Different Thaumanova fractals?
Story mode was only available in Living Story season 1.
IIRC, dormitories open up in scale 30.
But ive done the thaumanova fractal multiple times, and everytime, id only need to disable two colliders, and both asura were dead as soon as i entered, the dormitories being plainly sealed off.
How does this all work, and how do you save them?
The timer till the npcs die starts when the first person enters the dormitories. The first NPC to die is the one on the far left (poison chamber), rescue him first by quickly destroying the door. Than the one across (close left from the entrance, fire chamber), also rescued by simply destroying the door. After that I’m not sure of the order, but I think the one with one aaxte inside would die first so that door AND the portal inside (aaxte can be ignored), than the last door and that portal (aaxtes can be ignored again). If one NPC dies that event will fail and in “low” level fractals where you do not have to disable all 4 colliders the door to the collider will NOT open.
If you need to disable all 4 colliders, the door to the collider in the dormitory will be open. A lot of players just rush in solo while the other players are engaged elsewhere, ignoring the npcs, just disabling the collider. Some of those think they can do the same in low fractals and are surprised that the door is closed, not able to rescue the npcs by themselves that area is “abandoned”.
(edited by Bohantopa.5729)