Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: testingwalker.1690



As the title said.
I will also add this though, I tried to run this dungeon for one week over 20 different groups. Some people are really experienced (with other dungeons) and some arent but in general this dungeon is just brutal. You could be lucky if you can finish this dungeon with zerging the boss with waypoint but wiping the entire group over and over then reset the boss is just too much. After 3 hours later, people in the group cant stand the frustration and starts to leave and then replacement doesn’t make any different from before it just repeat another 3 hours until the group finally disband. I mean, really? is it even possible to finish this dungeon? if you have completed the explorable mode are you able to post or share some of your strategies with the rest of us?

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Ive completed it, not sure which part you are having trouble with though. Subject Alpha? The totem Golem? Typing up a strat for every path would take alot so just let me know what part you are having trouble with.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mandrew.2853


This is honestly one of my favorite dungeons. All the bosses have really fun mechanics. It is very hard but that’s what makes it fun. It makes a huge difference in fun from having a terrible group taking 20 deaths and 2.5 hours to beat to a very good/ experienced group taking 2 deaths and 40 min to beat though. I do not think the dungeon needs to be “toned down” in difficulty at all. I must say, it is unfortunate of you to have 20 groups in a row that were so poorly skilled.
As Gies said^ post what part you have trouble with most and we’ll help out
I do however reccomend to start with Path 2: the teleporters, for a new player to this dungeon. path 1 and path 3 take extreme cooperation and teamwork in comparison

(edited by Mandrew.2853)

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


Strat is same for every path
1) take off all armor for laser trap then try til 3 get it done.
2) 3 fights with alpha…stay out of his red circles and in the end fight kill the essances
other than that you have 1 robot with buff turets to kill (take out regen first) and you either have a kite for x seconds fight or a 5 layer security disable which is noting more than kill the big ones kite the rest while someone communes with the computer 5 times.
There is nothing really hard about this dungeon other than learning to stay out of alphas red circles as he has so many of them and they are so large.

I have completed it on every path and never had a group fail this dungeon yet.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brewbeer.8239


Well, I’ve run it several times, and completed all the paths. As said, need more specifics to give really good strategies. I can talk about Subject Alpha, since he’s in all the paths. He uses slightly different abilities depending on the path. He has 3 main abilties, and uses 2 of them depending on the path. A dragons tooth aoe that’s easy to get out of, a cone of earth spikes that is very dangerous, and huge aoe’s centered on each player.

The cone you can heal through with the normal 6 heal and some water field blast finishers. The huge aoe have three ways to avoid it. You can run out if you have a speed boost like swiftness. You can stand in the middle and not get hit, but sometimes the circles overlap, which means this isn’t always feasible to do. You can also time a dodge to evade the damage.

From the second time you meet him, he starts encasing players in crystal. You need to help stuck players out of this, they can’t do it themselves, and you also want to get them out before the next aoe hits. Third time he also summons essences, which heal him if they reach him.

That’s Subject Alpha. There are other things, such as the laser trap, Evolved Husk, and security hacking that bears mentioning, but you’ll have to ask for specifics.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keileia.4832


Submarine Route takes anywhere between 40-50 minutes with a good group.
Teleport Route takes roughly an hour with a good group
Front Door takes 1 hour 10-15 minutes also with a good group.

Submarine alpha does a tooth thingy that hits people in a cone. Best way to avoid this is to stand in melee. Bring 1 or 2 support traits so you can aoe heal the burn he does.

Teleport Alpha does an earthquake so all you have to do is dodge it before the spikes come out.

Front Door Alpha does both and is really just very frustrating because as soon as you dodge out of an earthquake you roll into the tooth.

People in crystal prisons dont take damage from earthquakes until the crystal is almost broken, so try to delay killing them until earthquake is over or they’ll die.

(Btw brewbeer – where have you been? i need you for more runs :P)

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Piecake.3687


For the submarine path, how do you beat that one input code room? My group had a TON of trouble with it. We beat it, but we died a ton.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Submarine: (This strategy only works for submarine)

Thrashmobs: I assume, you know how to kill the mobs without abilities.

The entire group closes in on Alpha. You have to stand inside Alpha. Press F11 and disable “Melee assist”. He does not cast Dragon Tooth on his position, he does not cast his Impale spike because no player is in range. He jumps and causes burning and he summons some essences to heal himself. If you are close and 1-2 people spam heals, you will not die. Crystals will break in general AoE. If a player goes down, he has to be rallied by the others immediately. Alpha should go down in five minutes. Repeat three times, done.

When the group enters the room, one person will get aggro. This person will go back to the entrance and hold the aggro. unless this person dies, he/she will have aggro. Stand inside the red circle. Do not attempt do dodge it. Do not run towards the rest of the group. If you are inside the red circle, continuously kite left and right. Not too slow, not too fast, you got to have the right rhythm. The golem will only attack you, always miss and you will have drawn the short straw for this encounter. The other player do whatever, which results in a dead boss.

Undress, jump, done.

Security Console:
If you are new to this then hack, clear the big guys, hack again. If you have two Eles using Staff and Air Attunement, then congratulations, you found easy mode to dispose of the small golems. Else, two players left, two players right, trigger golems outside the console range and kill them before they explode, should they be too close.

Should you save the Inquest?
No, because killing the additional enemies is bothersome and Alpha is easy, should you stick to hugging him.

Ice Berserker
The idea is to make him charge into the electrified posts. Stand next to them, but do not stand on the small flat pedestals. That will cause him to glitch. Ideally the group splits between two posts and he will then charge either post and slowly be shot down. You want to have 25 stacks of bleeding, you want poison, just to keep the pressure up when his armor is in place.

That is submarine in a nutshell. 45 minutes, nothing too challenging. You need to rally fallen team members instantly to avoid Spawn-Zergs and boss resets. Usually the group should not wipe on this path.

Other paths are marginally harder and longer. Either because you have to actually avoid Alpha’s attacks, or because some of the bosses seem unfinished (Enhanced Destroyer). I recommend rare level 80 gear and green trinkets (earring, ring, amulet). I recommend using Valkyrie or Shaman sets. Anything with +health will turn off those one hit kills you get from running Berserker. One hit kills are not a flaw of the game, they are a drawback of your glass-cannon berserker gear. You want to take that off for this dungeon. +Condition damage is also a good idea, since it avoids the armor of the ice berserker.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


“For the submarine path, how do you beat that one input code room? My group had a TON of trouble with it. We beat it, but we died a ton.”
Kill the big bots and then have 3 people aggro all the little ones, 1 person guard the person at the console and the last person commune with the console do this times 5.

Crucible of Eternity Explorable Strategies any takers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


Input Code Room

The Split
(1) Button Pusher
(2) Two guys left side
(3) Two guys right side

Step 1
Keep the button pusher safe. Should not be too hard. Only use ranged attacks, try to kill them robots before they explode. If you see a red circle, there is still time to kill the bot. Attacks which bounce automatically are preferred.

Step 2
Push the button once and only once. No shalt though push the button twice, or not push the button at all. After you pusheth the button once there shalt not be another pushing of the button.

Step 3
Kill the big robots, run away from the small ones. Use ranged attacks only. High priority target are bots with the skill “daze”. Call them, all players target this robot and kill it. Second priority are robots with the skill “fireshield”. Then kill the third big robot.

After all three big bots are dead, go back to starting positions and do it again.

If you do not focus fire, you will die
If you refuse to go ranged, you will die
If you do not constantly move out of the red circles, you will die.
If you do not help up downed teammembers, this will get expensive and you will die more.

If you are awesome gozu, you push the button five times in a row. But that requires certain team setups and a fiendish group intelligence.