Create a TaskForce to secure Dungeons become harder and more fun please.

Create a TaskForce to secure Dungeons become harder and more fun please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


After playing through most of the explorable dungeons in particular Arah I find the dungeons are much too easy and not very fun overall.

I don’t know if I’m particularly good at abstracting from a boring grind in order to accomplish what I want (a sleek look) but the fact is, dungeons are simply just incredibly bland and poorly designed.

They lack dynamic, they have way too much trash (that for the most part can be easily skipped by just running and using invisibility to drop aggro) and the boss fights are overly long but not difficult at all (don’t stand in red circles, use ability 1+2 and profit).

I hereby besiege Anet to create a taskforce of well-versed game designers, developers, programmers and possible some of the most eloquent and passionate gamers from these forums/other fan sites to get the fun back into dungeons.

Heck, I’m willing to sign up for something like that as a volunteer – but a better idea would probably to write up a dungeon design contest. Paizo (D&D game design company) did that very successfully (and continues to do so regularly) and so did Wizards of the Coast (how they created their most successful campaign sofar in Eberron).

No reason Anet shouldn’t do that either. The format is pretty simple, draft up a contest (for example design a trash pack encounter or a boss encounter) and make every contester write 400 words about their idea, get hundreds or thousands of contesters – choose a bunch of the best and most well written and get the public to vote down the 10 best from a selection of perhaps 15 submissions. Then choose which ones to go into the final 3 after they submit a more detailed write up of their ideas . The final 3 then expand their draft with, for example, 8000 words and you choose a winner who will help the team design the dungeon.

You could then use these submissions as inspiration for redoing the remaining dungeons and create an internal task force to execute the changes.

Everyone profits.

(edited by Hellgaunt.1734)

Create a TaskForce to secure Dungeons become harder and more fun please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I’m up for a dungeon design contest! I know back in GW1, there were weapon design contests and winning designs get to shown in-game!

A player-created dungeon might be pushing it as far as content design contests go, but I’m willing to put in a few bits into it.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

Create a TaskForce to secure Dungeons become harder and more fun please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Nice idea. No doubt can be something Anet will do, for an expansion. They already did some contest about weapons, during gw1 era, so why not?

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