Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not even going to sugar coat this, I’m pretty annoyed. I’m sure by now you’re well aware exactly of what I’m referring to. I feel genuinely cheated, I haven’t felt this cheated since I saw Hankitten in the movie theaters and instead of an awesome super hero movie I got domestic violence.

Is this intentional? Is that the way an elder dragon is meant to go down? Have an epileptic seizure on his tower for 5 minuteskitten clowns shoot him with what appeared to be spitwads because they barely dented his health? The thing doesn’t even fight back. It doesn’t move beyond spasming out.

I’m trying to rationalize this in my head, I’m trying to be nice and think of something constructive but I can’t. I’m sorry, I just can’t. I’m an amateur programmer, I write things for fun. I’m by no means an expert on the subject however there is one thing that I do; I check my work to make sure it works. Was this thing just written up in note pad one day and copy pasted in with no one to check it? It’s IMPOSSIBLE 10000% IM-KITTEN-POSSIBLE someone checked this over. If they had, Zhaitan would have been a real boss fight instead of me going afk to take akitten and fill my water bottle up to come back to my group complaining about him having too much kitten hp and being bored.

I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, I realize it is, but I feel it’s justified. The culmination of MY STORY ended in a 100% straight up zerg rush airship battle to a crippled dragon seizuring in front of me. I don’t even care if it’s a bug or not.. that makes it worse. It shows it wasn’t checked. One of the most important and remembered aspects of any story ruined. Bioware couldn’t get away with this, Blizzard couldn’t get away with this. Guild Wars 2 certainly isn’t going to either.


(edited by Yadda.2764)

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


2/3 of those kittens weren’t even swear words but I still giggled reading it

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mexay.4521


I’m assuming you’re one of those people who skip cutscenes.

Did you not pay attention the whole “let’s weaken him and weaken him for like half the personal story”

Or the part where he gets shot with a lazer and half his body falls off?

What did you expect? Stabbing at his toes? It was LOGICAL for it to happen that way. It is, by far, an improvement on Abaddon. Did you even play GW1? Seriously, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Hell, it’s better than WoW, where you stand around for an hour pressing the combination of: 12435618963198159 to kill a boss that is supposed to be the most powerful thing in the universe. Seriously dude, stop being entitled.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Nope, saw the cutscene. All he had was his tail cut off, even an iguana could have done better than that. I’m also not sure where you’re going with that comparison because instead of pressing 1231231234323 I pressed 22222222222222222 to kill a boss that was supposed to be one of 5 of the most powerful things on the planet.

Actually, I didn’t even need to press 2 since I went afk because I was bored and thirsty

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nihilus.3015


I agree, I waited for this fight for a long time. I know we weaken him and all and I understand that. But after hearing of this guy for 3 years, The Elder Dragon made out of Dragons! How his power rivals the gods and the Elder Dragons are the most powerful things in Tyria! So much hype so much suspense leading up to it. And, he just sits there. Again, I know he’s weaken but he just sits there.


Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


When I sw his tail cut off I said ..“Oh dear God, are the extremeties he just lost going to turn into little dragons that he sends to us??” stunned but alas…they just fell away. Then, someone in group says ’Oh the dragon is going godzilla!" and I thought, “oh here we go, better get ready for insta-death” cower ..yet nothing…nothing happened. Then we discover the cannons can be used to shoot the dragon, oh, well this should trigger a response from him right? maybe Anet has taken pitty on us and given us a moment to discover this before the actual battle begins…then I just waited and waited …and waited….

Love this game Anet, you have doen a spectacular job thus far, what happened here?

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I’m replying to this simply to bump it up. There are people out there who actually believe that this fight is UNFINISHED.

Woodenpotatoes, quite possibly at the forefront of the GW2-Youtube scene, actually advises people not to do Arah until they finish it as he himself thinks that it’s incomplete and he’s no doubt one of your biggest fans, Arenanet.

After your terrible launch ad spoiled Zhaitan for me (thanks), I decided screw it and just watched the fight on Youtube.

Yes, he just sits there.
Yes you just shoot him for 5 minutes with cannons from an airship he most likely would’ve taken down in a matter of seconds since he’s a dragon without any real thought.

Very disappointing and anti-climactic.

Visually, he’s a treat. I loved the finished concept though I do believe he should’ve been a bit bigger.

Just that last part……….wtf? Was it finished?

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


And I do know that you can’t really swing your weapon at his toes but just something…..anything……would’ve been better than shooting a cannon at him till he falls over.

Maybe do something to makes him fall asleep again or something. I dunno. I’m not a game designer or lore writer but……anything but this, please.

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I actualy tough we were going to fight zhaitan in a epic battle, after the uber lazer “miss” him and cut his tail i actualy tough:

“- epic fight incoming!!!!”
“-His going to get mad and destroy the ship and we will have a epic battle full of triggers and a big kitten boss chasing us around the ship while we try to recover the cannon to actualy hit him and take him down.”

When i found out that i was going to press “2” to kill him, i was very disapointed

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not sure if it’s more respectful to say it’s unfinished or broken. Either way, it’s a very anti climatic and upsetting way to end the story. Not to mention, that cutscene and character model is amazing! It seems so wasted killing the great elder dragon by shooting him in the face with roman candles.

I’m really hoping there’s more planned in additional content or expansion or something. Id be satisfied just to hear that that wasn’t the end of Zhaitan but nothing at all hints at that hence why I feel that it is incomplete.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I know I have posted this idea multiple times, but I really want ANET to make use of Zhaitan’s body.

Have his tentacles grip around the ship, and have his head poke the front of it where you fight his TONGUE!

Why have his tongue be dragon heads if it doesn’t do anything?

textured model
There are SO many cool things his body can do! Make him assault the ship!

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: brugal.5812


I agree with the OP, everything was going pretty good till the last part, when Zhaitan go Godzilla mode. But maibe he still alive and in a new patch we fight Zhaitan in a new 5man dungeon!

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ele Lady.6103

Ele Lady.6103

I can hardly describe my disappointment. I really thought that an elder dragon could give us a bigger fight than the regular mobs. I was absolutely thrilled from the cannon cutscene and prepared for a big fight. But no. Just shooting the braindead dragon with fireworks. And what’s wrong with his mates, they are just flying around and ignoring us too.

I am really looking forward to an update, where you introduce us the real Zhaitan, who’ll give us the most epic, ultimate, uberleet fight.