Did I jsut get cheated

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


1. Well, thats not your fault entirely, but from now on do some research before going into other dungeons to not repeat this situation.

2. What is your “fighting style”? Sword is superior in every possible way. End of story.

3. As i said, 2 ice bow is more than enough for that part. Here you can see how inefficient was both the group and individuals.

Skipping is not an exploit, unless you go trough the texture. If you go pass mobs it’s just that, going past mobs.
Going with berserker gear wouldn’t solve all the problems. Weapon choice (see above), runes, sigils and of course traits have big effect on your gameplay.

4. It just takes practice. After a “few” run you will get the hang of it and can try to run in full offensive setup. Don’t be affraid. AC is horribly easy now post patch, due to how downscaling works.

5. Check out some guides, maybe you will find some information there. I would advice THIS video and THIS and ofc check out the class forum for further advice, because in PvE mesmer is kinda complicated to trait now.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Jesus people, I don’t pretend to be the greatest poster in the world, but stop the blind attacks. Yes I get frustrated easily, that doesn’t mean I don’t care.

1) I dont think that boss is ‘the hardest boss in the world’ I just had no idea what to do against him, and the only advice the guy who knew what he was doing had, was to skip and not fight him. And yes, in restrospect we got a bad team with an inexperienced leader and an elitist veteran, given our veteran decided not to tell us the one-shot kills only really work with beserker gear.
2) Stop bashing other weapons. Every weapon has it’s purpose. yes, in many spots the greatsword was useless due to it’s low close range damage, but in some situations(like hitting burrows cross room) its damage output was greater. Yes, I’m aware the greatsword isn’t as efficient or reliable, but I won’t change my entire fightingstyle for a character like that, personal rule of mine.

1. He oneshots with most gear. IIRC. there was a time when I ran knights. He gave no qualms about laughing at my pitiful attempts to “tank” his damage.
2.Versatility. You just said you have none. You just said if a weapon helps the group out you wont change. That is quite horrible.

I NEVER enter any dungeon without 1 of each major weapon. on ele that means I have 5daggers, 2 focuses, 3 staves, 2 of the other offhand things i cant remember.
Guardian- 3 greatswords 2 swords 3 focuses, 2 ooticr,

Heck I am even that way with armor. Your inflexibility Id work on it.

Also- greatswords purpose is to push mobs out of melee range of your melee party members. aka being a kitten

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Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


“Yes, I’m aware the greatsword isn’t as efficient or reliable, but I won’t change my entire fightingstyle for a character like that, personal rule of mine.”

If you’re going to do dungeons efficiently, you’re going to have to be more flexible and learn more about your other weapon options. You really need to be at least competent with each weapon your class can use. GS does have its uses, especially if you’re not comfortable with always being in melee right now. But sword does so much more damage, and it even gives you an attack that lets you go invulnerable WHILE you’re hitting for decent damage. So, I’d suggest having GS for one of your weapons, and then having sword in your main hand for your other set. Your offhand weapon for that set is up to you (I prefer focus, generally). Having a range set and a melee set both equipped will let you be able to jump from range to melee, while still doing damage in both instances.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: linuxotaku.4731


Jesus people, I don’t pretend to be the greatest poster in the world, but stop the blind attacks. Yes I get frustrated easily, that doesn’t mean I don’t care.

1) I dont think that boss is ‘the hardest boss in the world’ I just had no idea what to do against him, and the only advice the guy who knew what he was doing had, was to skip and not fight him. And yes, in restrospect we got a bad team with an inexperienced leader and an elitist veteran, given our veteran decided not to tell us the one-shot kills only really work with beserker gear.
2) Stop bashing other weapons. Every weapon has it’s purpose. yes, in many spots the greatsword was useless due to it’s low close range damage, but in some situations(like hitting burrows cross room) its damage output was greater. Yes, I’m aware the greatsword isn’t as efficient or reliable, but I won’t change my entire fightingstyle for a character like that, personal rule of mine.

1. He oneshots with most gear. IIRC. there was a time when I ran knights. He gave no qualms about laughing at my pitiful attempts to “tank” his damage.
2.Versatility. You just said you have none. You just said if a weapon helps the group out you wont change. That is quite horrible.

I NEVER enter any dungeon without 1 of each major weapon. on ele that means I have 5daggers, 2 focuses, 3 staves, 2 of the other offhand things i cant remember.
Guardian- 3 greatswords 2 swords 3 focuses, 2 ooticr,

Heck I am even that way with armor. Your inflexibility Id work on it.

Also- greatswords purpose is to push mobs out of melee range of your melee party members. aka being a kitten

GS 4 has a cripple, which is useful for solo’ing champs in open world PvE. There are some uses for greatsword w/ mesmer — it’s fine for AFK’ing mobs in a zerg, and useful when multiboxing — but I agree that it is inefficient in dungeons.

E.g. — if you’re in a group which wants to kite the spider queen, I wouldn’t mind someone else in the party using GS on mesmer. Stacking is better if you want a fast, smooth run — but kiting can be fun if you’re interested in seeing the different mechanics (rather than just avoiding ones which make this take longer and raise the risk of a wipe). But I would mind a mesmer using GS when stacking: in addition to the fact that it does less damage, the phantasm berserker will probably go out of melee range, triggering the nasty AoE attacks (either that or the ranger pet is probably why they were wiping on the spider queen when stacking).

To the OP: if you use less efficient weapons, traits, and strategies, then everything will take longer and because it takes longer it will be harder (more opportunities to make mistakes, to be worn down, and to use up your defensive utilities). If you ignore advice about more efficient weapons, you’ll get no sympathy from me.

Also: I play Guardian as much as Elementalist, and a meta Guardian can be quite effective at DPS, while providing group defense and a few other buffs; your assertion that “guardian is a support class, not a killing class” is just wrong. You and your friends might want to play Guardian that way, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be played to kill things fast.

(edited by linuxotaku.4731)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


Are we really going to go off insulting an etntire weapon line calling eveyr aspect of it garbage? This is hitting pure arrogance. Not only is insulting an entire weapon line because you personally dont fine it useful rather stupid(that isnt how GW2 works anyway, if it was I would have quit).

edit: stop using ‘efficient’, NO ONE seems to have any idea what it means. DPS is not efficiency, stop using words you don’t know to jsutify yourself.
edit: and stop using ‘efficient’. NO ONE has used it properly or even bothered to address a definition, stop using words you don’t understand to bash someone elses style.
This is the knid of things that make me angry, This is the poison in any community, THIS is why i apologized to someone in TF2 server for being a jerk to him. Just because you happen to find a weapon less useful does not give you the right to insult every aspect of it’s use as if its worse. Your strategies are not any better or worse than someone else’s, so back off and stop being so arrogent.
What you define as “efficient” is not right, it’s not better, and you have no right to bash an entire fightingstyle created by the designers just because of YOUR sense of efficiency. I find beserker rushes to be completely worthless, they are too squishy and die in seconds. I find the work you put in to fighting to not be payed off well when you either win right off the back, or are incapable of doing anything. That to me is worthless and a waste of time. Does that make me right? NO, and it doesnt make you right either. BACK, OFF.
you’re your builds are your builds, if you want to propose a build of stats and gear because you find it useful, fine, but dont go kittening on everyone else for not using some setup you personally don’t recognize as ‘efficient’

As for the inflexibility, yes, my guy sues greatswords. Do I use it exclusively? no, but I’m not going to find and carry around a weapon perfect for my character’s idea, just to fill someone else’s goals. I can’t afford to carry around every possible weapon, nor will I try. Thats not inflexibility, thats the nature of a life, you make choices and stick to those choices, not try to play xenos gambit every time you do something.

(edited by VideoGamermike.5813)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: shakome.7458


with the attitude you have, i’m surprise there is people who’s willing to help you

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387



You are way too arrogant now. Leave the forums please, thanks!


Read it.

(edited by Dalanor.5387)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Laar.5476



You are way too arrogant now. Leave the forums please, thanks!


Read it.

He’s probably better off just quitting, this game obviously isn’t what he is looking for.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rainynoble.6531


edit: stop using ‘efficient’, NO ONE seems to have any idea what it means. DPS is not efficiency, stop using words you don’t know to jsutify yourself.

I run dungeons for 1 year+, let me tell you what efficiency is:

1. Are you running 10+ dungeon paths per day for gold? efficient = fast clear time = skipping + stack + experienced meta zerkers.

2. Want to experience dungeons with no mentors? efficient = anything, you are gonna get wiped many times regardless, during launch no one knows what to do and most runs are disaster until people figured out the least painful way to clear them.

number one and number two does not mix. a zerker will be the first one to die in ptv party. a ptv’er will bring down dps thus more time to kill = more chances for other zerkers to die.

my final advice:

1. Play how you want, but don’t expect others to appreciate your play style.
2. Make your own group, don’t join zerker speed runs if you are not gonna run Meta Dps traits + zerkers.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


edit: ray, I did make my own group, I still got the same garbage from 2 of 5 of my team, I had to fight half my team to not get crammed into a corner. And part one of your final advice works both ways. Not everyone has to appreciate how I play or what I consider to be strong, but it doesn’t give everyone else to sit here and kitten on anyone who likes the greatsword and is trying to find ways to use it properly. It seems a chunk of this forum can’t take you final advice.

sigh Dalnor, you didn’t read your own article did you? The point of that article stated that the value of playing to win isn’t to win, it’s not about results, its about the means to get there. It’s about taking a strategy that works and trying to make the best of it, examing what works and doesnt work, and where it works and doesnt work….and I agree. It was a fascinating read even through I have seen it four times now. (I also like the artical “powergaming vs roleplayers” for similar.)
However you have not embodied that. Wanna know how many stratgies I found for the spider queen outside of third party walkthroughs? One, hide in corner and spam 1-5, and pray your DPS is enough. If it works for you, fine, but that to me is a waste of time, and a waste of a good dungeon boss.

I don’t want to cram into a corner and spam from a corner, unable to dodge, unable to see, or unable to feel like I did anything but spammed 1-5 and prayed. That isn’t fun. for some it may be, keep me out of it. What I kittened at is the groups on these forums who seem to have it in their heads that if something doesn’t kill the opponent within the smallest time possible, its not worth it, or it’s lesser than everyone else. Thats not how real competition works. You wanna quote thia article, understand it’s themeatics and ideals of action of result first, and know that how fast you kill something is not the same as ‘winning efficiently.’ Good day, I’m done arguing with you on this.

(edited by VideoGamermike.5813)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kaiser.8504


Agree to disagree, now stop spewing this all over the forum.

That is all.

Secretly an elitist jaguar
[Noob] Info Desk | [LOD]

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


However you have not embodied that. Wanna know how many stratgies I found for the spider queen outside of third party walkthroughs? One, hide in corner and spam 1-5, and pray your DPS is enough. If it works for you, fine, but that to me is a waste of time, and a waste of a good dungeon boss.

Bad for you. My first ever personal experience in AC was nearly the same as for you. Fresh lvl80, WvW guildies, everybody lacks encounter knowledge and i was rolling with necro. My teammates tried to range the spider in the open field and 3 of them insta died, the ele could outlast and dodge a few more, but he died too. Meanwhile i meleed it and soloed from 50% hp. It was kinda obvious how the boss works meanwhile it slaughtered my party. =]
After i started to level up alts both my individual and the whole community got better game experience and misinformation about how vitality and toughness are important in pve started to fade away.

I don’t want to cram into a corner and spam from a corner

No one forces you to do that in your own groups.

unable to dodge

You can dodge at corners too.

unable to see

Use your mouse to adjust the camera.

or unable to feel like I did anything but spammed 1-5 and prayed

Use a proper build, it will feel rewarding and actually it will be rewarding.

That isn’t fun.

Then what is fun for you? Examples please.

for some it may be, keep me out of it

Again, make your own groups.

What I kittened at is the groups on these forums who seem to have it in their heads that if something doesn’t kill the opponent within the smallest time possible, its not worth it, or it’s lesser than everyone else.

It’s pve. Thats how the game works.

Thats not how real competition works.

Again, its pve.

You wanna quote thia article, understand it’s themeatics and ideals of action of result first, and know that how fast you kill something is not the same as ‘winning efficiently.’ Good day, I’m done arguing with you on this.

Read the article again. Good day / night!

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Definition of the word efficient: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Is this a troll account/post? It really seems like it.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967


Inactive member in Dark Renegatus [REN]
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iluzija.1798


Want to be effective in dungeons, learn to weapon swap, as much as you may love a certain weapon there are times and places, I would never use a GS on my mesmer when stacking with the spider queen, id swap to sword/something else.

But what do we know :|

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Advent Leader.1083

Advent Leader.1083

Don’t change your fighting style, don’t complain if you don’t do well on encounters. Learn to adapt.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


- snip -

(especially of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
“fluorescent lamps are efficient at converting electricity into light”

(of a person) working in a well-organized and competent way.
“an efficient administrator”

suffix: -efficient
“an energy-efficient heating system”

If you have 2 employees and 1 gets the job done faster than the other with theoretically the same quality, he is more suited/efficient for the job.

You choose to play as GS, no one should really care if you enjoy it. Go ahead and do it and find people that share that common interest with you. Just a warning that if you get kicked from groups before the run has started do not complain when this happens.

When yoeu enter the forum especially being new, they may hold values different from yours and just like certain groups IRL they form their own sub-culture, if you come into this culture not understanding it and just flailing about it will result in what you just experienced.

Basically your way of communicating was ineffective. You used the forum as a rant, that’s ok too, but expect people to reply to it in ways you do not find to your liking. This is the internet, this is to be expected. “Don’t give advice when no one is asking for it” only applies to people who mind their own business – not to people who rant. So did you come here to seek advice and what people think, or just what you wanted to hear(read)? Because this certainly is not a support group.

(edited by Bread.7516)

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


I have to admit, it may be that I am simply part of a different mindset, but “failure” can be a possible outcome. Especially if you do something for the first time.
Is it a good outcome? No, it isn’t, but it is a possible one.
Of course that is harder on someone who gets “frustrated easily” as you said.

As for me, I’m what I like to think of as a sort of MMORPG veteran and thus I’m no stranger to going into a dungeon mutliple times (or raid-instance in other games where this was way more common) and getting my brains bashed in until I learn how the bloody hell an encounter works to beat it along with everyone else on the team.
Does this constitute as an entertaining and fun way to spend my evening? Sometimes the answer, surprisingly, is yes. But That’s just for me and what is fun and entertaining differs largely for people.

A part of learning an encounter is to adapt to it. If you are unwilling t do so, it will be much harder to beat.
In some parts of your postings you argue that you want to pull through and do it with your own playstyle. In others you argue that your “veteran” simply repeated to do things like every else does even if it didn’t seem to work.
That is a little contradictory, isn’kitten On the one hand you refuse to do adapt yourself and on the other you criticise your veteran that he was unwilling to adapt when what is commonly used didn’t work?
A small sidenote: For some having done a dungeon a lot of times doesn’t necessarily mean that they understood what is actually going on. I do not wish to insult your veteran, and say he falls into this group (simply because I don’t know him). But I have seen a large amount of people doing things in dungeons because everyone does them for the umpteenth time without ever understanding why the bloody hell they are actually done that way.
Btw.: Another possibility is that your veteran wanted you to repeat the encounter in the same way over and over so that you could learn the patterns yourself. Pattern recognition is probably the most important aspect of beating any fight in a game like GW2 in its current state.

I will not argue, that GW2 needs better tutorials for new players. Or that sometimes particle effect storms will obscure what is actually important in GW2.
And I also won’t argue that the gap between open world and explorable dungeons in difficulty for a beginner can resemble the grand canyon.
I will also not argue that some advice given here might seem weird or off putting to a newcomer. But only if you think in terms of going there once and getting everything done in that attempt.
The moment you are willing to acknowledge that maybe not everything can be done the first time, a lot of advice suddenly becomes very useful indeed.
For clarification: I am not talking about beating every encounter on the first try, but I am talking about being able to finish a dungeon path successfully on your first attempt.

However, if all of the above simply isn’t for you, for whatever reasons you might have for it, then I would like to suggest you either reconsider your philosophy about how things should be done or consider that maybe explorable dungeons in GW2 aren’t for you.
OR finding someone who can and is willing to teach you how to do things. But that requires time and patience from both the teacher and you yourself.
I tried to refrain from too snarky comments and rewrote some of my post in order to do so, but this last one I can’t help but put in.
I would normally direct a newcomer to the dungeon mentoring guild. But the attitude you displayed in some of your postings doesn’t partucularly endear you to me and since I highly respect their mentors I’m less certain if I wish to unleash you upon them.
So I would like you to reconsider your behaviour to some degree before going there (if you decide to). For everybody’s sake.

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: VideoGamermike.5813


bangs head on wall.
I am not angyr that people disagree. I would not have said anything if somsone said they didn’t find greatsword mesmer very useful. What I am angry at is the malice. For example the necromancer…the -only- comments I saw called the entire profession ranged of ‘selfish’ to ‘useless’ to ’hurting everyone around them." I was called useless and a waste of space for using a greatsword on mesmer, and I was told not having deflection skills is an act of sheer stupidity that deserved to be laughed at and banned.

These are not acts of culture, they are acts of malice. I don’t mind someone saying “I find grewatsword to be less useful due to its single target damage being too situational”, I mean “greatsword mesmers are just a waste of space.” why not spit in my face while you’re at it.
you wanna paint me out as the one as fault, the one acting malicious, try looking at who I went against. I don’t proclaim I was or am a saint in these arguments, but considering how many times I was subjected to very malicious insults simply for a choice of weapon, did you really expect me to sit quietly or be mr.saint? My friend were right to advice me away from the forums.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


bangs head on wall.
I am not angyr that people disagree. I would not have said anything if somsone said they didn’t find greatsword mesmer very useful. What I am angry at is the malice. For example the necromancer…the -only- comments I saw called the entire profession ranged of ‘selfish’ to ‘useless’ to ’hurting everyone around them." I was called useless and a waste of space for using a greatsword on mesmer, and I was told not having deflection skills is an act of sheer stupidity that deserved to be laughed at and banned.

These are not acts of culture, they are acts of malice. I don’t mind someone saying “I find grewatsword to be less useful due to its single target damage being too situational”, I mean “greatsword mesmers are just a waste of space.” why not spit in my face while you’re at it.
you wanna paint me out as the one as fault, the one acting malicious, try looking at who I went against. I don’t proclaim I was or am a saint in these arguments, but considering how many times I was subjected to very malicious insults simply for a choice of weapon, did you really expect me to sit quietly or be mr.saint? My friend were right to advice me away from the forums.



- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moderator.6840


Hi everyone,

Since this discussion has turned into an inflammatory one, we’ll now close it.

Please keep in mind that all posts should be written in a constructive and polite way. Everyone has the right to give negative/positive feedback as long as the two rules above are respected.

If you see posts that are against those rules, you can always report them (via the little flag at the bottom right of each post) so that the moderation team can act quickly.

Thank you for your understanding.