Define PUG
Pick up Group
PuG was originally coined to refer to a pick up group, but the meaning has mutated to mean an individual member of a pick up group.
Some of us hate them and some of us love them
Most of us need them when we are alone
But you can never count on them
Who are they?
Pick Up Group.
Which means a pool of random levels, even weird, of player skills.
The only truth is that they are surprising.
PUG = not a member of my guild, or some other guild which requires proper gear and builds and tests for skill. PUGs usually run terrible builds (eg. a Wave of Wrath-spamming guard who came straight from LA without retraiting or changing gear).
ja ja, dat build good! Alex iz OP heeler wit guard!!!1
Edit: Where’d it go? Now my response doesn’t make any sense
…. I’m still putting “Meta Terrorist” in my sig though. lol
(edited by Anierna.6918)
ja ja, dat build good! Alex iz OP heeler wit guard!!!1
Edit: Where’d it go? Now my response doesn’t make any sense![]()
…. I’m still putting “Meta Terrorist” in my sig though. lol
Mod deleted because i supports so much that forums get infracted. I suspect a conspiracy to keep my op zealot cleric valk build secret!!!
Go home zerkers!!!
Pug: a person that doesnt know the mechanics, has a sub optimal build and sub optimal gear (from worst to less bad)
(edited by Wharrgarbl.9263)
For me PUGs are everybody that are not in my guild or I don’t know. They are random people that complete my dungeon group in PvE or follow us in WvW. They are random so they can be better than me or really bad. They can have a good build or a bad one. They can be full ascended or in full blues. They can have experience or be a newbie. They can use the same strategies as me so the run go nicely, they can have bad strategies and i need to explain them what they did wrong, or they can show me a new or better strategy for a specific part of a dungeon. They can be really nice people that i add into my friend list of even invite in my guild or they can be real pain in the *.
I bet the Mod who deleted your post was offended because he mained a “healer” guard. With devs playing things like p/p thief, anything’s possible. lol
Id love to play a p/p gunslinger thief (sell me a cowboy hat, i already have coat)!!!
Ill try tonight, condi damageeer dungeon runzz
Yep, Pick up Group, but also refers to an individual in the group as well.
Though due to the extreme level of casualness that comes from 99% of the player base, it’s turned into a derogatory comment about player skill.
E.g “Dude this guy just downed again!?” “What do you expect? He’s a PuG”
“Banner of Defence? Classic PuGs”
“Wow stacking Warriors? What are we PuGs?”
Etc, etc
The ‘by the book’ definition is a pick up group assembled with random players you have not met or played with before.
It more closely means a ‘casual’, which interestingly also doesn’t quite mean what it seems to imply.
PuGs and casuals can put many hours into this game. The best way to tell is by assessing player skill. Do they might stack? Do they dodge? Do they know that they can and should change their utilities and weapons? Do they use consumables? etc…
If not, they are bad and ‘casuals’ and of course a pug.
Dunno why I thought of this, but:
Mist Warrior (1): What is pugging, anyway? Isn’t it just a different view of the same thing?
Mist Warrior (2): Spend some time on the Dungeon forums and you’ll get it. Pugs are the enemy. They will destroy us, so we must destroy them first.
Mist Warrior (1): I see so many go in dungeons who never come out to the end.
Mist Warrior (2): That’s pugs’ work. You recognize them by how they kill—without purpose, need, or meta-builds.
Pug are like rng, in bad days they’re able to transform any dungeon into a bad Arah run.
To be fair, some pug are godly but ultra rare.
40% of my stalking friend list is made of godly rare Pugs, the rest are from forum regulars.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Some of us hate them and some of us love them
Most of us need them when we are alone
But you can never count on them
Who are they?
Pugs? That’s all of you in my eyes ^^
Some of us hate them and some of us love them
Most of us need them when we are alone
But you can never count on them
Who are they?Socks?
Its female dogs
Thaddeus nailed it the best with his description. Sometimes PUGs are awesome, other times they’re much less so. But you can’t deny that PUG experiences always make for the best stories here in the Dungeon forum.
A pug is a group of players in differing guilds that surprises me. If there’s 3 players in a guild or on voice that are coordinated, it’s not really a pug and likewise if the pug is coordinated through a single strong personality, it’s also not really a pug.
By that definition, a pug will usually have at least some trouble getting through a dungeon which is what makes them fun. A group that gets through too mechanistically is efficient and satisfying (hey, money!) but not fun in and of itself.
PUG = Pick Up Group or a member of a Pick Up Group.
Pick Up Group = Party formed either randomly by shouting “LFG” or through the use of party forming tool. Not a group of coordinated players.
Sometimes awesome, sometimes worthless as a rock.
Sometimes awesome, sometimes worthless as a rock.
Pffft, amateur! I sometimes draw agro on mobs my team mates wanted to avoid, making me more of a liability than a rock.
I didn’t choose the PuG life, the Pug life kicked me, and then realised I was the one who opened the instance.
DISCLAIMER: Some or all of this post may be exaggerated.
We have right here a nice example of etymology guys and why sometimes we just have a hard time understand how languages and word change over times.
In the past PUG = Acronym for Pick Up Group or a group of random players.
At the beginning of GW2 PUG = Pick Up Group or a member of a Pick Up Group.
Now Pug = A bad players
Future Pug = the new Noobs
I’d take that guy in my party in a heartbeat. XD I don’t care what build he’s running.
Pugs are people stuck at alphard that you join to help. They wipe and you continue to solo around 30% hp two of them suddenly come back to life, spam a bunch of particle effects and trigger the aoe. Repeatedly until you ragequit.
Pugs are people stuck at alphard that you join to help. They wipe and you continue to solo around 30% hp two of them suddenly come back to life, spam a bunch of particle effects and trigger the aoe. Repeatedly until you ragequit.
Should have used the trident.
Pugs are people stuck at alphard that you join to help. They wipe and you continue to solo around 30% hp two of them suddenly come back to life, spam a bunch of particle effects and trigger the aoe. Repeatedly until you ragequit.
Or the dudes stuck at lupi who get angry at you for not ressing them/resetting when they all die. If you do solo lupi, they’ll kick you after he’s down.
well at least you got to kill him! I got kicked before I could finish him. Pugs can be a pain sometimes
Thought I would share this with you guys too.
I do not feel the need to hide his name cause anet created this build to do what it was made for. However if I get infracted for this, anet also things its a kitten build and the individuals who run them should not be named because it is an insult to their intelligence.
PS. ill let you know if I get infracted
1st pic is at beginning of arah p3
2nd pic is where im fighting the crusher in the poisen
(healing guards got to love them)
This is why we all should pug