Cross-server dungeons broken?
i’ve actually had the opposite experience. i’ve tried several times to group with people on other servers and not once has it worked for a dungeon. everyone on my server can zone in just fine and the lone person on the other server can never join us. annoying and most likely unintentional
i’ve actually had the opposite experience. i’ve tried several times to group with people on other servers and not once has it worked for a dungeon. everyone on my server can zone in just fine and the lone person on the other server can never join us. annoying and most likely unintentional
Pre-patch I never had issues. Now I just had one friend completely unable to get in. Just managed to get someone else to test it and they got in just fine though, so I guess I shouldn’t have made this thread in such haste. Must just be the same bug everyone else is having where it throws people in to separate dungeons for whatever reason. Just gotta try about 50 times to get everyone in the same instance until they fix this I suppose. Doesn’t help that there’s no way to “reset” dungeons manually or anything so everyone has to relog and hope it actually worked.