Detha Frissotroll is getting on my nerves...
Make sure she is out of combat before you start the dialogue, it’s worth the wait.
Just make sure your group runs to the back of the room avoiding the event area.
I haven’t had in bug in over 2 months and the only reason it bugged that last time was because someone who had detha’s aggro ran right through the center. ’
That being said NPCs in this game suck and some of them ruin things so often -_-
I haven’t had Detha bug out in the Hall of Champions for months aside from one time I was soloing and I let her die during the Flooded Temple event. When this happens, the NPC auto ressurects itself and it gets broken from there. Never had an issue with people being in combat resulting in the NPC not triggering as we run through the middle of the room everytime.
Just don’t let her die during the Flooded Temple event and she shouldn’t bug out at all.
I haven’t had Detha bug out in the Hall of Champions for months aside from one time I was soloing and I let her die during the Flooded Temple event. When this happens, the NPC auto ressurects itself and it gets broken from there. Never had an issue with people being in combat resulting in the NPC not triggering as we run through the middle of the room everytime.
Just don’t let her die during the Flooded Temple event and she shouldn’t bug out at all.
Oh wow didnt know this. I haven’t failed flooded temple in a long time so im not sure if it happened when it bugged for me but maybe. thanks for the info