Crucible of Eternity - Experimental weapon - tips please
The AOE has massive holes in them that spawn, sort of like donuts. The circle is deceiving but basically if its not the flame spike that spawns above you, it is going to be a ground spike with a massive hole that you can move into the center of and take no damage. Later on you run into him again, he is going to start summoning tentacle whips and putting people in crystals. Avoid the whips and have a ranged dps assigned to kill crystals, have another dps assigned to backup him killing crystals that are placed on him.
I think I can help you out here – My guild and I just completed this dungeon a few days back – Story mode and all 3 explorable modes….
Yes this boss is hard, it’s also as we noticed the only dungeon we’ve encountered thus far that seems to beat up on ranged chars, me being a mesmer was ill-prepared for this dungeon, but once we figured out what we needed to do, it wasn’t that difficult..
So the Alpha Subject..
The trick here is not how much you can dodge but when you dodge…
If you wait a second, maybe and second and a half inside the aoe, and then dodge, even if you’re still in the red circles, you will evade the attack..This makes managing energy much easier, timing is all it takes..Don’t spam dodge, you just need to dodge at the right time…
As a mesmer, I traited for decreased cool downs on sword, so with blurred frenzy at every 8 seconds, distortion and knowing when to dodge roll, it become easy for me just to tank him, as up close, it does very little damage…
Honesty the best place to be is on top of him – with guardians and warriors set up for support with buffs, heals and condition removal – Trying to keep range will drive you nuts…
Hope this helped -
Remember, wait inside the aoe, then dodge, you won’t need to be outside the rings to evade the attacks, they go off pretty much at the same time, so the one dodge will evade all layered aoe’s
Subject Alpha also differs from encounter to encounter. For example, at the end of the “submarine” path, he will have that knack of not casting PBAoE on his location. So the safest sport is right next to him. But do not go in and spam him. You may not use knockback, you need good supportskills up all the time and from time to time he will spike one guy into downed state, which will require a fast rez.
I acknowledge that this dungeon is pure hell from the “we all just did it for the first time perspective”, but once you have figured it out, it is the best dungeon around. Add to the fact that some bosses still have a few bugs (no aggro switching on B34R Golem, boring enhanced destroyer fight) and you will definitely want to have more of this one.