Well I’m like 99.9% sure Anet is reading as many posts as they can and working on it. And I don’t think it’d intended for dungeons to be pretty much un-puggable. I’m definately not going to waste my time and money pugging dungeons anymore lol.
And by that I mean story dungeons.
I agree. I don’t mind difficulty as long as its somewhat fun but unfortunately its not.
IMO they need to increase the numbers of trash mobs you fight but reduce their health so it doesnt take 5 minutes to kill one.
Majority of the bosses also feel like a huge time sink. Alot of them only have one or two mechanics. One involving a dodge and the other just a big unavoidable ability that will roflstomp you requiring teammates to ressurect.
I don’t mind paying 1 gold repair bills as long as the bosses mechanics are fun. Unfortunately most are not and are just ressurect zergfest.
Of course you are not having fun if you have to resort to graveyard zerg fest, you are supposed to beat bosses whitout it. (pretty doable in storymode)
It’s just there to allow some room of mistake.
I’m having a blast with the dungeons.
Learn to play and they are far less of a graveyard zerg. There’s mechanics in the game besides trying to output as much damage as fast as possible before you die.
Yeah I knew the obligatory “you’re crap” responses would come in, but I would not consider myself an inept gamer to be very honest and I do not run a dps /glass cannon build on my Guardian when attempting dungeons so I would go with what the majority are saying on this matter and say things need to be tweaked, either the rewards per rediculously challenging mob or the difficulty (wether this be damage output / damage mitigation of the mobs or just more obvious / clearly visible tell-tales for telegraphed one hit ultra atttacks).
As things stand I am not compelled to learn any strategies and tactics beyond the first quarter of explorable mode when I realize that the end result is not worth the grind and repair bills.