Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life
Every time I get dc’ed it loses the progress I made and I can’t rejoin my party, I know this issue is a known one but I’m bringing it up again anyways. It’s the 4th time it’s happened to me in 5 attempts to it’s extremely frustrating. We need to be able to rejoin our parties.
Other than I’m loving the fractals guys, ignore the fail whines, it’s great thanks, even the drop rates have been well worth it!
I think we do need to keep bring it up, I posted about this too and no one seems to be listening but we have to keep trying. Every time I have done fractals (at least 9 times) someone has gotten dc for one reason or another, different people almost every time too. This is a really frustrating issue and I hope it gets some attention.
Yeah when someone else DCs it seems to reset the counter. We had to do an extra one today because of that. Which is stupid – it should keep counting for the group as a whole. We didn’t bring anyone else in and just 4 manned the last two but that didn’t help.
I think we do need to keep bring it up, I posted about this too and no one seems to be listening but we have to keep trying. Every time I have done fractals (at least 9 times) someone has gotten dc for one reason or another, different people almost every time too. This is a really frustrating issue and I hope it gets some attention.
agreed we cant let this go, needs a fix i played this instance 5 times on release night each time we had a dc in party ive already placed a responce just below this in reply to a dev i dont have much playtime per day but seems most players on underworld server are in somecases already up to level 5 which some players havent had the pleasure of successful runs are still low lvl instance wise, will probably never be able to progress with out a reset every week/fortnight/month .
I was on the final encounter in tier 2, dced with an ‘invalid password’ prompt, then was booted to lion’s arch.
In summation,
-kitten the authenticator
-kitten dcs
-kitten anet for not enabling a way to join after a dc
I am so buttmad right now.
I have been DCing for almost any reason since Fractals where implemented, and it has been annoying to abandon the group just when the last instance is almost over, i think this needs a correction as soon as posible, because the monthly includes running fractals
I have ben DCing a ridculous number of times as well. The worst part is I have real trouble getting back into the game.
Yeah, this is a big problem. I feel really horrible every time I DC, because it’s not my intention to the group. It makes me feel like I’m being this horrible person to the team, who has to start over or suck it up, and I’m just left with nothing :/
Had the same happen to me just now. Final boss of the third fractal, and I got huge 10-second lag spikes before disconnecting. Wasted two hours of time and felt bad for my party. I REALLY hope Anet fixes this issue soon. Until then, I might avoid FotM to prevent further frustration. Sucks that it’s a monthly achievement though, so I might be forced to play it before the month ends just to grab it. Anet, please have the option to rejoin party and prevent counter resets.
Had the same happen to me just now. Final boss of the third fractal, and I got huge 10-second lag spikes before disconnecting. Wasted two hours of time and felt bad for my party. I REALLY hope Anet fixes this issue soon. Until then, I might avoid FotM to prevent further frustration. Sucks that it’s a monthly achievement though, so I might be forced to play it before the month ends just to grab it. Anet, please have the option to rejoin party and prevent counter resets.
Same for me. I feel bad for DCing and I want to avoid fractals until they are more stable, but I need 2 more so I will probably give a another try or two.
second time i was on the the 3rd of 3 fractals this time on difficulty 4 and DC’d as I was changing maps. It’s just… frustrating, regardless… here we go. finishing 4, again lol
I just got Dc’d on fractal lvl 10 right before i completed it, and actually a crash more accurately. Wanna talk about pissed off?
yeah its a crash for sure. The client just closes
Reallly agitated me. A lot of hard work. We were on livestream all day too, just for the end of the day dissapointment lol.
They seriously need to fix this DC issue with FoTM. It’s really frustrating being on the last part of the fractal to get to the next tier. And then get effed over by being randomly disconnected and you cannot get back in with your party.
Happened to me 3 times.. most recently on the final boss of round 6 (round 3 of level 2) its really frustrating as said before.. not only does it screw the person who d’cd but it also screws the rest of the group because they are down a person unless they start the difficulty level over again..
Cause this has to be addressed
DCs have killed both Fractal runs i have taken part in attempted so far. First run we lost 2 people and had to call it. Second run I DC on very last boss and reconnect in Lions Arch with no way to get back in with them. Super frustrating.
First i can’t get the new quests done cause of bugs and now i can’t enjoy the new dungeon because of connection/rejoining issues. Totally lame. Pretty much going to avoid this game for a week or two cause i always log off frustrated which is the exact opposite of why i play games.
This issues need to be resolve quick. Apprently the developers didn’t think this is a online game require internet connection to play and people can get disconnect from the internet.
yea this needs to be solve ASAP or atleast see an admin response to this , its really serious..
i’ve played with 3 groups. First got wisps on first try with noobs and we all quit.
Second did 2, then DC so we had to start over. did 2 more then people had to leave. We should have been lv 2.
Third had 2 simultaneous DC after 2 fractals again, started over, did 3 more and finished. 9 finished and i’m just at lv 2.
Please give us a way to rejoin a group.
Totally agree, just posted here because i was about to make the same topic.
This is, like many Guild wars2 problems, one of those mistakes that makes you wonder if anet ever even played the game.
For all the other dungeons, if anyone DC or crash, they can rejoin their party. How come in Fractals we get punished in such a cruel way. I feel completely let down when it happens. The person who DC dont get scale completion or the rewards. The party loses one person and have trouble on the rest of the fractals.
If the owner of the dungeon disconnects/afks everyone gets booted out…
There are a lot of topics about this and I have yet to see one that has a dev response I really want to see this fixed but to start it would be nice to just get a reply, is this something that is going to be addressed or not? Fractals is my favorite dungeon and I don’t want to be locked out of it because I am having other GW related crashing issues (posted in tech problems forum still no help there either) :/
Yes they’re working on a fix for this. Not sure when it’ll be ready but it’s happening and in the works.
It seems they are working on the disconnections itself, which wont be a solution for our problem, we are asking for the ability to REJOIN our existing team on the fractal we just got booted out of. I think they have forgotten that electricity failures, router and modem issues and almost anything can give a brief disconnection on OUR side, and they can only fix disconnection on their side.
Pretty sure they have serious issues on their part. I had 4 DCs today, 3 of them happened in less than 3 minutes, yep, lost fractals progress twice, once it was on the 4th path
So yeah this has become like a huge issue for me. I want to move on but people are already skyrocketing through the levels, there seem to be no last level and i dont know how am i going to find a party in a week from now.
I love the dungeon, it’s amazing, but that difficulty thingie with no top, totally suck. For the people that actually go to work 8-10 hours a day the game will advance way too much in a week time. Add the disconnects which kill any fractals mood whatsoever and what do you end up with? Overally good looking, but broken dungeon. That’s what you get, and all that hard effort you guys put into it, goes to waste :|
I notice a lot of people have mentioned it could be abused by dead people dc’ing to come back alive, but, if they make the DC not kick you out of the dungeon, simply respawn in the instance dead, it shouldnt be an issue. Just make it so that a DC doesn’t kick you out of the instance. Just don’t let other players join a party or a fractal halfway through, if somebody has to go or dc’s for a really long period of time, then make the party restart the fractal. Client crashes shouldn’t affect the whole party.
I notice a lot of people have mentioned it could be abused by dead people dc’ing to come back alive, but, if they make the DC not kick you out of the dungeon, simply respawn in the instance dead, it shouldnt be an issue. Just make it so that a DC doesn’t kick you out of the instance. Just don’t let other players join a party or a fractal halfway through, if somebody has to go or dc’s for a really long period of time, then make the party restart the fractal. Client crashes shouldn’t affect the whole party.
Checkpoints are just like waypoints. Not to mention that once a checkpoint is reached and someone is dead, the whole party intentionally wipes. I don’t see the point of their preventive system in this dungeon. It doesn’t slow me down, what it does though, is to screw me BIG TIME when I DC on the last path and NO obviously NOT from my ISP. Last night I was running constant PING to the server, I had DC and 0% packet loss or increase of delay. So please ANet, get your kittentraight >.>
I an level 3. But I should have been 6 now. Dc 3 times of 6 on the last section of the last fractal. Hours of wasted time here! I do like the dungeons but this dc thing is making me hate them. It’s a gamble. Either you make it or you dc while trying.
(edited by Akerhage.5419)
Introducing two systems that punish disconnects (the Fractals dungeons and the karka event) right after introducing the “incorrect password” bug was a VERY bad idea.
I wish there was a way to bring a DC’ed player back into your fractal. Seems a bit silly that you can’t. But I think this is to dissuade kicking pugs at the end of a fractal for your guild mates.
I wish there was a way to bring a DC’ed player back into your fractal. Seems a bit silly that you can’t. But I think this is to dissuade kicking pugs at the end of a fractal for your guild mates.
Actually it wasn’t intended, they’re working on a fix so you can get back in after a d/c
Yay, good to know. It’s the only bad thing I’ve seen in the dungeons.
I hope it comes soon. Ive avoided the fractals so as to prevent making my party members angry. I may not be the only one to dc but i dont wanna be the one responsible
Yes they’re working on a fix for this. Not sure when it’ll be ready
but it’s happening and in the works.
Remember Sorrows Embrace? They are working on a fix for that too, it has a been a good month since they broke it. “Working on a fix” simply isn’t good enough with’s track record. A full month of getting DCed from fractals isn’t acceptable.
They need put a huge priority on getting reconnects for fractals implemented.
(edited by Warskull.3096)
Something needs to be done about this. The game’s coding isn’t robust enough to handle a drop of even a second in the communication and because of this now I’ve lost so much progress. I don’t like whining, but I’ve now completed 41 fractals (I know, yay for me, right?) But, I’m on level 2 on one character and level 4 on another. Get me if I’m wrong, but 41 fractals would take one of my characters to level 14…
I like the fact there are no waypoints, I like the fact you can’t kick someone and have some new person join to take the credit. BUT it needs to allow a person who gets disconnected to rejoin the party if they get kicked, it’s jut not fair getting to the end of the third fractal, disconnecting and losing all your progress. This has happened to me on so many occasions it’s becoming a joke!
Is it not possible for the dungeon to log a player ID or something so that it can prevent someone else from joining the party but will let the same person re-enter?
I love these dungeons, they’re by far the best in the game in my opinion but I am constantly being hindered by a brief loss of connection and this is ruining the experience for me.
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