Crucible of Eternity Story - shaking screen
Esc > general options > uncheck ‘enable camera shake’. Enjoy!
Yeah, it gets pretty annoying at the start of explorable too.
yeah, it was my attempt at doing some more cinematic stuff. Bob’s advice will help you avoid becoming nauseated!
Thank you very much for your responses!
I have to turn my screen shake of when I play guardian and am using the mace. I end up getting woozy after about half an hour lol
My entire party had to turn it off eventually because it was just too frequent, There’s also a high pitched alarm/beeping type noise but it only seems to bother me :/ Sensitive hearing? XD
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I suffer from chronic migraines, get them everyday. So usually just game right on through them. I have to say, the shaky screen in CoE drives me INSANE!!!
As it is, any kind of flashy lights makes me want to sick up , so i have my screen lighting turned right down.. add in the shaking and I’m running for the bathroom lol.
I will certainly try what bob has suggested, will save me a bit of suffering. ^-^
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
ah sorry to hear others feel woozy from the shaking. Personally, I love it! it adds a extra dimension to the immersive experience. It’s like, the place is shaking! better try to get out of here! xD love it
Esc > general options > uncheck ‘enable camera shake’. Enjoy!
Thanks for the info, very much appreciated.
Speaking of CoE and the shaking… Just recently ran this with my group, and we all thought at the end we would have to escape the facility before it ripped itself apart. We were all both disappointed & relieved that this was not the case. Was a big escape sequence ever planned?
how do you turn it off? This whole place makes me nauseated. Add in the unnecessarily long fights (Kudu oneshots, the teleporting stunning chick and the absurdly squishy Zojja vs. golem waves event…) this place is easily one of the worst (if not THE WORST) story mode dungeons ever made.
Edit: nvm, found it, wish i had found it sooner, this headache is killer. should be a ‘tutorial tooltip’ with that info upon entering the instance… >.>
(edited by Disconnected.9253)