Dear Robert Hrouda and JonPeters <3
Please un-nerf the re-playability
- Well coordinated team
- Can’t beat bosses
Provide examples of bosses that cant be beaten by well coordinated teams please.
Simin, the high priestess of Arah
Totally agree with OP. You were selling us yhe idea to play dungeons and get a piece of gear every time we finish them.
Now you put a token system, with buggy DR… We want what was promised long ago. Each run to give a piece of gear. Thats called “Broken Promises”
I just played story modes of all dungeons. Explorables modes don’t fit in as you release them, not for me, not playing them at all.
Give us the real deal, piece of gear per run. Or are you all afraid of endgame content based on dungeons…
We won’t get an answer on this as probably they don’t have a good answer… Not one that really explain that REVAMP in dungeons rewards… Sad….
Provide examples of bosses that cant be beaten by well coordinated teams please.
and please elaborate on what you classify as a well-coordinated team, because pugs talking on vent not knowing what the other person’s specs are in armor/traits/weaponry isnt exactly coordination. nor is LF1M of ANYTHING going to make a proper team.
Seriously don’t roll out patches like this until it’s gone through extensive testing. This only annoyed a big chunk of your player base. If you guys announce something on a post, it better live up to it. I’m suppose to be able to get 180 tokens a day from a dungeon from all 3 paths. I’ve lost at least 170+ tokens now from not being properly awarded when others get 60 every time. Also NO it isn’t from running a dungeon too soon and YES I did wait for the 5 pm pacific reset. Hopefully you’re bugged DR system is not counting people entering dungeons just to find out nobody else is in the same instance. It has been a good 4 days or so since this has become a problem, seriously consider undoing your last patch if this is at ALL connected to people not being able to join the same dungeon instance.
Provide examples of bosses that cant be beaten by well coordinated teams please.
and please elaborate on what you classify as a well-coordinated team, because pugs talking on vent not knowing what the other person’s specs are in armor/traits/weaponry isnt exactly coordination. nor is LF1M of ANYTHING going to make a proper team.
Well you make do with what you can get, and if the only people you can find is a PuG, then what is considered ‘well coordinated’ to such an individual would infact be a PuG but greater in contrast to the others in teamwork, individual player skill and experience. I bet you have some online community of friends who you’ve known for a while, have ran various guilds with, and have the same goals in a game – so running a dungeon is something easy for you to do together. Either that or you’re some suburban high school student with 10 school friends all with rich parents happy to splurge on awesome computers to log in together, mic up and do your thing. The rest of us don’t have such support, their fairytale idea of what constitutes a typical guild is not a reality for as many players as you think. if you know of a guild that is happy to do high-skilled coordinated dungeons all the time! then let me know where they are. please.
I think the core issue is the downed-state. It gives a feeling of being “defeated”, a feeling of “failure”, and a feeling of a “wipe” on bosses, instead of a feeling of a second chance. It’s also a big distraction from boss fights, while rezzing others. This doesn’t give the vibe of “helping” others, and instead makes the person who is down feel like they did something wrong, when in fact, it’s part of the system of being 1-shot into a downed-state (correct me if i’m wrong here Devs).
1) The game mechanics are stupid and broken. Insta-killing mobs/bosses and extremely large HP pools don’t make contents satisfyingly-difficult, only frustrating and irritating;
2) Even so, the game is too easy. Just did TA explorable forward-forward with no wipes in 1 hour and 5 minutes. The trick was to separate the knights on the boss fight and take them down one by one. If that was a glitch, and the fight would actually have to take place with all the mobs at the same time it would be impossible. Not hard, not challenging, impossible.
We need the whole mechanics reworked from the ground up.
Edit: oh and the downed state is the worst “feature” I’ve ever seen in a game. In PvP and PvE. It’s horrible, and the fact the game is balanced around it is sad. That’s one of the reasons (not the only reason though) that all encounters suck.
1) The game mechanics are stupid and broken. Insta-killing mobs/bosses and extremely large HP pools don’t make contents satisfyingly-difficult, only frustrating and irritating;
2) Even so, the game is too easy. Just did TA explorable forward-forward with no wipes in 1 hour and 5 minutes. The trick was to separate the knights on the boss fight and take them down one by one. If that was a glitch, and the fight would actually have to take place with all the mobs at the same time it would be impossible. Not hard, not challenging, impossible.
We need the whole mechanics reworked from the ground up.
Edit: oh and the downed state is the worst “feature” I’ve ever seen in a game. In PvP and PvE. It’s horrible, and the fact the game is balanced around it is sad. That’s one of the reasons (not the only reason though) that all encounters suck.
1) If something insta-kills you – your gear sucks or you didn’t dodge some really obvious ability. Large HP pools? Guess you never were in a bis geared group, where bosses drop in 1 minute or less (not all ofc)
2) If you’re clearing TA in 1 hour, and state it’s too easy – you’ve got a serious problem. And killing 3 knights in same group is really doable – unless you’re in group with 5 individuals, all looking only on damage done.
3) Game is not balanced around downed state (at least not in pve). It just helps you learn the encounter and gives you 2nd chance if you kitten something up.
If all encounters suck for you – why do you bother playing?
And by the way: AN stated that explorable modes are made for organised groups – pugs are not meant to do them all.
PUGs are the majority. Small organized groups are the minority.
1) The game mechanics are stupid and broken. Insta-killing mobs/bosses and extremely large HP pools don’t make contents satisfyingly-difficult, only frustrating and irritating;
2) Even so, the game is too easy. Just did TA explorable forward-forward with no wipes in 1 hour and 5 minutes. The trick was to separate the knights on the boss fight and take them down one by one. If that was a glitch, and the fight would actually have to take place with all the mobs at the same time it would be impossible. Not hard, not challenging, impossible.
We need the whole mechanics reworked from the ground up.
Edit: oh and the downed state is the worst “feature” I’ve ever seen in a game. In PvP and PvE. It’s horrible, and the fact the game is balanced around it is sad. That’s one of the reasons (not the only reason though) that all encounters suck.
1) If something insta-kills you – your gear sucks or you didn’t dodge some really obvious ability. Large HP pools? Guess you never were in a bis geared group, where bosses drop in 1 minute or less (not all ofc)
2) If you’re clearing TA in 1 hour, and state it’s too easy – you’ve got a serious problem. And killing 3 knights in same group is really doable – unless you’re in group with 5 individuals, all looking only on damage done.
3) Game is not balanced around downed state (at least not in pve). It just helps you learn the encounter and gives you 2nd chance if you kitten something up.
If all encounters suck for you – why do you bother playing?
And by the way: AN stated that explorable modes are made for organised groups – pugs are not meant to do them all.
You know what would be the real justice?
ANet eventually fixes the broken mechanics in GW2, both DEs and dungeons related. However, the fan-boys get to play THIS version of the game, considering they find it flawless obviously, while the rest of us can enjoy the game the way it’s supposed to work and be played.
I can’t help but feel when reading threads in this Dungeon forum that people are complaining not because dungeons are too hard, aren’t fun or impossible, but because they are seeking to exploit the current upheaval caused by speed running, to maintain the status quo; i.e. so that such individuals can better their gains by continuing as we did before, where everyone is running around in Citadel of Flames gear after only a few hours.
I personally consider that many of the dungeons are still to easy and that the new token rewards are actually too generous.
Let me make a little paragon with WoW.
All these arguments about the explorable dungeon being too difficult.. they’re meant for organized people. Think about normal raids in WoW (not LFR, the normal ones).
The LFR raids are the “Story Mode”, the normal raids are the “Explorable”.
In the end, people will learn and start PUGging the normal raids (the explorable) as in WoW, but at the start of any expansion, PUGging a normal raid was something of a very stupid idea.
Now, what i see in the comments, is we want LFR-difficulty dungeons (i.e.: PUGgable even from a beginner group that only pew pew without any strategy). Are you already tired of the difficulty after only a month? That would be akin to asking for a raid nerf in WoW when people enter them in green-blue equipment (in wow).
Too soon, people, too soon. You can’t expect an expansion in one month, and the fact that someone has already farmed their equipment because of glitches or exploiting should be something frowned upon, not a desiderable thing.
So, i really hope ArenaNet fixes the obvious bugs (people getting less than other in the same circumstances), but hoping to decrease difficulty when more than 80% of the population hasn’t finished content…
… is Blizzard style. But this isn’t WoW, so, take the hint, MoP is out, you can go back in the rollercoaster if you want. You will find easy, puggable dungeons and raids, and an environment that doesn’t require strategy nor tactics, only equipment and pew pew.
I will watch your corpses floating in the river. (ancient Chinese proverb )
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
I don’t see how anyone here wants to exploit bosses that are not fun to fight either because you can’t do it with your party makeup or because they bugged or are just broken in general.
Let me make a little paragon with WoW.
All these arguments about the explorable dungeon being too difficult.. they’re meant for organized people. Think about normal raids in WoW (not LFR, the normal ones).
The LFR raids are the “Story Mode”, the normal raids are the “Explorable”.
In the end, people will learn and start PUGging the normal raids (the explorable) as in WoW, but at the start of any expansion, PUGging a normal raid was something of a very stupid idea.
Now, what i see in the comments, is we want LFR-difficulty dungeons (i.e.: PUGgable even from a beginner group that only pew pew without any strategy). Are you already tired of the difficulty after only a month? That would be akin to asking for a raid nerf in WoW when people enter them in green-blue equipment (in wow).
Too soon, people, too soon. You can’t expect an expansion in one month, and the fact that someone has already farmed their equipment because of glitches or exploiting should be something frowned upon, not a desiderable thing.
So, i really hope ArenaNet fixes the obvious bugs (people getting less than other in the same circumstances), but hoping to decrease difficulty when more than 80% of the population hasn’t finished content…
… is Blizzard style. But this isn’t WoW, so, take the hint, MoP is out, you can go back in the rollercoaster if you want. You will find easy, puggable dungeons and raids, and an environment that doesn’t require strategy nor tactics, only equipment and pew pew.
I will watch your corpses floating in the river. (ancient Chinese proverb )
I totally agree. I think the biggest problem is people’s perceptions of these explorable dungeons being “dungeons” in the traditional sense, and not raids. I think Anet actually made a mistake not calling them 5-man raids, because that’s exactly what they are in both content and difficulty. It’s like people starting off in a new WoW or Rift expansion and jumping right in and trying to pug raids, lol. That and a totally new group dynamic… it’s really no wonder people are having problems.
I’m a WoW player all the way from beta to Pandas
I’m a Rift player from pre order headstart 17 hour queues to Storm Legion
I’ve Raided big long and coordinated
My mains have always been healers or tanks, I love that this game has neither truly.
Calling Explorable Mode RAIDS wouldn’t be any different than calling Dynamic Events Raids or personal story single player mode.
The issue here is some encounters are outrageous and frustrating to the degree of massive forum feedback.
I purpose 2 things
1. Give us a sticky to list the encounters specifically so we can look at them individually.
2. Eliminate the DR, less interference is more in my opinion. If not then give the DR some tweaking so that people can finish get there elite buddies together and not have to end their fun when nothing is rewarded.
The same can be done for boss encounters that are simple but MASSIVE HP time sinks. These bosses need to be more interactive and less of a snooze.
Two sons of Svnir Ice monsters in HoTW idols path did nearly no damage but have over 9000^2 hp and took 30 minutes apiece of just wailing on them.
Then the guy with the two pet dogs beat the everliving crap out of us, yes we got past him and finished I have the Kona to show for it and I think it was interesting and intense but some of the other encounters are obviously not fleshed out and really need looking at.
Is the new patch tonight or tomorrow?