 3 ini on steal. For a backstab build that does the most. If you were solo 10 into trickery would be the best b/c thrill of the crime for fury might and swift but it’s only 1 might stack and in that scenario others are already giving fury.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadow Espada.9183

Shadow Espada.9183

Good Point, but u dont need it, Reveal is 4 sec long and with “opportunist” under the second tree restores all ur initiative by the time u use CoD again. Soo extra initiative from cloacking is not necessary. I would reccoment Flanking strikes(5% more dmg from the side/back) or the Fury/might instead.

Assuming they revert their disastrous mistake of 4s revealed, the ini on stealth will be very much so worth it. Also opportunist isn’t that good. If constantly using the cnd rotation, you will run out of initiative sooner or later. You will run out much faster too if using the 3hs through smoke field into backstab. Won’t be able to get multiple invis off if doing that high damage rotation.

well, that SA skill sure is very useful for spvp/wvw other place. But in a CoF run where u grind, u’ll get used to keeping initiative above 6-full even w/o +2 ini from IOS when cloaking. Plus ull get the +100cond D(only usefull with Lotus strike) and +5%dmg(Flanking Strikes) with 15 trickery this way. Tho IOS is usefull, but if u mastered or close to mastering thief then u can keep ini above 6-full and would still have +5%dmg at all times…Maybe only in CoF, depends.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VanityValentine.6203


The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.

I would actually love to see you Run, how much u hit for, and how fast u can kill both boss.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

Thieves CAN be just as good in cof as warriors, but it doesn’t mean they are. Playing a thief is much less forgiving. A bad warrior will go down occasionally and deal less dps than a good one, a bad thief will die frequently.


Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


The video features 3 thieves, a warrior and a mesmer that has been edited to give the illusion of speed. Show us your full start to finish run with no edits and no warriors and maybe so we can carefully reevaluate your run. Otherwise this is meaningless and a garbage run.

I would actually love to see you Run, how much u hit for, and how fast u can kill both boss.

If I get some good video recording equipment I will gladly show off a proper run. In fact if I find a way to record it, I will wager a 50 gold prize. My team vs yours. However there will be some rules.

1)4 thieves 1mesmer vs 4 warriors, 1 mesmer. No exceptions.

2)Record from the dungeon initiation and to the death of the final boss.

3) No black lion boosts +5% damage ect.

-Final. Take this lightly, with college exams and a busy schedule it could take me a while to find some people and with proper recording.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jiikenchop.8376


Bad experience with the TS; Phira & Shadow Espada.

I joined a casual pug cof1 farm using my alt zerk warrior farmer. We are doing okayish 7-8mins run. 2 members left after an hour; Phira & SE joined afterwards. This Phira is a total elitist prick. Whole run bossing around how the 3 zerk warriors are not doing it perfectly. Missing one FGJ (3stacks might) and he start to make a fuss for a full two minutes. After done kittening, he and SE both leave the group half way.

People may need to stop asking for GS warriors in gw2lfg, but more importantly, people certainly need to leave their elitist attitude behind if they are going to join pug from gw2lfg.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Do you have your trait/weap setup somewhere handy?

Please? I’m just curious, as I run full zerker thief for everything yet don’t come anywhere near the damage output seen in the video. Just want to maximize my potential

check out his buff bar, lots of might stacks. I’m assuming that’s from the mesmer, fgj, and 3 steals with thrill all at the same time. If you want max damage go 25-30-x or 30-30-x. max dps, same thing but with 10 in sa

Yea, it looks like he’s running something similar to this:

Seems right, I do believe that he’s running 25/30/0/0/15 to get the extra 3 initiative which helps keep his initiative about 6 ( for the extra damage bonus of first strike, 25 in crits. )

And out of curiosity, I noticed you put force/accuracy, is that really the “recommended” or what you use ? I typically had force + a sup blood for the 250 extra power. Which could be swapped for something else after it hit 25 stacks. ( I do realize that in CoF you might not even hit 25 stacks, which is why it might not be recommended specifically there. )

Accuracy/Force is something I’ve seen a lot of, but idk for sure what is the 100% min max best sigil combo (my thief isn’t even 80 yet).